Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Choppers For Sale Jesse James

Good Laws of Robotics and Italian politics and to administrative

Science fiction author Isaac Asimov

DISCLAIMER: Article below shows e commentati passaggi dei racconti EVIDENCE (1946) e THE EVITABLE CONFLICT (1950), di Isaac Asimov

1 - A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2 - A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3 - A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Pochi artifici letterari sono divenuti famosi nel mondo quanto le Tre Leggi della Robotica ideate da Isaac Asimov, celeberrimo quanto prolifico scrittore di fantascienza - ma sarebbe riduttivo limitare la sua attività di romanziere a tale ambito - di origine russa trapiantato negli Stati Uniti.

Le Leggi della Robotica, nei libri di Asimov, sono motore e spartiacque nelle capacità decisionali dei robot , esseri artificiali costruiti dall'uomo per servizio e compagnia.
Molti dei racconti più famosi di Asimov si basano sul rapporto e l'influenza reciproca tra le Tre Leggi, oppure sulle loro applicazioni più inaspettate. Esplorando i confini del campo di azione delle Leggi Asimov arriva a sondare le contraddizioni intrinseche nella stessa moralità umana, poiché, come cita la robopsicologa Susan Calvin nel racconto EVIDENCE,

Per esprimermi semplicemente dirò che se Byerley segue tutte le Leggi della Robotica può essere un robot, but may be only an exemplary man.

The Three Laws of Robotics are actually modeled on morals and ethics as conceived by the Western society of the twentieth century. They are a yardstick and action for individuals and for agglomerations of individuals are: community, sports teams, clubs ... political parties.
By analyzing the Italian situation in the light of the Three Laws of Robotics can actually provide a convincing explanation of the progressive degeneration of supply policy during the Second Republic, with its reduction to the stadium and slogans for the fight - metaphorically, fortunately - between armed factions.

The theme, in fact, was already been touched by the same story in Asimov EVITABLE THE CONFLICT, 1950. Published for the first time in the magazine Astounding Science Fiction and later in the anthologies I, ROBOT (1950), THE COMPLETE ROBOT (1982) and ROBOT VISIONS (1990), in this story the world is dominated by machines, specializing in very advanced robot 'optimizing the management of the world economy, from agricultural production to the extraction of raw materials to trade.
The presence of some minor errors into account in the ordinary administration of the planet convinces the World Byerley Coordinator to seek the advice of the robopsicologa Susan Calvin to see if there may be problems in machines tali da mettere a repentaglio, vista la responsabilità demandata ai robot , il futuro stesso dell'umanità.
I viaggi di Byerley e i pregnanti ragionamenti della Calvin porteranno infine i due a comprendere come le Macchine stiano essenzialmente interpretando la Prima Legge in senso esteso all'intera umanità - permettendo quindi che il singolo essere umano possa ricevere danno se questo serve a migliorare le prospettive dell'intero genere umano - e che i supposti malfunzionamenti altro non erano che azioni operate dalle Macchine per proteggere sé stesse.
In questo particolare racconto di Asimov si assiste quindi al collasso della Terza Legge all'interno della Prima. Poiché le Macchine sanno cosa sia il meglio for humanity, and because the machines are the only sentient beings to be able to guide humanity towards the future, then the very survival of the machine becomes an inseparable part of the definition of what is good for humans.

The link with the Italian politics of the first years of the millennium, although not evident, is strong and undeniable.
Every political party shall be considered by us the last bulwark against catastrophe, on the one hand, and authoritarian populist drift of Berlusconi for those who do not like the Knight, the other the destruction of private initiative and the "Sovietization" of the economy by those who do not like the left.
Each faction is seen then as the only lifeline for the country, and precisely because of the mechanism described above will start to increase the importance, in its scope, its survival and its maintenance in place.
The exercise of power becomes a last resort aimed at the preservation of the same pure, or at least to prevent their loss. The politics of polls, the big ads, promises pull-out occasions symbol, but also purely electoral alliances empty of content, links with powerful groups of dubious stature but bearers of votes: Italian politics is full of examples that see those elected in office, national and local, more struggling with the need not to hand over power to the opponent than with the actual work of government.
pursue the good of the city and gain / maintain power at the expense of the opponent - which in politics is often synonymous with survival as a party - then they become two objectives coincide.

Italian politics, dropped in the universe of science fiction story, is the clash between two different machines, each of which sees the proposed road on the other as negative, and considers its access to power, better access to the other machine regardless of the achievement of goals.
This is the basic reason for this partisanship-a logic that has characterized the country's recent history of poverty and policy made the offer to the citizens to move the masses to vote, the parties have gradually resting on the exploitation of fear of sending power to the opponent rather than renew and refine the arrows to his bow.

What then distinguishes human institutions from Asimov's machines? Of course, the fallibility.
The machines, due to their positronic brain - and of course the author's imagination and the will - actually know what is best for man. Politicians do not. They offer suggestions, ideas, dreams, but all things are immanent, fallible and subject to assessment by the people and the empirical evidence of the facts. For this reason produces bitterness
see political parties as if this self-preservative depended the salvation of the country without really such a need is actually proven.
And for this reason we must unmask the tendency for self-preservation than it is: not being parties Machines asimoviane, can not be limited to the threat of the opponent's victory to publicize the excellence of its proposal. Self-preservation is only meant to hide the poverty of supply policy, and must be strenuously resisted.

