Monday, January 31, 2011

Good Scanner For Comic Book Arists

to administrative Milan

The Cathedral of Milan and the Virgin Mary

Milan has long been one of the most favorable in terms of elections, the center-right coalition, a real stronghold Berlusconi never in danger in electoral competitions held during the Second Republic.

The changed scenario of recent Italian politics, and in particular the creation of the third pole with the separation between Silvio Berlusconi and Gianfranco Fini and the latter's alliance with the UDC of Pier Ferdinando Casini, however, have partially changed this balance by making the administration of the 2011 competition, if not in balance in terms of the result, at least interesting because of the possibility of reaching a runoff and possible alliances that would follow.

Compared to other cities involved in the local elections, in fact, in Milan the grid is almost complete in terms of candidates for mayor is the perimeter of the coalition.
In the meantime, however, have all the names of candidates in such a way so as to assess the profile el ' electoral appeal on Milanese should not be overlooked - as we did for Turin and Bologna - the historical trend of the opposing coalitions in order to try to understand where and how the separation of the third pole of the ranks of the center will be decisive. A

this link is an Excel file containing information relating to elections Milanese 1 between 2005 and 2010, with the exception of the 2009 European elections: they have been considered for the construction time series, only elections for a single-judge offices. One exception is the presence of the elections, considered due to the strong personalization those employed by them mainly due to della nascita del fenomeno Berlusconi.

Confronto centrodestra-centrosinistra
nel Comune di Milano (2005-2010)

Il grafico conferma la preponderanza della coalizione di centrodestra nel comune meneghino, una maggioranza continua nel tempo e sempre - salvo l'eccezione delle Politiche 2008 e delle Provinciali 2009 - al di sopra della maggioranza assoluta, anche senza raggiungere mai dimensioni particolarmente eclatanti.
In particolare, il centrodestra predomina in città con una media del 51,44% e deviazione standard del 2,13%, mentre il centrosinistra arranca quasi dieci punti indietro al 42,52% medium and 3.62% of variance. The relative strength of the coalitions are the order of 1.2 / 1.3 to 1 between the center and the center, with scissors in the enlargement in 2008. Both coalitions have lower standard deviations, which shows a certain homogeneity in terms of turnout by voters of both sides.
The sharp declines in support that is found in the center between 2006 and 2008, compared to less marked descent of the center, however, shows how the separation of the radical reformist left to have weighed much more, in terms of consensus, of farewell UDC to Berlusconi's team. Also significant that the center, also strong weight as a candidate Formigoni, has been able to trace in part the china in 2010, while the center-langue steady for the past three consultations just under 40% of the vote.

The balance of power between parties within the coalition reflects the national trend in Milan.

Value-PDL League
in the Municipality of Milan (2005-2010)

Report PD - IdV - SEL
in the Municipality of Milan (2005-2010)

For both coalitions there is a progressive, marked erosion of the consensus of the major parties, PD and PDL, in favor of the Northern League, Italy of Values \u200b\u200band Left Ecology and Freedom. If the Northern League and Italy of Values, however, can talk about winning the consent between 2006 and 2008, the time interval in which the two teams have more than doubled the consensus, so it was not for the electoral events between 2008 and 2010, when the highest specific weight in the coalition was primarily motivated by the loss of votes of the major parties against abstention.

course the graphics do not take into account the presence of minor lists, often civic constituency that traditionally fish in the basin of the major parties, so the effect shown here is enhanced compared to the real.

Results obtained by the center in the Municipality of Milan (2005 - 2010)
Click to view the animation

results obtained from center-
in the City of Milan (2005 - 2010)
Click to view the animation

districts in the City Milan (2005 - 2010)
Click to view the animation

As shown in the cartograms above, the victory of the center in Milan is also well distributed from the geographical point of view: in the last five years the center has not never been able to prevail in any district town.
However, it is interesting to see how the variability of the center-left coalition - most of the other party changes over time - has in turn moved the district in which this coalition obtained more preferences: if the center-classical style Union, it obtained the best results in division IX (Stazione Garibaldi - Niguarda) e nella VI (Barone - Lorenteggio), il progressivo distacco dell'ala radicale della coalizione ha portato una perdita sostanziale di consensi nella IX e un moderato acquisto nella III (Città Studi - Lambrate - Venezia), divenuta a sua volta a tratti addirittura la circoscrizione di punta della coalizione progressista nel capoluogo lombardo.

Peso delle circoscrizioni
nel Comune di Milano (2005-2010)

Proprio il peso delle circoscrizioni può assumere a Milano un'importanza considerevole: sia pure in un contesto di sostanziale stabilità nel tempo, infatti, si notano tra un appuntamento elettorale and the other variations of the weight percentage of large constituencies, especially among the most deployed: the I (Old Town) for the center, and IX for the center. Applications

expressed by the two main coalitions are quite extreme when placed on the spectrum of political positions: Giuliano Pisapia, with a past as independent parliamentary ranks of the PRC Conuista, won the primary with the support of the center of the more radical coalition, and Letizia Moratti, a former education minister in the governments Berlusconi II and III, has always been one of the women more loyal to Berlusconi's line. While this leaves little room for more applications most extreme, it opens a gap at the center will attempt to fill the Third Pole presumably with a high-profile institutional candidacy. It will be important to understand how to collect the third largest center-right and center, but given even numbers, the victory in the first round of the Moratti can not be considered in the safe.
Of course this election is shaping up as the Virgin Mary and then as one of the most fought in recent years, and not just for purely local factors: Milan is the place where you are holding the trial of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, including that the so-called imminent Ruby-gate. For this reason, in this city much more than elsewhere, is likely to disappear real sense of competition - albeit important election of the mayor of the second Italian city - for now sadly come to express the usual game of the referendum for or against Berlusconi.

1: The site of the City of Milan became part of the sources of the blog

Friday, January 28, 2011

What Does A Red Face Indicate

The reasons for the unlawful obstruction

Ugo De Siervo, President of the Constitutional Court

January 25 was filed Judgement 23/2011 first issued on 13th of the month by the Constitutional Court, ruling in which was partially rejected the Law 51/2010, entitled Provisions for refusal to appear at the hearing but known as "legal impediment".

In accordance with this Act, the President of the Council of Ministers and the Ministers of the Republic constitute cause for such failure to appear in court, besides the activities defined in Law 400/1988, Legislative Decree 303/1999 in and the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 10 November 1993 , including preparatory activities and consequential damages and any activities deemed co-essential, function of government. What an
is or is not cause for such failure are also entitled to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and the court has no choice but to postpone the hearing to a later date, up to a maximum of six months unless duplication. This period of suspension is not counted toward the requirement.
The law is considered applicable also to the processes under way, of every grade and type.

to the degree of adherence in terms of content and timing of the law with the actual situation faced by the Chairman of the Board, by a narrow ruling on the Mills case, at least at first instance, approaches inexorably despite the imminent requirement, jump immediately evident in the content of the law system di fattuale autocertificazione messo in mano alla Presidenza del Consiglio.
Il Presidente del Consiglio è colui che certifica se le azioni del Presidente del Consiglio costituiscono legittimo impedimento alla presentazione del Presidente del Consiglio in tribunale.

Questo meccanismo è sostanzialmente ciò che ha spinto le sezioni I e X del Tribunale di Milano, ed il GIP del medesimo tribunale, a sollevare tra il marzo ed il giugno 2010 le eccezioni le eccezioni di costituzionalità alla legge che hanno poi portato alla sentenza della Consulta del 13 gennaio 2011.

Al momento dell'esame della legge, la Corte Costituzionale ha votato a larga maggioranza - ma non all'unanimità - per una bocciatura parziale del testo. Hanno discordant opinion judges Finocchiaro, Mazzella and Napolitano, who were inclined rather to the failure of all the exceptions of unconstitutionality.
In detail, has been completely rejected the paragraph 4 of Article 1, paragraph 3 partially rejected, promoted paragraphs 2, 5 and 6 and also promoted the first paragraph in the form re-interpreted by the Court.

