Wednesday, February 25, 2009

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The witness

Come avevamo intuito (ma ci voleva poco), l’assassino di Hu Libin avvenuto il 24 febbraio nella discoteca Parenthesis di Milano con furibondo roteare di mannaie, è legato alla guerra tra bande cinesi che si sta consumando nel capoluogo lombardo. La vittima dell’assalto era infatti un elemento di rilievo della gang “Yu Hu”, ovvero il gruppo delle “ cinture rosse ”, in lotta da anni con i rivali di “Daxue” e le cui “gesta” sono raccontate in I Boss di Chinatown.

Omicidi, accoltellamenti e intimidazioni fanno parte del codice d’onore di questi giovani gangster, spesso storditi e allucinati dalla ketamina , una droga che consumano e spacciano. E forse proprio il traffico di stupefacenti potrebbe essere il motivo dell’ultimo scontro. Ma non è escluso che si sia trattato di una vendetta. D’altra parte per Hu Libin non era la prima volta che si ritrovava nel mezzo di una rissa degna di un film di Quentin Tarantino: nel 2003 aveva assistito all’accoltellamento di un compare della stessa banda, poi finito ammazzato a pistolettate nel 2007. E anche quella volta Hu c’era.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

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The law of the red belts

Milano, discoteca Parenthesis, 24 febbraio 2009. All’interno una festa di compleanno. Una cinquantina di ragazzi, tutti Chinese. 1 and 30 no one notices that ten young men with slanted eyes are entered one at a time. Suddenly slips caps, pulled out knives and cleavers and throw themselves screaming toward a group of compatriots.
As the fury unleashed blows to the head, torso and legs. Hu Libin, 22, dies in a pool of blood. Five others were injured with deep gashes all over his body.

It 's the law of gangster in Chinatown grass. Foreign countries like Italy, regulate band of twentysomethings with strokes of the blade (or the sound of bullets) their business: extortion, drugs, control of the territory. They are often used by labor bosses to exercise their power of intimidation. It is composed of young gangs, often less than 18 years. Each band member has ties to the geographical origin, ie from the city of birth, with the other components. And each group almost always has a distinctive mark: a tattoo, a tuft of hair colored or a red belt. Identity that leads to very strong internal feuds and violent clashes.

But it is not only an issue between the children: "At the head of each group - made it known the National Anti-Mafia Directorate - there is an adult, the coordination of their action and that holds links to bands other regions. " And "in moments of crisis of a gang (for example, due to crashes) converge in supporting elements of other groups from other cities. The links in Italy are therefore very strong - explains the relationship of DNA - and this, together with the fact that gangs are moving constantly and the individual components have no fixed abode while residing with his parents, and are used to exchange mobile phones and cards, makes the investigation of very high concern. "

Monday, February 23, 2009

Had Stomach Flu Now Dizzy

The flight of King Duck

The Chinese mafia has its godfathers. Men of honor, fame, power and cruelty have nothing to envy Toto Riina and Bernardo Provenzano. Indeed. Seated at the head of the criminal organizations that cross oceans, the boss of the Triads can claim preferential links with the policy and intelligence services, and rely on endless crowds of loyal followers. Not otherwise explain why about three thousand people on November 7 of 2007 rushed to Taipei to pay their last respects to Chen Chi-Li, a number of United Bamboo, the sect's most powerful mafia in Taiwan.

As the funeral of Italian-American mobster John Gotti in the streets of New York s'affollarano the kiss of death, just as the capital of the Republic of China has run filled of devoted admirers of the man who in life was revered as "King Duck". A name that does not soften: Chen Chi-Li was not only the head of one of the most powerful Triads international for nearly forty years, but has been tipped as the most obvious clue of the union between the Mafia and the Asian Kuomintang , the nationalist party that governs in a dictatorial Taiwan.

Duck King's entry into the ranks of gangsterism will start soon. At fourteen, Chi-Chen Li enters a band but that does not stop to study and graduate in engineering. His life runs on parallel tracks: the top of the underworld and command posts the law firm. It serves as a lieutenant in the army, then in April 1968 assumed command of the most powerful gang in Taiwan, and then founded the Cheng Enterprise. In just three years to earn money, money, and expanded its steel business, night clubs, publishing and construction.

Duck King is a man of success but would remain only a formidable and respected man of honor in the East if he had not dealt with Henry Liu. Who is Liu? It is a Chinese journalist and writer with U.S. citizenship who has published a critical biography on behalf of Chiang Ching-Kuo, the president of Taiwan. On 14 August 1984, the slain reporter was found dead at his home in California Chi-Li Chen and soon ends up in the list of suspects. The gangsters in the process confirm its involvement in the murder, explaining that his government would offer to Taipei to take out $ 20,000 Henry Liu but that he refused for his patriotism. Kill the dissident journalist, in fact, was a gratifying reward for silencing a spy.

Duck King Henry Liu said that he was an agent in the pay of Beijing, that China's People who always try to prevent Taiwanese independence. The boss adds that a vice-admiral of the navy and the head of Taiwan had asked him to assassinate Liu Herny as no more reliable: the journalist was their agent who was a double play on behalf of the Chinese Communists.

difficult to say how true the words of the godfather of the United Bamboo . What is certain is that Chen Chi-li was convicted and released after a few years. At home is hailed as a national hero but after a while 'decides to go live in Cambodia, where he lives in a villa of almost three thousand square meters with a garden in which they are parked a few guns that says to keep for personal defense.

During the '90s, says it will transform his organization into an office and so it attracts the admiration of the political elite in Taiwan, that does not fail to honor the funeral of King Duck. Among the three thousand people attended the funeral you can see some of the party leaders government and opposition to Taiwan. The sunglasses do not defend them from the goals of the photographers, while police in the crowd identifies a dozen boys weighed down by guns and long knives.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

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2009 American Football League FIF Parma Bobcats new Offensive Coordinator Coach Andrew Arnette

E 'by Andrew Arnette Sabato7 February that coach is in Parma on Monday night has fallen in field for the first workout official offensive coordinator. He explained
now stating that its rules "to play need two things: strength training"

After training coach Andrew said he was pleased and happy with the group and how it can bear the workload. He also did land on different elements and especially the Quarterback Amadasi that according to coach Arnette has excellent potential and become a great player.
coach Andrew has decided to follow the preparation of the players so widespread not only in the gym but also giving very precise guidelines on what exercises should be done and how to them.
This year will be a great year for the American Football team in Parma Bobcats and the sponsors who have supported and believed in the project that the Head Coach Gabriele Picelli carried on with great sacrifice and years.
New Offensive Coordinator Coach Andrew Arnette for the football team in Parma Bobcats
Official Website of the football team in Parma Bobcats