Even sixty years ago the genius of Isaac Asimov had highlighted the danger of power that identifies the good of the governed, with its own term in office (risk that turns into a dream only in the case of machines, all-knowing and really dedicated to nature the good man).
Today, in Italy, we are tasting the bitter fruits of this sad scenario.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Coaxial Cables Bikini

: Torino

The Mole

Among the cities where in 2011 local elections will be held in Turin is probably the one where the electoral machine is moving more delay.

After forfeit the Rector of the Polytechnic, Perfume, has unleashed a whirlwind of real names in the center that only these days is focusing around the names Fassino, Placido, and Gariglio Ardito, pending and Tricarico a name as yet unknown proportion in SEL.
The center seems to oscillate between Coppola and the Cup, but now his strategy is extremely reliable, as if also waiting for the primary center at the time fixed for February 13.

This provides omit in this first analysis of the effect, if any candidate, to focus on coalition forces in Turin. A
this link is an excel with the results of regional elections in 2005, 2006 policies, municipal 2006, 2008 policies, provincial 2009 and 2010 as reported by the regional electoral service 1 Turin Municipality: All elections of the last six years with the exception of 2009 European, just to consider only the elections where you point to the election of a single judge loads. Given its strong personalistic political elections in the Second Republic allows, from this point of view, comparable to the elections.

center-center in the town of Turin (2005 - 2010)

The picture that emerges is clear enough: Turin is a city center. In the elections considered the center ranged between 46.14% and 63.62% (average 54.95%, SD standard 6,91%), mentre il centrodestra ha ottenuto una forbice che spazia tra il 32,16% ed il 42,47% (media 38,37%, deviazione standard 3,45%).

È bene evidenziare il fatto che per consultazioni elettorali differenti i concetti di centrodestra e centrosinistra sono a loro volta differenti: la geometria e la composizione delle coalizioni è variata più volte nel corso degli anni, e con essa la presenza o meno delle cosiddette terze forze.

Facendo i dati riferimento ai risultati ottenuti dalle liste e non dai candidati, la bassa deviazione standard che emerge osservando i dati del centrodestra permette di trarre una prima importante conclusione: i risultati di tale coalizione restano grosso modo sempre gli stessi indipendentemente dalla competizione elettorale. Questo significa che il numero di votanti della coalizione di centrodestra, a Torino, è fortemente correlato con il numero dei votanti in generale, e l'affluenza non ha pertanto grossi impatti su questa parte politica.
Al contrario, è evidente che il fenomeno del non-voto - così come il diverso richiamo alle urne che suscitano competizioni di tipo differente - provoca di volta in volta delle oscillazioni piuttosto sensibili sulla coalizione di centrosinistra, ribadendo il cronico problema che attanaglia questa parte politica da diversi anni a questa parte, ovvero la capacità o meno di portare alle urne i propri simpatizzanti.

Se si osserva nel dettaglio il rapporto tra i partiti coalition, it becomes interesting to measure the progress on the one hand and between PDL League, and the other one between PD and IdV SEL.

PDL-League in the City of Turin (2005 - 2010)

in the City of Turin (2005 - 2010)

In the main we see both sides, after 2008, to a sudden and violent decline of the major parties (PDL and PD) in favor of the minority forces (from League one hand and IdV and SEL the other).
The cause behind this phenomenon is obvious: If you look at the trend IDV there is a violent break between 2006 and 2008 with a shift from less than 10,000 votes more than 30,000 preference, between 2008 and 2010, However, sympathy for the Di Pietro's party remained on a level stable. A similar, even in terms of numbers, can be made for the Northern League, while the Left Ecology and Freedom presents a time series is too short to be taken into consideration in this analysis.
The stability of the League and IDV, compared with an increase of their weight in the coalition, it implies that there is a diaspora of consensus in the PD and PDL, while it compensates a livello di rapporti di forza tra le coalizioni, dall'altro muta in maniera molto evidente la composizione delle coalizioni stesse.
Ancora più importante, questa analisi permette di capire come il principale nemico di PD e PdL sia l'astensionismo. Il cannibalismo che Lega e IdV hanno esercitato all'interno delle rispettive coalizioni non è legato ad un vero e proprio travaso di consensi, ma alla capacità di mantenere - senza accrescere - il proprio elettorato mentre quello dei partiti "maggiori" calava o si disperdeva su altre formazioni.
Naturalmente non bisogna dimenticare un certo margine di errore nei risultati ottenuti, dovuto alla presenza o all'assenza di liste civiche all'interno delle coalizioni, liste che storicamente "pescano" more evident in larger parties. The trend is undeniable, however.

results obtained from center-
in the City of Turin (2005 - 2010)
Click to view the animation

results obtained from center-
in the City of Turin (2005 - 2010)
Click to view the animation

Breakdown constituencies in
City of Turin (2005 - 2010)
Click to view the animation

Looking at the scenario from a national point of view of geography, we see how the center is able to prevail only in the most central area of \u200b\u200bTurin (District I : Center - crosses) and to be close to balance in the District VIII (San Salvario - Borgo Po - Cavoretto). In the rest of the city center prevail without too much difficulty, especially in its strongholds of division II, V and X.