While the effects of rejection are evident at the political level, with the imminent resumption of trials of Silvio Berlusconi, it is equally important to understand the motivations that led to the rejection, even partial, of the law.
According to the consultation, it is stated in the ruling, the characteristics of self and continuity that paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 1 of the Act are cause for such failure, as they had raised sections I and X of the Court of Milan and the GIP of the same court, a continuous form of immunity in the short term compared to the non-Justiciability provided by Lodo Schifani and by Alfano. The judgments
24/2004 and 262/2009 for the two awards are in fact cited a legal precedent in assessing the law on such failure, he conveyed the previous sentence in a decisive way towards removing the causes of continuatività is automatic - albeit factual and non-formal - the state of impediment.
Similarly, the decisions 225/2001, 263/2003 , 284/2004 and 451/2005 restrict and regulate the relationship between the powers in cases where the accused parliamentary roles: the Court held that the position of 'Parliamentary defendant "is not assisted by special constitutional guarantees" and against it are fully applied "the general rules of the trial" , while taking due account of the need to charge so that is programmed the schedule of hearings to avoid overlap with the days of the meeting of Parliamentary . No need then for additional protection laws governing the rules of court appearance of those elected by the people, because the existing law already covers the full series.
The Court then determined that the law on such failure as proposed provides for an exception to the normal rules of a process, the points where the accused can afford to furnish general and unspecified reasons and the inability of the court as an impediment to evaluate and possibly reject the impediment.

In detail the individual points of the law, the consultation considered that paragraph 1, which lists general points constituting such failure, is declared as unconstitutional because there is at least an interpretation of the law which is in line with the dictates of Constitution. Will be the judge to declare from time to time the spirit with which the impediment was required. It then reads the attempt to re-interpretation of the law only in a spirit of genuine cooperation between the powers of state the text of this section does not go against the Constitution, the judge and evaluate each time it is used if it is or is not in the groove. Paragraph 3
effectively limits the ability of the court to reject the impediment to only two cases: that the reason given is not to be, or may not be attributable to a function co-essential work of government. The Court has declared unconstitutional the paragraph to the extent that it limits the functions of the court than expected from ' Article 420-ter of the Code of Criminal Procedure 2. According to the consultation, in fact, the law under consideration would deprive the court of the possibility of entering into the merits of the reasons given and to judge the level of compulsory nature of the urgency of the summons in court: paragraph 3 of the Act enables a straightforward assessment of the binary possibility that the alleged commitment is or is not cause for such failure, and, if so, allows the judge to just move the hearing. The ruling returns the Look instead to the judiciary the final say on the assessment of the impediment, allowing an assessment of not only quantitative but also qualitative.
Paragraph 4, finally, with the procedure of self replaces existing law with an exemption applies only to the figures of the Prime Minister and Ministers. In addition to being contrary to Article 3 of the Constitution, the procedure provided for in paragraph 4 prevents the court to assess the various commitments given to prevent, since the form is valid time, ongoing and potentially repeatable in the time to ' infinity without the need to specify the precise daily commitments that causes obstructions.

A large majority, therefore, the consultation has rejected the spirit of a law that would have heavily altered the balance of power from judiciary to the executive, creating a permanent shield to the processability of the powers that be.
The strong references to the Constitution, the Code of Criminal Procedure and the previous judgments of the Court on the show there is strong structural system to defend the fundamental right of equality before the law and the right / duty to face justice in a fair process rights, despite continuous efforts we are seeing in recent years, it is not so easy to bend rules tailored to deal with situations much - too much - personalistic.

1: The search page of the judgments of the Constitutional Court becomes parte delle fonti del blog
2 : il Codice di Procedura Penale entra a far parte delle fonti del blog

Monday, January 24, 2011

Russianbare Home Mpegs

The primary Bologna said Merola

Virginio Merola

Il 23 gennaio 2011 si sono svolte a Bologna le primarie del centrosinistra finalizzate alla scelta del candidato sindaco per le elezioni amministrative previste per questa primavera.
Con 28.363 partecipanti e 28.120 voti validi l'appuntamento si può senza dubbio considerare come un grande successo - superato di circa 4.000 unità il dato delle primarie che incoronarono Flavio Delbono nel 2008, che però riguardavano solo candidati expression of PD - after the heartache he had caused the low turnout in Milan.

The outcome of the primaries, which saw contrasting Frascaroli, Merola and Zacchiroli, resolved strongly in favor of the latter, expressed the official candidate by the Democratic Party, whose preferences 16,407, representing 58.35% of the total, have shut off noticeably Frascaroli, civic-sponsored by SEL (10,119 votes, representing 35.99%) and Zacchiroli, also a Civic (1,594 preferences, 5.67% of total).

Candidate Frascaroli Merola Zacchiroli Blank / Null Total
Ducati 467 (19.92%) 1743 (74.36%) 134 (5.72%) 8 2352
Navile 1629 (30.76%) 3450 (65.14%) 217 (4.10%) 35 5331
Porto 888 (42.90%) 1059 (51.16%) 123 (5.94%) 26 2096
Reno 784 (28.89%) 1786 (65.81%) 144 (5.31%) 24 2783
San Donato 665 (29.10%) 1499 (65.60%) 121 (5.30) 21 2306
Santo Stefano 1594 (53.17%) 1219 (40.66%) 185 (6.17%) 37 3035
San Vitale 1.425 (45.31%) 1509 (47.98%) 211 (6.71%) 39 3184
Zaragoza 1177 (48.38%) 1075 (44.18%) 181 (7.44%) 28 2461
Savena 1220 (27.76%) 2980 (67.57) 210 (4.76%) 22 4432
special seats 270 (63.53%) 87 (20.47%) 68 (16.00%) 3 428
Total 10,119 (35.99%) 16.407 (58,35%) 1.594 (5,67%) 243 28.363

Il risultato delle primarie bolognesi risponde e normalizza in qualche modo la situazione rispetto a Milano, quando da più parti si era parlato di un Partito Democratico travolto dallo strumento da esso stesso inventato e di un vero e proprio "effetto PD" in grado di penalizzare significativamente i candidati espressione di tale partito.
La netta vittoria di Merola in qualche modo sfata questa visione, mostrando come il traino dei partiti possa esprimersi tanto in negativo quanto in positivo e riconducendo then the outcome of the vote to choose between people and programs in the running. Indeed, as it was wrong to claim that Milan's victory Pisapia was a defeat for the PD, it is equally wrong to assume that the result will be a victory for Merola.
In a correct reading, which considers the primary a constructive search for the ideal candidate for the coalition and not an internal settling of scores, the two events in Milan and Bologna are to be interpreted only as cases in which the largest party the coalition has proposed that candidates respectively were not and were considered the best to beat the center.

course, a still relatively new and little run-in - Especially at the local level - such as that of the primaries makes the argument above slightly utopian: the primaries in one way or another are unfortunately used as evidence of power between the parties, the currents and the people of a coalition, tests of strength still bound to the rule that the loser will then be adequate to support the winner in the elections. Just to be adulterated
use of the instrument then situations can arise that produce results in which the winning candidate is one with more chance of winning the election, but the one with the most powerful apparatus behind it, whether it's a party , a leader , a movement of opinion.
The focal point is: the instrument working? The primaries, at present, are distorted or are able to serve their purpose, namely to identify the best candidate for the election?
The mobilization of the PD which has enjoyed Merola is no less worthy of the effect Vendola Pisapia which led to his victory in Milan. Pisapia and Merola have been able to count on both devices successful, albeit with different connotations and extraction. Stigmatize the first event as a victory against the established order and the second as a gray assertion of a power system actually means from a point of view, while legitimate, not entirely focused on the real meaning of the primaries. Both were Merola Pisapia is an expression of a successful system-wide coalition, in their own environment, and the very fact that the primary stresses and environments are able to help the victory of candidates from different cores of the center is a significant indicator of health and goodness this tool.

would be much more serious pollution of the voting cases that would occur in a situation where dense crowds of voters outside the coalition had infiltrators in the primaries of the center in some way to distort the result. Vista also high and unexpected contribution to the appointment of Bologna, one can say this was the case?

breakdown of the vote in the municipal district
2009 (center only) - Primary 2011

As you can see by comparing the votes received by the center in the first round of municipal Felsinee of 2009 and those 2011 of the primary unbundling by quarter, you may notice a general phenomenon of polarization with more references to the primary, there have been historically deployed in neighborhoods both with and against the center - and Ducati Navile one hand, and Santo Stefano and from Zaragoza 'else. The intermediate districts have rather seen a stationary but a slight decrease. The only exception is the
Savena populous district, the only one who has seen a change, no, more than a percentage point. Being a generally quite favorable to the district center, this figure is perhaps the only alarm bell on a day otherwise be considered positive for the coalition, while taking into account that, being a percentage point in this situation is convertible into approximately 350 people, these variations are within the limits of normal statistical fluctuations.