weight of divisions in the City of Turin (2005-2010)

Considering, finally, the relative weight of divisions, we capture some hints of trend - the rise and fall of the VI to VIII all - a view, however, substantially stable, a sign that the differences in turnout related to the different electoral competitions and developments affecting the phenomenon of abstention in a fairly uniform at the city level, and fairly unrelated election on the composition of the sample formed by the inhabitants of a given area. You get so
an apparent contradiction: the variability of the vote has greatest impact on the left, yet the size of constituencies remains unchanged, suggesting a proportional participation in spite of the various districts of Turin present results also very different. You do not see significant decreases in substance representing the constituencies of the Left in conjunction with the elections that have given the worst outcome for the progressive coalition.
In fact, these two data allow to better frame the phenomenon of abstention relatively Turin area: there is a problem - at least not the main problem - from the historical basis of the party, but on the contrary there is much disappointment the so-called middle class, progressive, people on the left not so much out of revenge, social or historical necessity, but for the ideal of a better world, more eco-friendly, fairer, more meritocratic.
A band of the electorate that is not sold yet geographically large enough to determine the outcome of the heavily next electoral contest.

1: The site of the City of Turin becomes part of the sources of the blog

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Shoulder Pain In Pregnancy Does It Come And Go

Devil of a boss

Police blitz against the Chinese mafia in Prato's Chinatown: the budget is 16 arrests of 'Satan operation. The raid was triggered in the night between Saturday 5th and Sunday, December 6, about 70 police provincial command of the Meadow with the help of soldiers of the Sixth Battalion of Tuscany and Montebelluna, they performed 16 of the 19 arrest warrants issued by the investigating magistrate in prison Florence Court of Dda on a proposal of the capital. The recipients of the orders are all Chinese and the alleged offenses, linked by bonds of mafia-type association , robbery, extortion, usury, abusive use of financial activity, kidnapping for extortion, drug dealing. E 'first point out the police - which are performed in Prato arrest warrants against persons in custody popular Chinese-held belonging to mafia-type criminal association.

The survey party in 2009 and the military have found a real mafia-type association, consisting of a group of Chinese domiciled in Prato, originating in Zhejiang and Fujian . More than fifty people, including members, followers and supporters, in an armed gang - guns, knives and machetes - who, with robbery, extortion, usury, kidnapping, drug dealing had come to look in the Chinese community in Prato both regular and commercial activities submerged.

The summit of the Association, a 35 year-old, known under the name of "Anu", respected and feared leader, shy, demanded absolute obedience . The task to disseminate its guidance to the lower ranks were assigned to two trusted lieutenants and Xigei Agen, while a woman Anian had the central role of accounting, in fact, the book of accounts held with the exits and entrances of the gambling den, loans and schedules of debt.

At the lowest level then there was the "armed wing". And under his leadership the organization imposed by threats and violent retaliation lace in Chinatown Prato, using the same violence against rival groups: up to create a climate of terror and total silence, so the victims do not report to law enforcement. The eastern district is in fact a large market where, in addition to legal exercises, many also live "shopkeepers" unlicensed practice massage, do HAIRDRESSER, sell merchandise of all kinds, are taxi drivers using their cars, homes run prostitution, sewing contractors in precarious conditions, make an apartment a "guest", occupational medical specialist in the absence of the necessary licenses (including the practice of illegal abortions) take on illegal immigrants and try to stay away from the Italians.

After noting the power of Anu and his, the inhabitants of "Chinatown" hanno presto 'accettato' di pagare il 'dazio'. La "base operativa" del gruppo una villetta bifamiliare con annessa una bisca clandestina, gestita in prima persona dal Capo, e molto fruttuosa. La "direzione" della "casa da gioco" concedeva anche prestiti, ovviamente usurai con interessi giornalieri pari all'1% della cifra originaria. Per chi non pagava, minacce, riscossioni coattive, atti di violenza o rapimenti fino a dover cedere negozi.
(fonte: ApCom)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Letters Found In Nature

Flood Situation: Active Solidarity!

Bacchiglione The flooding of the river has caused a situation of emergency in the city of Vicenza and in some towns, where entire neighborhoods were under three feet of water and many homes are without either light or gas yesterday.

In this serious situation is important to respond with a sense of solidarity and democratic participation, primarily to overcome the disaster and also to readily identify the causes and responsibilities, so that this does not happen again.
addition to the sudden change in temperature that led to the rapid melting of snow fall in recent days, much is due to the senseless policy of cementing territorio (non secondaria la gigantesca opera di edificazione della base militare USA al Dal Molin) ed infine alla politica dei tagli alla manutenzione del patrimonio idrogeologico, con la mancata pulizia dei fiumi e dei fossi che abbondano nel nostro territorio.
In una parola la logica del profitto e della speculazione edilizia ha mostrato ancora una volta di essere contro l'uomo e contro la natura.
Il punto però è che una situazione di difficoltà come l’attuale non potrà essere risolta dalle singole risorse del Comune.
Stiamo intervenendo presso la Regione, con il nostro consigliere regionale Pietrangelo Pettenò presso il Consiglio Regionale perché, superata la crisi immediata, si metta da parte un consistente aiuto e che diventino priorità del Veneto la ricostruzione ed il totale ripristino della vita e della quotidianità vicentina, rappresentato in particolare dalle attività di chi lavora nel nostro territorio, anche al fine di attuare una politica diversa e sostenibile sul territorio, di prevenzione e di maggiore lungimiranza.
In queste ore Guido Bertolaso, resp. Protezione Civile Nazionale, è a Vicenza: ci auguriamo che il problema di Vicenza e provincia diventi una priorità anche per lo Stato e che si valuti un serio investimento concreto, non come quello che purtroppo abbiamo visto in altre parti d’Italia, per monitorare e tentare di risolvere i problemi della nostra città e di tutta la Provincia: un patrimonio di tutti.

At 17:30 today Wednesday 3 / 11 we are all in the headquarters in Via A. Mario 12 to take stock of the flood situation and begin to organize the first initiatives of active solidarity with our fellow citizens.

PRC and the Young Communist League / and the Circle "Antonio Gramsci" in Vicenza

Cover Letter Traineeship

Bacchiglione the flooding of the river has caused a situation of emergency in the city of Vicenza and in some towns, where entire neighborhoods are under one meter of water and many homes are without either light or gas yesterday.

In this serious situation is important to respond with a sense of solidarity and democratic participation, primarily to overcome the disaster and also to readily identify the causes and responsibilities, so that this does not happen again.
addition to the sudden change in temperature that led to the rapid melting of snow fall in recent days, much is due to the senseless policy of overbuilding in the area (not secondary to the work of building the giant U.S. military base at Dal Molin) and finally to policy of cuts to the maintenance of the geological heritage, with the failure to clean rivers and ditches that are abundant in our area.
In a word, the logic of profit and speculation has shown once again that he is against man and against nature. The
But the point is that a difficult situation like the present can not be resolved by the individual resources of the City. We
by approaching the region with our regional advisor Pettenò Pietrangelo at the Regional Council because, after the immediate crisis, put aside a substantial help and they become the priorities of the reconstruction Veneto and the full restoration of life and everyday Vicenza , represented in particular by the activities of those who work in our territory, in order to implement a different policy and sustainable land, prevention and greater foresight. At this time
Bertolaso, resp. National Civil Protection, is Vicenza: we hope that the problem of Vicenza and its province to become a priority for the State and the examination of a serious investment practice, unfortunately, not as what we have seen in other parts of Italy, to monitor and groped to solve problems of our city and across the province: the heritage of all Young Communist

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How Much Does Credit Builder Cost

Gaining protest precarious. Gelmini rejects any dialogue: "Too many and used" I

may also starve. Explodes across Italy to protest precarious, including hunger strikes and occupation of the administrator, the minister of the school, Mariastella Gelmini, refuses to meet with precarious. "I do not meet those who came to protest in front of Palazzo Chigi," he said during press conference on the opening of the new school year held yesterday morning in the seat of government. "Protest - he explained - without even knowing if they have been excluded. These are not people who were made redundant. Presumed not to have a job, but the ministry has not yet completed the steps. " For the head of the ministry of Viale Trastevere extensive national mobilization of these days would be a quite instrumental, "some of those protesting in the streets are not temporary but representatives of Italy of Values." Thus, the FLC CGIL, the Coordination of temporary school, Cobas and Representations of the base were well served. The minister, who for the qualifying examination to the profession Forensic came from Brescia in 2001 in Reggio Calabria (where the statistics say that nobody is rejected), not even distinguish the abysmal difference between labor unions, grassroots movements of workers and political forces that have a habit of claiming more handcuffs for everyone and knows nothing of social and working conditions. Unfortunately, we are in times of Onagrocrazia, as Benedetto Croce said, referring to the "power of braying donkeys." The school year starts with 50 000 of classes without teachers, without garrisons 1600, € 8 billion in less than three years and 170 000 teachers and employees left the road after years of work, but the minister did not exist. Things are going very well. During the conference press has pitted a long series of digits, he said, positive mark in the "turning point" introduced with the reform of secondary school. According to calculations by the Ministry cited by Gelmini, the reform of teacher recruitment would reduce the insecurity, cutting the "true" would be carried out by the government this year of 2000 only 10 000 of the chairs in front of last year, for a total dismantling of 87 thousand jobs in three years, of which 67 000 to date. The introduction of high school language and music have found some success as a full-time in elementary schools, which would grow by 3%. Even for people with disabilities, according to the minister, would increase the number of support while on temporary workers would be ready for a decree that would give priority in the allocation of substitutes for those who have lost their chair. Other temporary "cut" would be recovered through agreements with the regions and the use of EU funds. All in all a very rosy picture of the school where the only negative would come from the past: "Two hundred thousand temporary workers are the result of decades of policy which are distributed in places that the school was unable to absorb." Gelmini is an obsession for the past, particularly that Sessantotto who "touted a false egalitarianism and deeply damaging. It has become meaningless to the principles of merit and authority, "as explained in an interview the Messenger of Saint Anthony to conclude that "merit is the only truly democratic policy." And so to protect a teaching inspired more and more order and discipline, he ended the press conference announcing that "there can be more than fifty days of absence, on pain of rejection." Dura Presidium of the response came from the precarious position in the House, "Too easy to accuse us of being political activists. So it bypasses the problem where we ask for a comparison: the quality of teaching, the quality of work, the fallout of the cuts on the school staff and civil society. " The allegations of the minister workers who do not respond c’è bisogno di attendere le chiamate per sapere che non ci sarà un lavoro quest’anno, «basta guardare le disponibilità pubblicate dai provveditorati e i numeri dei convocati: chi è fuori sa già di esserlo, molti lo sono sin dallo scorso anno». Diecimila assunzioni sono irrisorie, - fanno sapere - a fronte di 67 mila posti a tempo indeterminato tagliati e delle 130 mila cattedre tuttora vacanti. Anche sul tempo pieno «diverse famiglie si sono viste rifiutare il tempo pieno per i loro figli; nel solo Lazio 2800 bambini non vi sono stati ammessi».