The increase from Santo Stefano and Zaragoza, representing a +1.59% of the total weight of these two constituencies in the composition of the vote, is intended as infiltration of the center of the consultations? Two factors allow
to deny this hypothesis.

results obtained by Virginio Merola
broken down by constituency

Results from Amelia Frascaroli
broken down by constituency

The first consideration, as already discussed above, is purely numerical. The increase has been observed compared to the votes of the municipal center, 2009 by St. Stephen's and Zaragoza, in terms assolulti, is estimated at around 550 units, or a lower level 2% of the total shareholding, totally inadequate in the event of a systematic attempt to sabotage the consultation.
Moreover, noting the geographical distribution of the vote, it is evident that the Frascaroli has been able to attract their approval in the two constituencies concerned, Santo Stefano also managed to obtain an absolute majority of votes. The peculiarities of the figure of Amelia Frascaroli - Catholic, linked to Caritas - then in all likelihood have attracted more voters tied to the Catholic world and on the margins of the traditional constituency of the center.

Merola's victory in the primaries, a victory so convincing in size, and so attached to the structure of victories that the center has collected over the last year in Bologna, closes certainly some doubt about the next administration, but open up others of equal capacity. It is inevitable that Merola is seen both as a personal history in terms of both candidates that he faced as an expression of the PD leadership. That's his position that the alien sympathies to all those who voted in the primaries or not because Zacchiroli Frascaroli as such, but to protest against the 'establishment party, who chose a candidate for rupture as such. Merola will be difficult to maintain these ratings, if the bond of loyalty given by the primary - the loser who wins support - not enough to ensure support of this slice of the voting population. Probably some of these votes will end up in voter turnout, or to a lesser extent, to the Movement 5 Stars.
At the same time it is evident that the Frascaroli were better able to broaden the consensus of the Catholic moderate center-left electorate: its success in neighborhoods traditionally hostile to the center proves it. However
Merola has proved largely unable to call the electorate to vote on the left, as demonstrated by the excellent performance obtained from Ducati and Navile than the city average. The profiling of the application is therefore clear: a classic exponent of the party, the strong consensus of the militants in which pesca a piene mani ma poco capace di attirare nuovi voti rispetto comunque ad alternative dal profilo nettamente più innovativo.
Saranno quindi le mosse del centrodestra, del Terzo Polo e del MoVimento 5 Stelle a definire una volta per tutte il quadro delle amministrative delle due Torri.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Army Aviation Indian Tribes

Love in the Time of bunga bunga

Barbara Faggioli, Concetta ed Emanuela De Vivo, Iris Berardi,
Karima El Mahroug, Nicole Minetti, Roberta Bonasia

DISCLAIMER: gli stralci che seguono fanno parte dei verbali delle intercettazioni ambientali e delle deposizioni legate al cosiddetto Ruby-gate pubblicate su Dagospia, Libero, The Republic, The Daily Done and appeared on TV on several occasions. The post will be deleted if it were to emerge, the illegality of such publications.

July 10, 2010 - Karima El Mahroug between wiretapping and Luca Risso

Karima El Mahroug: listen to 'na thing. I felt with him. Luca Risso
Who's he? Karima El
Mahroug: him! Luca Risso
him: he him? He is the great? Karima El
Mahroug: luiii, Jesus Anyway ... Luca Risso
: eee? Karima El
Mahroug: I felt with him that called me ... Luca Risso
: yes
Karima El Mahroug: just called me three minutes ago, then called after me Rubba. He told me, hath been heard with with Lele, I did, I wrote everything with the lawyer and he told me he knew I've said so many things. I said, look, I have said many things, but I've hidden a lot. I said what I said all I have said for a simple reason, that I was making before the evidence could not deny. I am, but we are not in danger, we are in trouble, he says, but they are things to overcome. I said yes, but I wanted you to do one more question, I said, that is what interests me more. Tell me, I said, that is, I want at least, this whole situation I will come up with something, because the whole situation that is, frankly, do not give a damn. He does, it's normal, I he says to me, told me a strange that I said when the sea is rough is not that people allow themselves to allow themselves to succumb, boh, a thing, that makes me

July 12, 2010 - Deposition of Catherine Pasquino

APPLICATION: during his acquaintance with the Ruby, the same has told her some of his friends to famous people?
ANSWER: I remember that he said he was a close friend of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, with whom, he said, was often at the home of the Premier where he dined, danced and had sex with him, which gave her a lot of money.

13 agosto 2010 - intercettazione telefonica tra Dario Mora e Roberta Bonasia

Dario Mora: visto che sarai la... l'infermiera ufficiale...
Roberta Bonasia: sì anche lui mi ha detto così...
Dario Mora: devi fargli uno scherzo... devi prenderti su... quello che si misura la pressione finto e poi prendi su... un camicione quello che si usa...
Roberta Bonasia: quello, quello da dottoressa... con sotto niente ovviamente...
Dario Mora: ce l'hai? ce l'hai quello?...
Roberta Bonasia: eh, no, no...
Dario Mora: lo devi andar a comprare oggi...
Roberta Bonasia: eh, vado a comprarlo... sì perché non ce l'ho... viene carino però, sì, yes
Dario Mora: you put a stethoscope ... Roberta
Bonasia: is it true?
Dario Mora: about ... the ... shroud nurse ... Roberta
Bonasia: Dario Mora and former
: white stockings and under the ...
Bonasia Roberta: I do see Lele, I swear that I do ... I lack the courage, believe me
Dario Mora: surprise, but you have to do ... are the nurse Roberta
Bonasia: surprise ... because then I said ...
Dario Mora: I have to go tell him ... Roberta
Bonasia a visit ... Private ... to make sure his state of health ...
Dario Mora: exactly ... Roberta
Bonasia: to be absolutely ... high level of good ... Dario
Mora: exactly ... You know what amuses him for such a thing ... to laugh to death
Roberta Bonasia: fact, fact ... for what little I knew I assure you it is ... is a joke, in fact eh ...
Dario Mora: yeah ... yes ... does the fake sick, sick ... makes the false

August 23, 2010 - Nicole Minetti wiretap and Barbara Fagg

Barbara Fagg: Roberta
Nicole Minetti: Yes
Barbara Fagg: how
Nicole Minetti: cute ... Barbara Fagg
: yes
Nicole Minetti: mmm nice ... I believe in love
Barbara Fagg, what?
Nicole Minetti: I believe in love, him ... Barbara Fagg
: her?
Nicole Minetti: Yes, I think yes ... Barbara Fagg
: not
Nicole Minetti: I think he lost his ugly head ... Barbara Fagg
, but come on, tell
Nicole Minetti: No, come on ... has lost his mind ... bah ... is in love ... the love it ... Barbara Fagg
, but even there?
Nicole Minetti: Yes, yes, yes ... No, it's crazy, I swear, I've never seen so, in my vata, with no
Barbara Fagg, but davero?
Nicole Minetti: I swear, Barby ... unspeakable

September 4, 2010 - Emilio Fede between tapping and Dario Mora

Emilio Fede, but no, but all had to say, but not e. .. that is, a moment that Daniel, then there should be "Oh no, but maybe out of shyness," but fuck imidezza lat ...
Dario Mora: eh, eh, eh
Emilio Fede ... but you know to say thank you!
Dario Mora: blindside when the fuck, if they notice the shyness or not?
Emilio Fede: eh, eh ... Exactly!
Dario Mora: ha ha!
Emilio Fede: When the blindside and then fuck in exchange for the money ... okay? And fuck!
Dario Mora: But it's crazy stuff!