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Canada Ontario Liquor Licence Act And Regulations

Finian: "To challenge Fini, the PDL squads 'comunistoide'." A comparison vulgar and stupid

Si vede il nervosismo dei finiani alla vigilia della Festa Tricolore, che si terrà a Mirabello, dove Sunday is expected to be the intervention of Gianfranco Fini. Speaker of the House is expected to breach by Berlusconi, Bossi, and in particular by former colonels of An, the fiercest against their former boss.
From what is apparent from the detailed reading of the main national newspapers, in Roman circles was circulated to the news that the PDL, the PDL or better associations, namely the one directed by Brambilla, draws up a demonstration to protest Fini . We circulate the rumor that the "traitor", even though the official announcement will not, will outline the characteristics of the new party likely to be born in November.
strong pressure sui finiani che rispondono nel modo peggiore possibile, una sorta di autorete che non giova certo a Fini, fra volgarità e stupidaggine. Anzi, lo danneggia e non poco.
I l sito di “Generazione Italia” paragona il Pdl che organizza la contestazione, ai comunisti. Copre il logo del berlusconiano “Popolo della Libertà” con una stella in cui campeggia una falce e un martello. Parla di “una deriva sinistrorsa/comunistoide del Pdl” confermata “da una telefonata di un nostro amico napoletano che ci informa che è stato contattato da un consigliere provinciale del Pdl che gli ha fatto una richiesta particolare: ‘Stiamo organizzando con la Brambilla una contestazione a Fini quando parlerà Mirabello. You can fill a coach? It 's all at the expense of the party'. "
"They will give even the sandwich - it is stated on the site - in style CGIL. And maybe a little red book with instructions on how to contest the enemy of the people. " Another stupid free.
There really need to call into question the largest Italian trade union? And who knows them, that the register pedigree, but renewed and purified, they have the MSI, the heir of fascism, how many sacrifices, the struggles have been working and retired Italian players to conquer and defend democracy, the fascists were put under your feet? They forget, it will be remembered, that Mussolini and the Fascist squads first hit vulnerable targets such as the Chamber of Labour, the offices of trade unions, locked in prisons many Communists, Socialists, Republicans, liberals, Catholics, Democrats, those who opposed the regime and as men who killed Matteotti. We are at the final comic - Generation concludes Italy taking the famous phrase that Gianfranco Fini spoke against Silvio Berlusconi - and this time for real. "These words are very clear, an indictment of the PDL. It is inexplicable that the policy-communist . A gaffe? One way to break free of the accusation that Berlusconi Fini if \u200b\u200byou mean by the Left? Even for respond to those who accuse the president of the Chamber to move in line with Giorgio Napolitano, the head of state, which is just the party of communists? Be that as it remains a stupid vulgar. The hammer and sickle are symbols of the historic workers' struggles, workers, their redemption. They are the best part of our history, the history of Italian and European democracy. It is of interest
Fini, we believe, detract from the content of the speech that will take. The tam tam
these hours announced that the Speaker of the House will confirm the confidence in the government, it will launch the new party, but will outline a program and a project for a European right. "It will not discount the themes of morality and legality ", read about the process by which the scribe Berlusconi by Ghedini to Alfano, through Gianni Letta, trying to finalize a text on which to get a vote in favor of Finian. As if he was talking about a virgin who until now, even today, continues to govern with Berlusconi and the end of the day, shots of confidence and retreated after each Battaglietta, vote ad personam "laws, laws against workers, endorses the destruction of the Public School of Health, a model of society constructed in the crucible of political struggle of workers and students.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Locations For The Fhino In Ratchet And Clant

When hypocrisy as the Green League

The Northern League, known for tough positions and moralistic about prostitutes and safety, finds himself one of the perpetrators of this line of apparent intransigence on the territory meddled in affairs that are not quite consistent with the jacket, or rather hypocritical mask he wears.

hidden behind the guise of security to the League's commissioner, in the town of Vicenza Barbarano, operates two online sites with ads for sexual services. Redhead and trans paid € 150 per month to place their bids.

Alessandro Costa is then investigated by the Prosecutor of Padua for the hypothesis of exploitation of prostitution. The police in the company of Padova have searched his home and offices in an investigation Councillor on exploitation of prostitution, which sees some Internet sites at the center red light, active addresses "bestannunci ', already blocked by the flying squad of Verona in March last year.