September 8, 2010 - Karima El Mahroug between wiretapping and Antonio Passaro

Antonio Passaro: You have a dad, uncle ... him as you call it? His uncle, grandfather? How do you call? Karima El
Mahroug: And no, popes
Antonio Passaro: And we're in good shape, my Lady! Do as lanapoletana, the Popes called it
Karima El Mahrough: No, no, the Neapolitan is another thing, I have another
Antonio Passaro: Ah
Karima El Mahroug: And that is the apple, I'm the ass

September 17, 2010 - wiretap between Joseph Spinelli and Karima El Mahrough

Karima El Mahrough: only one thing, however, please do not forget to tell him my request
Giuseppe Spinelli: Yes, yes yes yes, I ce I have already known is
Karima El Mahrough: yes because he told me he would help me all the time but I have not heard even then I lost contact
Giuseppe Spinelli: I understand, yes, yes
Karima El Mahrough: I tried to call Villa Grazioli, Villa San Martino, but I do not respond at all and two, I always answer the answer, however I need only five thousand euro, that is
Giuseppe Spinelli: mmm, mmm
Karima El Mahrough: if I can say

September 19, 2010 - Interception telephone between Nicole Minetti and MV

Nicole Minetti: No, but I wanted it for a moment on what Briffa, in the sense ... swear that you do not take bad in the sense that they see all that is you will do your dicks and I do my cocks for heaven's sake, however, see it all ... ie in the sense that you understand the total disperacion more .. is that people is the chance of a lifetime so I see any trust in me that he focuses on the French Sbrocca take the good and all. Tell him everything you do ... second degree ... you were a. .. three months at the Sorbonne that he also studied at the Sorbonne yes yes, it enhances not bad going into the details o. .. see what you did ... you what you did at the Sorbonne ... you did during the French?? Uhhh OK all these things to him like that ... ehh I say no no in the sense that in the sense to come into sympathy in the sense ... Meli said outside no teeth ... There are various types of ... people is the bitch, there is a South American who does not speak Italian and comes from the favelas there is a bit 'more serious is the middle type Barbara Fagg and then there's me I do what I realized that here was just not to confuse the mass not Be Shy fregatene sbattetene cock and away we go ...

September 20, 2010 - wiretap between MT and VB

MT: I do not know what ...
VB: Tell me.
MT: ... it is appropriate to talk about some things on the phone, but it is bad. In the sense that èproprio very very bad, yes yes yes yes yes ... eee ...
VB: (inaudible)
MT: a no, well, I did not ...
VB: (inaudible)
MT: No, I tell you, I can say one word and then maybe we'll talk about a voice ...
VB: I've written "shocking"
MT: Oh, no, I use a word more clear, "a puttanaio" that is just ... no no no no no, absolutely no no no!
VB: that you would expect?
MT: No! I mean, I can expect that certain things happen in private, no? Because everyone is absolutely what he wants. I think that there are no problems if an adult? With another adult ... for heaven's sake, go ahead. The problem is occurring in an absolutely shameless, nonchalant in front of all. Then this: last night was the night ...

MT: hmmm yesterday that goes well, in the sense we are, there are different types desperate to end it is clear that there are times when there are more people and times when, perhaps, are hardly more serious no? Last night, and you do not know, because in reality is like in all things, a bit 'by the landlord that the style of the evening is not it?
VB: mmm
MT: and then makes the calls. Last night there were many girls, like a score, and there he and his loyal friend who has an important role, Bassino, mmmm, now goes well, however, and very tan, which speaks well of him, venerates own, you may come to mind who he is, anyway ... and then there was another person still er these three of them and nothing else, and all girls. And we are their revenue without any kind of control in the sense that you come out of the house, and say your name and go through the machine safely. I had my purse, my cell phone, no me haguardata nobody asked me anything. Then, cross the threshold and enter. And the entrance was just that, but not informal, more. Why do these people call "love, sweetie," that is, but its overall level of meanness. You do not imagine anything that you can imagine. Make it mmmm
VB: No, I can only imagine what is written in the newspapers.
MT here, practically in the newspapers say much less than the truth. That is, even when, even when, say, massacre, no, that is, is much worse! Much sadder and much more. I tell you, there's nothing dangerous, it's all on me I just left a bad taste in my mouth. But not because I was afraid, no no no, for the desolation that is, you know when you see those things ...
VB, but more of the person or persons?
MT: No, the pers ... Okay ... the person is and I tell you, that I have had direct contact is not that I met him, I just met, but because he was waiting for me, and he introduced me to everyone, greeted me in a way, the song that is mostly me, just ...
VB: so it was just
MT: yes yes yes
VB: hospitable?
MT: yes yes yes hospitable, but had not understood the question, maybe he and the rest is used that if one goes there ... no?
VB: mmm
MT: everything is ready to say, but I know as you know, I have trouble saying no to anyone so I was in my corner ...

VB: charisma, charismatic.
MT here, do not.
VB: no?
MT: I ended a lot. He ... I seemed to have not faced him, but the caricatures of Bagaglino
VB: mmm
MT: behold, I have lived through the night as if I were in Bagaglino. You know those dives that vulgarity is not even all that imaginative or built? It is not "Eyes Wide Shut"
VB: no no
MT: the movie with Tom Cruise, that is, no!
VB: no no no
MT: a trivial stuff here. I felt there. In this thing that at some point during the evening shift with Augustine, like Maria De Filippi, the one with the piano singing, at some point, no one knows how or why, someone started to show ass and the evening took off from there.
VB: ah!
MT: In a series of things more or less vulgar, but as if you were natural and dicotutti in front of everyone ... so this buttasù
VB, but at this table? After dinner?
MT: No, no, at the table while we ate. After that person stands up and say what is worse in the side, not in the side, in a room-mmm disco's where the most total degenerate that we just, again, in a puttanaio which entertains you like best believes. That is, in the end everyone is free to do whatever he wants in the sense that it is not a private house? And I repeat, I stress that nobody offered me anything asked for anything that is absolutely not at all alluded to. I have been sitting all night, rather than the cigarette fumarmi rather than to send a message to the phone, absolutely respected. Once you know, just the fact of seeing certain things can put you in difficulties.
VB: mmm
MT: maybe he thinks you know what you going to do, but because if all of them is true. No?
VB: Excuse me one thing, but you were not been as, say, prepared a. ..
MT: So no, not really, to a certain point in the sense that she had told me to not offend you, you'll see from a bit 'of everything, but I think you see or advances or availability then But it would be materialized in another place. I mean, you know that if I see a nod or saying that by the by, I know, that's one thing no? And if I see a bacio è un altro discorso...
V. B.: mmm
M. T.: e poi io non ne vedo uno, ma ne vedo venti...
V. B.: poi tu dici, se tanto voglio dire è uno lo spazio c'è t'immagini... piuttosto...
M. T.: quello! Brava! brava!
V. B.: uno va a farsi i fatti suoi da un'altra parte dici.
M. T.: brava, brava è questo che io non mi sono spiegata. Il perché di questo buttasù collettivo e appunto, a giro no? Cioè posso dare un bacio a una come a un'altra, ma così, ripetutamente e ti ripeto davanti a tutti senza che abbia un senso. Perché allora qui c'è l'ostentazione cioè c'è il voler far vedere che lo fai secondo me. E in questo ci deve essere... alla fine... boh... this is a person still very large. You could almost say now, not old, but still ...
VB: mmm
MT: I mean, it has a certain age.
VB: yes you should have some more ...
MT, but not so.
VB: you should not live this way.
MT: No, because ...
VB: these things ...
MT: I would like to stress that the level of beauty, rather than sympathy or intelligence was ten and praise. That is, not all are ... Venezuela is the desperate who does not speak a word which has the clothes and hallucinating, there are even saying that ...
VB: All you
MT: ten beautiful girls and also fine Nicole is a good because the good he has some very striking beauty, but it is a person who knows how to dress in the end no? And last night, in fact .... I can be less beautiful, but I have a certain kind of way you do, however, end ...
VB: yes yes
MT: but no. There were some scary people.
VB: a low level anyway? Da da ...
MT: a very low level.
VB ... things you see on television anyway?
MT: No, but there were subjects of that in that environment, I can quote you the Cipriani.
oh yes yes yes yes yes. absolutely.
VB: ah she looks, she would like to know if there is or us but I think there is. Sure!
MT: Well but in the end them all ... I repeat, a desire that is in that call, I just, I've been on the sidelines and end of the evening I was also asked: "but you have fun?" and I replied: "Well, I mean, this is not my way," but I tell you that I saw him physically different in the sense that when you can see certain things that he has a kind of me to leave you see who has to be redone who has pulled, however, has an air of a person that is very firm, even as he speaks is a communicator is not it? At least in that it is one that sells well ...
VB: carsimatico for what I said in that ...
M. T.: but no. He looked like a watch, I tell you, I am well Bagaglino that the figure of a caricature ...
VB: a caricature of himself.
MT: Yes, bru ... look, something very bad and very sad.
VB: why so much want to tell you, that is, it is completely excluded from what is their say so, I mean their profession.
MT: Absolutely. Maybe I thought that he maintained an attitude and then did his business. But no. Absolutely not. That is, he is in a certain way, but very low and I'm sorry because, boh? No need ...
VB, but maybe sometimes we are just one of those things are just very heavy, I do not know perhaps based on certain things, get to say like "you're sick," that is, suam ogli he said.

VB: sometimes, yes, life will take you from, even in unexpected situations.
MT: Yes. unpredictable. And you see me, I what I see, I have to say that, I have thus considered again, but I could not think of is that in your life that counts much, much, much, maybe I've changed my mind, more health, which unfortunately goes well, sometimes it can not be there, but human relationships are real and sincere. Because when you see just one person who also has so much power, so much money, namely, that really could do anything See, because most of us all coming together ...
VB: Lady!
MT is reduced to doing so, infuse it means is, I'm rather with his nephew's son, his wife did not know, okay?
VB: Lady, there has.
MT: Well done! Anything I do or rather a fid ... so I say, I saw that too many pretty girls did not say no, no? So I do pretty girlfriend so cool in less than thirty years and I enjoy it. Or ...
VB: But from a sense ...
MT: do make sense. I tell you
VB: You say, you do not see the sense?
MT: no. No, do not have it. Why I repeat, then you want the beautiful lover in your room are you doing what you want? But what is the point I'm puttanaio? and it is the lack, the impossibility of Constr ... Are you afraid to build a relationship because you think it is still interested and then do a little 'holiday so, why not tie it to anyone. Why do not you find with anyone until all that is bulirone. So I'll repeat, I have heard, but also the girls who were there with whom I spoke then, and among them DiIorio, however there is a lot of rivalry and competition ...

MT: m'avesse said "uei feel, since you're a nice pussy ..." that is, I would have said "yes, thanks bye." As I repeat, I learned to say no when I said "ahh, but not miringrazi?" and I'd already said thanks, then, was, I repeat, very clear, then we'll talk about, beyond the kind of thanks. And I said no! I shot his ass and went ehhh, but as such, dry, Nicole told me that "I trembled," I said "your fucking business." I mean, I just do not! If you want to laugh all you want back understand? Then perhaps I shall be innocent, I said thanks too hastily because I thought it was the most painless and faster. I did not want to put myself in position to be there, ten minutes to justify a possible "no thanks" ... That is, in my opinion at that time was the best way per andarsene era dire "grazie!"
V. B.: beh certo! Era essere decisi comunque.
M. T.: esatto! Grazie, arrivederci. Cioè per me era la cosa migliore. Perché poi dacapire, ti ripeto, ci sono persone che non conosco, bob? Mmmm tornando indietro forse direi "no grazie non mi serve" Anche perché io, ingenuamente, poi non ho neanchepensato cosa può essere? Quanto? Di che entità? Capito?

V. B.: eh, ora che fanno tutto... e quindi di parenti non c'era nessuno immagino?
M. T.: ma va là! ma per carità!
V. B.: né i figli né
M. T.: mmmm no! Ma io spero non sappiano ehm...
V. B.: ma no, evidentemente sanno fans turn a blind eye.
MT: mmm
VB or did not know?
MT: No, but a little sorry, because, I tell you, I would have liked to say "listen, do not puoifare something better?" Sts for you ... boh?
VB, but we do not want to be ... ness but boh? it is because he does not know, that ... Dunno, I do not know, is too complex psychology in this case. Why that is, if you do not know why you do not know if it means that you are really freaked out then I really worry for us all. Well, I tell you, there will be a person who cares that I love you really you or are you really so arrogant that you do not give a damn about all that you can tell people you give a damn.
MT: Or, when you have so much power, the more people that if they can take advantage. And in the end not know, try to take as he can. I do what I've seen is this, go go. I'll leave you dearly.

September 20, 2010 - wiretap between MT and paadre

Father before all?
MT: Yes, yes, but I'm telling you, in a word to be fine ... a puttanaio
Father: but I already know ... orgy ...
MT: No, no, no, no, no, no no no alt but you understand that we say that those approaches were not, however, is that there is nothing ...
Father: ah approaches were quelli
M. T.: però sì, sì, sì, sì
Padre: tipo mani in mezzo alle gambe robe così?
M. T.: sì quelle robe sì dai
Padre: anche lui?
M. T.: no no, no, no solo lui
Padre: solo lui
M. T.: verso le verso le venti che c'erano
Padre: solo lui mmm
M. T.: c'era il suo amico lecchino
Padre: va bene va bene va bene ho capito
M. T.: poi un altro che invece mi ha molto deluso... perché lo facevo una persona di rilievo
Padre: lo so ma lo sono ehh ma quando poi davanti a quella cosa lì gli uomini sono tutti uguali
M. T.: beh babbo però a certi livelli tu puoi anche prenderti una al top e far certe robe anche 5 at a time but that is not in a room with four first Oscar in front of a sure this could be anyone you know because nobody has asked me a document

September 23, 2010 - wiretap between Iris and Concetta Berardi De Vivo

Iris Berardi: that is not the only positive thing I can say for him is that he thought ... that she did because she has done so ... because if not really, but fuck that shit six ... when I say I do not want two of your shit and you say ... I stop here I loved no more I can say from ... she knew that I wanted to stop there for him ... for the glory that is ... I stopped them in the hope you give me a little something ...

September 25, 2010 - wiretap between Concetta De Vivo, Eleonora De Vivo and Iris Berardi

Eleonora De Vivo: too good in my love ... I see the things I feel ... I saw a little 'out
Concetta De Vivo: I saw a little' fat, you understand? Ugly, you know? that he usually ...
Eleonora De Vivo: Is usually in better shape, until last year was in better shape now is just more dead than alive ...
Concetta De Vivo: IEE recently
Eleonora De Vivo: oh I know, but for that very reason, it has become just too bad to release ...
Concetta De Vivo: should only release, good ...
Iris Berardi, we hope that for his birthday to be generous, I do not give him a fucking ...
Eleonora De Vivo, not even after the last time I ... Iris
Berardi: a party girl then laughs in your face, give him anything, because everything which has the, is the world's richest

September 29, 2010 - wiretapping and a friend of Carlo Ferrigno

Carlo Ferrigno: Emilio Fede, three men and 28 women more or less, including Maria, who did make a belly dancing
Men eh
Carlo Ferrigno: why is half Arabic and can do it, and stood by , then two in the morning, two and a half at night, you know that this was practically? Were le orge lì dentro, non con droga, non mi risulta, capito? E facevano quel lavoro lì. Facevano le orge, bevevano tutte mezze discinte, mezze così e poi lui è rimasto con due o tre di queste le altre lei è rientrata
Uomo: e Fede e anche Improprio?
Carlo Ferrigno: si, con Emilio, Maria ha ballato con Emilio Fede, gli ha fatto la proposta
Uomo: C'era Lele Mora, Fede e?
Carlo Ferrigno: Emilio Fede e Berlusconi. Berlusconi si è messo a cantare e a suonare
Uomo: loro tre e ventotto ragazze
Carlo Ferrigno: come? sì
Uomo: loro tre con ah
Carlo Ferrigno: tutte ragazze che poi alla fine erano senza reggipetto, solo le mutandine quelle strette
Uomo: ah
Carlo Ferrigno: understand? Beautiful stuff, all the evening. So here she saw him there, then gave him a ring and a bracelet, to all, including Mary
Men ah
Carlo Ferrigno: Think a little 'and that this gentleman, so this just live, you called me was appalled, then took it in her arm and said civedremo soon, but that sucks man ...

October 2, 2010 - wiretap between Iris and Concetta Berardi De Vivo

Concetta De Vivo: ah does not say that bitch ... Iris
Berardi: does not say if it's there ... is a great whore, but I say how the fuck do we live for that shit and no one in a thousand loves him, no ... that is a fucking ...
Concetta De Vivo: Fine, fine you know ... Iris
Berardi: lives alone in his tricks ... that is, how the hell do you ...