Costa, who works as a traffic cop in another town of Vicenza, is suspected by investigators to be at the top of the organization that did business with the ads on these hot dating sites. According to the findings from surveys, coordinated by Vartan pm Giacomelli, Costa de facto owner of the web addresses '' and '', which refer to another similar connection, with two accomplices allegedly used with the task Vicenza Agents of canvassers clienti nell’ambiente della prostituzione - soprattutto lucciole dell’est europeo e trans sudamericani. Clienti, circa un centinaio, che pagavano un canone mensile di circa 150 euro per pubblicare le loro offerte di appuntamento sui siti.

Alessandro Costa era finito nei guai alcuni mesi fa per aver smarrito la pistola d’ordinanza, e per questo era stato cautelativamente sospeso dal suo incarico di agente della polizia municipale, in un altro comune del Vicentino. Nelle prossime ore, secondo quanto si è appreso, dovrebbe essere formalizzata anche la revoca nei suoi confronti di tutte le deleghe da assessore alla sicurezza nel Comune di Barbarano.

Nel pomeriggio è arrivata la sospensione dalla Lega decisa dal segretario Provincial Paolo Franco, "waiting for the activities of the investigators and the judiciary enters the appropriate investigations and whether or not there its responsibilities."

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Meaning Of The Shag Band Colours

Public Water: 10,450 signatures from the province of Vicenza

After two months of hard work coordinated among the hundreds of Italy in all reality it's time to reap the rewards. Next week will be the ultimate collection procedures certified modules in all the provinces to enable the national office to monitor and prepare for filing in the Court of Cassation. From the province of Vicenza have already been sent and 10,450 signatures by next week it will be ready as well. The campaign to collect signatures in favor of ripubblicizzazione Water has produced results never before seen in Italy and in the province.
In recent months the referendum campaign have flooded the country with banquets everywhere. We shared hopes and desire for change with women and men of all ages, experiences and cultures. More than a million people have recognized in this way, over a million people are clamoring for a public and participatory water management. We all and all completed an exciting first step: many, different, together. Monday, July 19 will deliver hundreds of boxes containing our signatures. As always, we do not as a bureaucratic exercise, but as a water festival.
With the joy of those present but in this walk in the future to rebuild all at once "The Fourth Estate", in accompanying signatures to the Court of Cassation. The music and the confidence, intelligence and creativity. The Forum for Public Water want to participate in this celebration people from all the territories, because there is "the bedrock of our fertility."
We know that this is an important effort to ask many and many a new journey. We know that it would be nice to see the richness of this experience.
July 12 - we went back to some: the procession leaving at 20:00 from schools Via Prati, arrived at the Peace Park where Luca Paolini and Marco Bassano climbed on stage to give again ai vicentini musica e spettacolo. L’iniziativa è stata organizzata dal Forum Provinciale Acqua Bene Comune, al quale anche i Giovani Comunisti e Rifondazione Comunista partecipano. Ora si tratta, dopo l'approvazione ed il bando del referendum, di portare gli elettori alle urne, e vincere!

AAA CERCASI VOLONTARI. Mancano pochissimi giorni alla consegna delle firme in Cassazione (19 luglio) e ci sono ancora moltissime cose da fare. Per chi vive a ROMA e ha qualche ora da dedicare all'acqua bene comune venga a dare una mano a VIA DEL POLICLINICO 131, presso la sede di Rifondazione, è aperto tutti i giorni, tutto il giorno, fino a domenica.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Yeast Infection Chronic Nothing Works

Money, money, money

Le mani della mafia dell’Estremo Oriente sul riciclaggio di denaro, attraverso una rete di agenzie di trasferimento di contanti che ha ripulito 2,7 miliardi di euro. Ventiquattro arrested, 17 are Chinese, the other Italians. A total of 134 suspects. And among them a number of related or connected with the characters ended up in the first investigations against the Chinese Mafia in Italy told in the book "The Boss in Chinatown." Here's the full press release on 28 June 2010 the Financial Police

the early hours of this morning more than 1,000 men of the Guardia di Finanza around the Tuscany Regional Command being executed arrests, searches and seizures of property searches and seizures of property, luxury car company shares and cash in 8 regions of Italy (Tuscany, Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Campania and Sicily) to an association a criminal organization composed of Chinese and Italian citizens, devoted to money laundering of illicit origin, through a network of agencies "money transfer". The orders of arrest (22 in jail and house 2) were issued by the GIP of the Ordinary Court of Florence - Dr. Michele Barillari - proposed by the PM - Dr. Peter Suchan. More than 100 companies involved, all related to operators of Chinese nationality and located between the provinces of Florence and Prato.

The alleged offenses are the mafia-style criminal conspiracy aimed at the laundering of proceeds derived from the following offenses:

- counterfeiting, fraud, marketing and sale of industrial products with misleading signs or in violation of laws protecting the "Made in Italy";

- evasion fiscal

- unauthorized entry and residence within the state of Chinese citizens for the next illegal exploitation in the use at work;

- exploitation of prostitution;

- stolen.

Among the 17 arrested are Chinese nationals and 7 are Italian citizens (for 2 of them were provided custody services).

In respect of 108 investigated subjects (almost all entrepreneurs) have been carried out for precautionary measures with the seizure of real property (real estate, luxury cars, shares corporate cash) profit of the subject of money laundering offenses.

Since 2006, they recycled over 2.7 billion euro.

The investigation began in 2008 when the Guardia di Finanza of Florence Core Tax Police have identified a criminal organization composed of:

- a Chinese family, originally from the province Hubei (located in the center of China): CAI Jianhan, father, 63 years living in Milan, and two sons, CAI Chun Cheng, 41 years resident in Padua, and CAI Cheng Here, 37 years living in Milan;

- an Italian family, consisting of 2 brothers in Bologna: Bolzonaro Fabrizio, who was born in Bologna, 43, resident of S. Lazzaro (BO), and Bolzonaro Andrea, born in Bologna, 43, lives in Pianoro (BO) and BL from the father, born in Malalbergo (BO), 66, resident of San Lazzaro (BO).

The criminal activity of the Chinese family started in 2006 when they acquired a company's "money transfer" - Money2Money Srl, headquartered in Bologna and sub-agencies scattered throughout the country. Entry into the company had been through a nominee, a young woman who carried out the cleaning in the approval of the Chinese family. The entry into the shareholding of Chinese citizens has produced a sudden and exponential growth of the collection of money to be transferred to China. Remittances were made by both employers and individuals.

The "Money2Money Ltd" was founded by the family Bolzonaro that, after entering the orbit of the Chinese people, have offered their knowledge of the criminal organization in the industry, controlling the function of each agency and sub solving any problems in transferring funds.

The illegal activity has been developed with the characteristics mafia. The top-down structure, which was headed by the family CAI, controlled, with forms of psychological intimidation and a volte violente, le attività illecite della comunità cinese su tutto il territorio ove la stessa è risultata più presente. Alcuni esponenti e soggetti collegati alla famiglia CAI risultano indagati e condannati nel contesto di differenti procedimenti penali seguiti dalla Procura di Firenze (Vgs. “Operazione Ramo d’Oriente” e “Operazione Gladioli Rossi”).

La società MONEY2MONEY, tramite le filiali di Prato, Sesto Fiorentino, Empoli, Milano, Roma, Napoli, è servita per operare il riciclaggio del denaro “sporco” proveniente by the various economic activities committed by illegal many Chinese enterprises in the Province of Florence and Prato.

To lose track of the illegal origin of money and hinder the identification of the owners of income, the total was divided into tranches of thousands of € 1,999.99 (maximum limit allowed for each transfer is € 2,000), whose title was given to subjects compliant or, more often than not, to unsuspecting people or non-existent. The cost to business depositors had di 15/17 euro per ogni singolo trasferimento. Il costo del documento di un soggetto a cui intestare il bonifico era di € 5. Naturalmente di più documenti si disponeva e più velocemente era fatto il trasferimento delle somme di denaro in Cina, poiché con un solo documento si dovevano aspettare 8 giorni prima di poterne fare un altro. I documenti migliori erano quelli di persone che ancora non erano uscite dalla Cina, in modo tale da sfuggire ad eventuali verifiche.

La principale attività illegale delle aziende cinesi in Italia è consistita nella produzione di merce contraffatta (principalmente capi ed accessori di pelletteria) e nell’evasione tax. Several interventions during the investigations have, in fact, to confirm how many people who pay money to the various agencies were involved in cases of counterfeiting were having declared income ridiculous. An entrepreneur, for example, at the end of 2008 was stopped in a routine check carried out for his car. On this occasion it was found that the Chinese citizen was carrying, concealed in a bag in the luggage compartment, € 548,000 in cash and checks. The aforementioned sub-contractor was directed to the money transfer agencies to send money to Prato in China. The same is stated that the money was the "black" in his textile company, located in Prato, which was administrator. The company, in the same year, he submitted a statement for the purposes of direct taxation of only € 41,000, covering up, in this way, over 93% of revenues.

The investigations have also led to the total seizure of more than 780,000 counterfeit goods, false or products in violation of standards for the protection of the Made in Italy or the safety of products manufactured in the Florence-Prato or there imported by ship from China. In the recycling operations were also affected importers of counterfeit goods that have used the same method to transfer revenues in China da reati di contrabbando.

Dalla Cina è giunta anche manodopera clandestina da sfruttare nelle aziende:

- giovani donne da impiegare nelle varie “case chiuse” camuffate da centri estetici e di massaggi orientali;

- uomini e donne da destinare ai laboratori ove lavoravano “in nero” in condizioni disumane.

During the investigation it was found, in fact, that many of these immigrants were the center of a veritable human trafficking with an organization that has studied every movement from the underground, from China up in Italy. The organization, in these cases, took care of Chinese citizens travel abroad, which are later arrival in Europe, were systematically withdrawn documents. The removal of the documents raises the underground in a constant state of awe as transplanted under conditions of illegality, in socio-cultural context quite different from that of origin.

Once you arrive at your destination, the illegal immigrants were used in conditions of total exploitation by companies of their countrymen. Forced to live at work in unhealthy and dirty environments, without the most basic precautions for a safe workplace and personal protection. Were not infrequent harassment, beatings and death threats for those not having paid the debt with the organization for entry into Italy (which amounts to about € 13,000 per person).