Berardi Iris: My mother's people ... balls that I'm old ... look ... in a little 'sends us fuck them all ... here, in my opinion ...
Concetta De Vivo: Madonna ... you're too ... Iris
Berardi: that is the good time that I kill him ... I am going to pull his statue in the face ...
Concetta De Vivo: bitch, stop ... Iris
Berardi, but I love it! fuck ... here ... Just fuck it takes no shit? ...
Concetta De Vivo: Madonna, I can not ... please

Berardi Iris: But popes here ... Eia our source of profit ...

October 26, 2010 - intercettazone telephone between the father and Karima El Mahroug

Karima El Mahroug: time has come ... are with the attorney that we are talking about these things and we must find a solution, he said ... as they say ... the said ... the said ... Silvio told him "Tell her I will pay the price that you want the important thing is that she closes her mouth, which denies everything, and say ... you say that well be crazy but it is important that you I pull out all these questions, which I have never seen a girl who is seventeen, or that never came to my house ... " we talking about these things now, after Tirich, when I'm done with him I'll call you ...

October 26, 2010 - intercettazone telephone between Karima El Mahroug and Poliana

Karima El Mahroug: came to me ... I called him today ... I called his office twice ... I called my lawyer called me Lele ... I have called you and I was sleeping ... came to my lawyer, has come now, did the road from London said "Ruby, we must find a solution ... it is a case that exceeds that of D'Addario and Letizia, because you were just a minor ... now we are all very worried ... "

October 28, 2010 - intercettazone Karima El Mahroug between telephone and Sergio Corsaro

Karima El Mahroug, but we are not worried at all, because ... Silvio calls me all the time, told me to try to go crazy ... For those who ... you can ... for mad ... said shit ... but I'll always be near you ... I am ... anything, and you'll be anything you want me ... with my lawyer asked for € 5 million ... in exchange for ... the fact that I spend for crazy shit ... I just told and he agreed ... indeed follow this ... this way ...

November 1, 2010 - Carlo Ferrigno between wiretapping and Mario Sacco

Carlo Ferrigno: That evening when when in practice it is successfully done, then the bitch, the Minetti that Mary told me that there was also that night she did the dance quandolei
Mario Sacco: mh mh
Carlo Ferrigno: home of Berlusconi, was also the Minetti, with the breast from outside, who kissed all the time Berlusconi, in short, you feel just a puttanaio eh? Minetti there that says that then it is not even so beautiful that evening that there were all women, Emilio Fede, Lele and she was also Minetti, has known the evenings was understood? And he made fun
Mario Sacco: I did not like it there quell'Emilio Faith looks for nothing
Carlo Ferrigno: The Regional Director has made it, when practically Berlusconi ha detto di affidarla a lei alla Polizia

Carlo Ferrigno: tranquilla spensierata se era una serata pulita come delle serate a cui io vado a partecipare a Roma da Palmiro, un locale dove c'è la ballerina ch eballa, ma è una serataa chiunque entra, in giacca e cravatta, io non pensavo quando Lele mi disse le faccio fare il danza del ventre da Berlusconi, ma io pensavo fosse una cena pulita e una cosa, no invece, quella mi chiamava, pur essendo lei una puttanella è rimasta sterefatta quando stavano tutte discinte con le mutande, ognuno fa, mezze ubriache eccetera, in braccia a Berlusconi e se lebaciava tutte, le toccava tutte, queste venti erano una ventina di ragazze, tra cui la Minetti e le two here and ah, then in particular, know who stayed with him Poia fuck with Berlusconi? The two sisters De Vivo, the twins De Vivo you have more views about Milan?
Mario Sacco: ah sorry sorry sorry the De Vivo, you're right, the De Vivo De Vivo I remember them, the two Neapolitan those that have done
Carlo Ferrigno: Yes, good good
Mario Sacco: yes yes yes I understand , which were the circumstances yes yes yes
Carlo Ferrigno: those are two of them remained and Fio ... Berlusconi to fuck with all three, the others are gone
Mario Sacco: I'm left, you will
Carlo Ferrigno: I remained in bed with Berlusconi ...

November 4, 2010 - Interview with Michelle De Conceicao Santos Oliveira da parte di un cronista di Anno Zero

Cronista: ma quando sei andata a prenderla in Questura sei andata con Nicole Minetti?
Michelle De Conceicao Santos Oliveira: no, Nicole non era lì con me ancora, io ero da sola
Cronista: quindi tu sei andata lì da sola, e poi?
Michelle De Conceicao Santos Oliveira: e poi io ho fatto la chiamata al Premier
Cronista: hai chiamato Berlusconi
Michelle De Conceicao Santos Oliveira: si, per chiedere come poteva fare per aiutare una amica che aveva unproblema, lui ha parlato con me, aspetta un po' che contatto una persona e dopo ha chiamato Nicole e la Nicole è arrivata
Cronista: ma come facevi ad avere il numero di Berlusconi?
Michelle De Conceicao Santos Oliveira: perché io sono stata fidanzata di una persona che lui conosce

16 novembre 2010 - deposizione di M. T.

Dopo la cena senti ialcune delle ragazze dire "Scendiamo al bunga bunga", che poi ho capito essere inriferimento ad un locale al piano di sotto dove è allocata una sorta di discoteca. Tengo a precisare che arrivammo ad Arcore intorno alle 22.30 e quindi scendemmo nel suddetto locale, definito bunga bunga, intorno a mezzanotte e mezza ali'incirca. In questa sala vi sono divanetti, un palo da lap-dance, una sorta di banco bar e dei bagni, dove le ragazze andarono a prepararsi per la prosecuzione della serata, che da quel momento in poi assunse characteristics different from before. The girls wore skimpy infattiabiti, some modified the hairstyle, makeup, and assumed attitudes with dubious connotations, but without consumers, at least in my presence, sex. I remember flirting, provocative dancing and happy. I was sitting, of course I have not changed, nor have I been asked by someone to change me. I note that I have spent much time in the bathroom because I did not feel comfortable in that general context, so I preferred to spend much more time to the toilet in the room that turned into a disco. I also saw that at some point in the center of the room the girls took turns individually present and some of them have also ballets that can be said provocative or ironic, which may include Minetti. This went on for about an hour and a half.

November 19, 2010 - VB deposition

QUESTION: As for the contents of the wiretap that you have read, what other details of the said item in MT?
ANSWER: MT voice told me that after dinner they moved into a altrocontesto the house, which is a sort of disco called bunga bunga, the claws girls said "Now we go to the bunga bunga" with a pole lap-dance the center and changing rooms where the girls could dress up and then do the talent shows. MT told me that even Nicole M'netti disguised himself for the accuracy and disguised himself as a man. The girls then approached the President. MT told me that he had lasered essentially divided into three stages: the time dinner time "bunga bunga" and when one of the girls left to sleep.
QUESTION: MT voice told her other than the special envelope that was to receive, and we already spoke to her during the phone call that you just read?
ANSWER: He told me that the envelope contained two thousand five hundred euro divided into quattrobanconote €, that the envelope had been delivered in the midst of two CDs of the singer Apicella, who had immediately recognized the contents of the envelope, which then was the defeat of CD but non dei soldi che erano contenuti nella busta.
DOMANDA: Nel corso della telefonata la M. T., a proposito della busta che ebbe a ricevere, le dice anche che il Presidente le avrebbe detto: "Non mi ringrazi?"; a voce le ha detto qualcosa in più rispetto a tale circostanza?
RISPOSTA: Sì, che le aveva chiesto: "Non me lo dai un bacino?", e M. T. rispose un secco "No". M. T. mi disse anche che lei aveva vissuto questa richiesta del Presidente come non un bacino innocente, ma come una richiesta più maliziosa, almeno così lei lo avvertì in quel momento, tanto
la sua reazione di dire un "no" secco. M. T. aveva già ricevuto i due CD in mezzo ai quali vi era la busta, il cui contenuto, così come avevadetto MT, had seen him only when he left the room and where was the President.

December 17, 2010 - Riccardo Condorelli deposition

Question: Do you know Mrs. Michelle De Oliveira Conceicao, and if so, state when he met her, where did you meet and you have podiums report established with that person?
ANSWER: I met Mrs. De Conceicao in a period of about two years ago at the disco Nepente Milan in pre-Christmas period, as was a matter of a Christmas dinner. Then I meet in a night club in Hollywood, probably on a Sunday night because it was the day that I attended cuinormalmente locale. Ci siamo scambiati i numeri del cellularee ci siamo visti e frequentati da quel momento per circa un anno e mezzo e ci siamovisti non più di dieci volte. Non ho allacciato una relazione sentimentale con la signora De Conceicao, ma avevo con la stessa rapporti sessuali, che avvenivano acasa mia, all'epoca io abitavo in via Piermarìni. Nelle occasioni in cui ho avutorapporti sessuali
capitava che io la chiamassi anche in orari notturni, lei veniva acasa, mi raggiungeva, avevamo un rapporto sessuale e dopodiché capitava che leisi fermasse fino alla mattina oppure addirittura che andasse via subito dopo inostri incontri sessuali, ma mai, lo ripeto, si è instaurato tra di noi nulla che facesse pensare ad una relazione sentimentale, lo ero very clear with Michelle on the other hand she knew that when I called her esclusivamenteper have had a sexual relationship with her ...
QUESTION: These were paid for sex with her?
ANSWER: I did not have to explicitly ask Michael for money, especially in this early period of our meetings and that for the first five or six months, but I did the gifts. In the sense that Michael was well aware that I was a salesman in the field of jewelry and so it happened that as a result of our own sex I gave you the jewels, even explicit requests were made me Michelle, in the sense that it was not me spontaneously that I was the kind of gifts, but it was Michelle who I asked for jewelry. For example, I recall that I once did just a request for a white gold ring with a row of rhinestones branded "Donna Gold," I few days later I got this ring and gave it to him. The ring as a value to the public was about a thousand euro, in the sense that if Michelle had bought in a store would pay the sum of one thousand euro. Obviously I have this ring I had with a production cost, amounting to € 300/400.
QUESTION: You can indicate other jewelry or anything similar to Michelle who gave in exchange for sexual services?
ANSWER: Yes, a pair of gold earrings with diamonds, were earrings with a round of gold inside of which was encased in a stone forma di cuore, per l'esattezza un brillante. Il valore al pubblico di tale gioiello è di 1.200 euro circa. Una collana in argento con delle medaglie applicate, valore al pubblico di circa 350 euro.
DOMANDA: Oltre gioielli ha dato anche cifre in denaro alla signora Conceicao?
RISPOSTA: Da un certo momento in poi la signora Michelle ha cominciato arivolgermi dirette ed esplicite richieste di denaro, facendo riferimento a delle sue esigenze economiche, relative alla necessità di pagare l'affitto, anche se io intendevo esattamente che trattavasi di una scusa. Motivo per il quale poi decisi di interrompere ogni contatto con la Michelle. È stato questo il periodo che la Michelle ha cominciato a telefonarmi in continuazione, a mandarmi messaggi, I did not answer because I had decided to no longer have intercourse with her on his own insistence to have this money from me. The last time I saw her back, sela memory serves me right, three months ago, a meeting was entirely accidental, I was in the area that usually attend, Largo La Foppa, Garibaldi, a friend of mine. In fact, this friend of mine over there were my other friends. The Michelle saw me, approached me and asked if he could talk for a moment. We belong to us, asked me why I no longer responds to her calls, because I was
gone, she needed me because I considered a friend. There was almost an altercation because she addressed him with various epithets and I told her I did not want farecon have nothing more to her and that I had to try more, I said that we should not afford to create me embarrassment if we had yet met all of the occasions when I was standing just in the company of my friends.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wakeboard Winch Parts

The FIAT, Turin, cars

The Mirafiori

On 13 and 14 January 2011 was held in Mirafiori a referendum among the workers in the so-called "plan Marchionne.

The text of the Agreement, found at this link site FIM-CISL, has deeply divided the trade unions both in content both in the terms of the proposition.
The Agreement is in fact presented by Fiat, in the person of its CEO Sergio Marchionne as a real ultimatum: either the total acceptance of the text, or the gradual abandonment of Mirafiori until the total closure of the plant.

the most critical of which have actually caused the rift between FIOM, contrary to the agreement, and other unions, favor instead the Treaty refer essentially to:
  • exception to the national contract (p. 2)
  • opportunity for the company to lay off workers or groups of employees who act in a manner that violates the agreement anche senza valutazione del sindacato sulle infrazioni commesse (pagg. 3-5)
  • diminuzione delle pause da un totale di 40 minuti (15-15-10) a 30 minuti (10-10-10); i 10 minuti recuperati in tal modo saranno oggetto di una retribuzione inferiore rispetto al normale stipendio e non concorreranno alla maturazione del TFR (pagg. 6-7)
  • abolizione di paghe di posto, indennità disagio linea, premio mansione e premi speciali (pag. 9)
  • per coloro che avranno cumulato più del 6% di assenze nel periodo gennaio-luglio 2010, e per coloro che avranno almeno tre assenze inferiori a cinque giorni riguardanti giorni precedenti a festivi o giorni di riposo, non verrà pagato alcun trattamento per il primo giorno di malattia (P. 10)
  • if after 2011 the average rate of absence will not be dropped below 4% globally, and if after 2012 will not be dropped at least 3.5%, it will receive no treatment for the first two days disease (p. 11)
  • layoffs without notice for a year (p. 14)
  • mandatory unpaid training for workers laid off (p. 15)
  • scheme shifts out of the legislation law (p. 17-20)
  • appeal to 120 hours of overtime per person without prior notice for production delays, not related to the company (p. 23, 29)
  • shift lunch break at the end of the shift (p. 24)
  • only signatories to the trade unions could form their own group within the company (Annex 1)
  • absence of any investment plan by the agreement, with only references in the Annexes

survey conducted among workers have finally laid down the following results (source FIM-CISL):

Seat Department Yes Yes (%) No No (%)
1 taping 212 205 50.84 49.16
2 taping 202 218 48.10 51.90
round 2 night 262 70.24 111 29.76
3 painting 140 60.09 39.91 93
4 painting 113 102 52.56 47.44
5 421 employees 95.47 20 4.53
6 mounting 374 46.34 53.66 433
7 mounting 349 374 48.27 51.73
8 mounting 360 407 46.94 53.06
9 mounting 302 362 45.48 54.52
Total 2735 54.05 2325 45.95

Particularly important are the aggregation data by area:

Department Yes Yes (%) No No (%)
taping 414 49.46 423 50 , 54
painting 253 195 56.47 43.53
used 421 20 95.47 4.53
mounting 1385 46.77 1576 53.23
night shift (not attached) 262 211 70.24 29.76

The SI triumphs agreement between employees and also largely won in the paint shop, a highly automated department in which the presence of the working class is now reduced to the bone. In taping the NO is imposed measurement, and won convincingly in the assembly, the area where the FIOM is stronger and where the work of so-called "blue collar" is still the king.

Given the 54% obtained by SI, one can speak of victory Marchionne, then? Without a doubt, and without appeal, yes. But a victory
dictated by fear of the workers losing their jobs, and not for the strength of a convincing business plan for the future of Fiat.
Particularly significant in this regard is the work performed by thermometer Political :

Among those who voted Yes, 59% of respondents cited as justification for the need to save their jobs, 23% said that the agreement has limits but it is acceptable while only 18% expressed a positive opinion explicitly on the conditions of Marchionne. Net
the choice between those who came out for the No: 82% said it was a blackmail the company, while 9% indicated a reduction of breaks and an increase in shift work and overtime, the 6% restrictions on strikes and union representation, and 3% of the new limits on absences.

The first step is crucial: 59% of those who voted YES - we're talking about more than 1,600 workers at Mirafiori - did so largely for fear of being left without work.
The climate of "take it or leave it" imposed by Marchionne has contributed so heavily to move the vote of many workers, squeezed between the anvil of being subject to a real blackmail, as has been described by many of those who chose NO, and the hammer of threat of unemployment.

"Fiat to produce cars with or without Torino."
This was the slogan , not so hidden, Marchionne, this was the real issue on which it was decided the referendum. It was not the determining factor productivity, have not been subtle problem with business plans, there was no talk of new green engine, electric or hybrid cars, research and innovation. Marchionne did not even
needed to undertake to promise something more than the much continued operation of the plant because the workers at Mirafiori had no real alternative.
But who in Italy had the power, the right and duty to take the side of employers and employees? Who could offer an alternative plan Marchionne? Obviously politics, especially local and national.

The Republic recognizes all citizens the right to work and promotes conditions to fulfill this right.
Every citizen has a duty to perform according to their ability and individual choice, activity or function that contributes to the material or spiritual della società.

Così recita l'articolo 4 della Costituzione.
Eppure la politica italiana in questo frangente si è letteralmente dissolta, adagiandosi su impotenti (dal Partito Democratico) o interessate (Popolo della Libertà) esortazioni a cercare di salvare il lavoro votando SI e sterili comizi (Sinistra Ecologia Libertà) ai cancelli della fabbrica sul furto dei diritti.

"Torino produrrà auto, con o senza la FIAT."
Questo avrebbe dovuto essere lo slogan di risposta al diktat dei vertici FIAT, il grido di una città che non vuole rinunciare a collegare lavoro e diritti, l'esortazione di un Paese che intende combattere affinché i dettami Charter a reality.
How to achieve this?
First polarizing the masses. The relationship between Fiat and the Italian is a relationship between producer and consumer. Consumers often act independently of each other, and the companies exploiting the lack of a coordinated response by the masses, yet the growing awareness, for example, for environmental or child labor shows that the people of the consumer, if properly stimulated, can generate a selection on the market by rewarding and punishing in a nullifying companies on parameters other than those strictly related to the product or service purchased. A strong political
not asked whether Italy can afford the way the are treating the FIAT. He wonders if Fiat can afford to provoke a reaction in Italy. The simple application of Article 4 of the Constitution would mean a total political mobilization, without exception, once a contemporary defense of the right to work and the right of workers who branded them the rights to use blackmail purposes.
Why you should buy a machine manufactured in a company where they are not recognized certain rights rather than others where they are guaranteed? Of course, there should be a worthy campaign and information, but government policy is precisely the most suitable position to take a stand.
Unfortunately for the workers, the Government has taken a different position, has chosen the path of least resistance to the economic power of Fiat, beating pole downward, giving voice to make their own to allow Fiat to bring home the maximum results with minimum effort and usher in a dangerous spread like wildfire of exceptions and limitations to what the workers had won in previous generations. The Government has chosen not to take the side of those who work and who pays the most heavily the current juncture of international crisis.
But if a public awareness campaign and the boycott might have to withdraw the breath, or force her to give workers more security, the policy would have begun to prepare for the possibility of abandonment by the FIAT Mirafiori. The Italian market, to date, would need to fill any vacuum left by the FIAT? If so, there are prospects for attitare investors, including foreigners? Or alternatively you can think of an industry public on virtuous and working model of reality from an economic standpoint as Finmeccanica and Terna? Otherwise, there is scope for a conversion that can maximize occupancy levels and minimize damage to industries? Perhaps it would be a fruitless search, but a road that rulers, local government - City, Province and Region - in the front row, he should beat.
Unfortunately, even in this the workers were left alone.

And it was this deafening silence of the policy to win in the final analysis, the YES in the referendum.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cheap Flights To Accra

2010, one year to the administrations torrid

thermal anomaly in the lower troposphere
Period December 2010

From January 5 are available on-line data on satellite thermal anomalies, relative to the lower troposphere 1 (about 3,000 m above sea level), the middle troposphere (about 5,000 m above sea level) and lower stratosphere (approximately 10,000 m). Satellite measurements, although available only volumes between December 1978 and therefore not able to provide indications of the long term, are generally considered more reliable than ground surveys, for several reasons:
  • the best global coverage: apart from the readings in the lower troposphere, which necessarily Things to exclude the Himalayan region, the Andean and almost all of Antarctica, satellite data cover uniformly the entire globe, where the surface weather stations have very uneven distributions - one thinks of virtually uninhabited and inaccessible areas such as Sahara, the Amazon or Antarctica - by requiring the use of mathematical models to reconstruct the evolution of the areas covered in a partial
  • the best performance in terms of time: the environment around a station area to change with the passage of time, factors such as the erection of a building, or construction of a parking lot, cause changes in drastically the data collected: the separation of micro-environmental variables than macroambientali becomes again the subject of modeling
data in graphs and tables below represent the thermal anomalies at the three levels mentioned in relation to average temperature of the thirty-year series 1980 -2010.

thermal anomalies in bassa troposfera (1979-2010)

Anomalie termiche in bassa troposfera (1979-2010)
Dettaglio aree geografiche

I dati della bassa troposfera lasciano poco adito a dubbi. Il 2010 è stato un anno bollente, posizionandosi in seconda posizione in termini assoluti dopo il torrido 1998 e a soli pochi centesimi di grado di distanza. Il poco nobile palmarès dell'anno appena concluso non si limita però a questa performance . Anno più caldo sulle terre emerse del pianeta. Secondo anno più caldo sugli oceani. Anno più caldo nell'emisfero boreale. Secondo warmest year in the southern hemisphere. Second warmest year in the tropics. Warmest year in the temperate northern hemisphere. Warmest year - tied with the 2002 - in southern Africa. Warmest year in the northern polar zone, with a value raised to a degree centigrade above the fault. Only the Antarctic ice band, as usual, does not seem to be affected by global warming, showing a value well below the average.

thermal anomaly in the middle troposphere (1979-2010)

Anomalies Average temperature in the troposphere (1979-2010)
Detail by geographical

The data for the middle troposphere are generally considered the most reliable on the trend of temperatures, either because they really cover the entire globe, and because, by detecting anomalies at 5,000 meters above sea level, are less influenced by previous human activities at the local level.
Again, however, 2010 proved to be a very warm year, second behind again in 1998. This time, however, the difference with the 1998 stood at a tenth of a degree, a range quite large.
Even in the various geographical breakdown in 2010 si piazza sempre appena dietro il 1998, fatta eccezione per la zona temperata australe, dove i due valori sono pari, e quella artica, dove il 2010 si è dimostrato di gran lunga l'anno più caldo della serie.
Nuovamente, fa eccezione al trend di riscaldamento l'area antartica, dove l'anno si è anzi dimostrato piuttosto freddo.

Anomalie termiche in bassa stratosfera (1979-2010)

Anomalie termiche in bassa stratosfera (1979-2010)
Dettaglio per aree geografiche

The stratosphere, as you can see from the charts, is shown in sharp contrast to the two previous graphs, showing a cooling trend. In fact, this trend is explained by the atmospheric composition, the profound differences between the troposphere and stratosphere. At the lower end of the latter, in fact, is the shell of ozone (O 3 ) that surrounds Earth and protects it from the violence of the sun by absorbing the frequencies most dangerous to life as we know it.
Just this absorption makes the lower stratosphere over a very hot bands just below and above. The cooling trend is indicative the gradual disintegration of the ozone layer: less ozone, less consumption, lower temperature.
As in the troposphere the warming trend is a cause for alarm here in the stratosphere is cooling. The peaks of 1983 and 1992 are referred to the violent eruptions of El Chicon and Pinatubo volcanoes, can project up to ashes and dust stratospheric odds.

The low activity of the Sun had in recent years had left hope to decrease the earth's temperature, but 2010 has categorically rejected these hopes, if it is because we need more time for these effects are felt, or because they really a negligible impact climate of the planet, only time will say.
The present situation, although the data of recent months show a decrease in ENS anomalies due to the negative phase shift, is that of a global warming in better shape than ever.

fault of man? There is a considerable amount of human responsibility for global warming?
The Italian government thinks not.
In the second warmest year in the last thirty-one, in the year for the first time local tropospheric temperature anomaly has broken the degree Celsius, the Parliament approved the April 14 motion 1-00248 for 137 to 112 , a motion that commits the Government to actually stand against the EU in terms of environmental policy, coming to deny the existence of global warming and its effects in general. The motion
D'wings attached to the results arrived at by the awkward international scientific panel, disputing the data and requesting the recalculation on the basis of institutions "truly independent" and the tactic is, as always, to pass as partisan results as inconvenient and honest and independent ones comfortable.
Based on this reasoning, then you come to demand the abolition of the agreement of 20-20-20, the redefinition of reducing emissions on a purely voluntary basis, and the suspension of international projects with a strong generic economic impact.

Once again Italy is shown perched on positions far from the truth, in defense of economic interests unsustainable and totally incapable of environmental foresight.

1: The page containing the satellite observations became part of the sources of the blog