Another channel for laundering the money to China was the state of San Marino. Were established contatti di un cittadino cinese - Hu Shengwei - con una società finanziaria/fiduciaria - FININTERNATIONAL Spa - con sede centrale e legale in San Marino e sedi in Italia (Forlì, Bologna, Milano) ed Europa (Lugano, Montecarlo, Lussemburgo, Londra). La società, gestita da CARDELLI Luciano (61 anni nato a San Marino e residente a Rimini) e suo figlio Lorenzo (28 anni nato a Bologna e residente a Rimini), è stata utilizzata per l’invio in Cina del denaro che Hu Shengwei raccoglieva nella comunità cinese nella zona di Sesto Fiorentino. Lo stesso trasportava con la propria macchina, in ore notturne per ridurre i rischi di controlli da parte delle forze dell’ordine, il denaro presso la sede della società di San Marino. Each trip involved the transportation of capital not less than 50,000 €. The compensation to Hu was 40 € for every 10,000 € transported. On a trip it was found carrying € 200,000 in cash, locked inside an envelope.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dolls Hospital Glasgow

Pomigliano will be the time of redemption for the workers and for all students and employees

Editorial Dino Greek Liberation

06/18/2010 Close of June 22 - when the Fiat workers Pomigliano will be asked to sign their solemn act of submission and surrender to all that distinguishes an employee from a beast of burden, and for surcharge, to thank the company in exchange for slave labor will continue to award them a piece of bread - we have heard two statements that deserve some consideration.
The first is Walter Veltroni, who yesterday said, in a lengthy interview with Corriere della Sera, that Fiat has not made any blackmail. The ultimatum that it has paid to its employees and their unions is not that 'the result of objective conditions, daughter of uneven globalization. " In other words: if the global competitiveness between companies (elevated to the universal criterion of the civil governor) puts wages and rights at the lowest level required by the market, we can only inchinarvisi. Veltroni But there is something more and other than a sad resignation. There is the deep conviction that the solution should be just fine, that the philosophy of Lingotto speak the language of modernity and that what they are lacking the left-left and the piece of trade union which remains stubbornly class, is the "spirit of innovation '.

Needless to dig in this formula so dark. There would be nothing if not the conviction that the industrial bourgeoisie, enlightened and far-sighted, it embodies the quintessence of progress, as workers, lingered in the flue of the time it was ideological, should abandon the claim to express a collective point of view, subjectivity and political union, because the children of the practice of social conflict that Berlusconi had already scrapped the speech to the owner-Confartigianato. As you can see, a purely modern thought back to deal with the proletariat, mutatis mutandis <+Cors> <+Tondo> as mob dominated and begging. Then, Veltroni, perhaps touched by the doubt that the annihilation of the national contract and confiscation of the right to strike does not exactly represent a fact of civilization, is quick to recommend us not to consider the solution Pomigliano 'model', to spread and the root change in social relations in Italy. To people of all renunciations, we are only facing a "contingent necessity" ...
The second statement, a brief statement, in fact, is Guglielmo Epifani, who felt the need to advocate the victory of "yes" in the forthcoming referendum.
For example, the "prediction" that the workers will be effective blackmail disruptive and harmful barter, against labor rights, a pittance against the renunciation of freedom, will have free rein.
Now, there are bets that the drama of the situation advised to avoid, especially the secretary of the CGIL, especially when Marchionne strikes balance on his "sword of Brennus" and works to repel outside the factory gates that Constitution that impressive seasons of struggle and the Statute of the workers had to enter.
Fortunately there is, in this catastrophic scenario, another story that talks about, yes, of modernity and the future. And above all, dignity. A Melfi, the other major Fiat complex in the South, in the re-election of RSU, Fiom became the first mayor, who was third. It may be that workers in Pomigliano, close to the bite, ending up at the moment to lose. But each of them knows, at heart, who will defend them and help earn the ransom, when the time comes. And this time, you can be sure, sooner or later will come.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Join Indian Army As A Psychologist

peaceful occupation of the Local Vicenza studies

On June 14, 2010 from 12.00 till 16.00 and all together students, teachers employed the Superintendency of Vicenza (Vicenza Provincial Education Office).

Against the economic measure of the Berlusconi government - Bossi and cuts to public school, which heavily affects the workers and employees of the school, so all students, as unions CGIL, USB and CUB School have decided (as an alternative form of struggle to strike) the symbolic occupation of the Superintendency of Vicenza, WE WILL BE STUDENTS TO FILL THE Superintendent THE SIDE OF OUR TEACHERS.

U.S. Public School Students and the Collective of the Communist Youth, examining the educational policies of the last two years and the changes taking place in the secondary school level, we note here the main negative aspects:
• The Reform , "which comes from 'art. Finance Act No. 64 of 133, responds only to the economic needs e non ad un chiaro e approfondito disegno pedagogico,
• le buone pratiche che in passato la scuola ha posto in essere vengono ignorate e cancellate,
• le risorse e le ore di lezione sono tagliate con conseguente impoverimento dei curricoli,
• i tagli agli organici determinano la mancata riconferma di numerosi precari e rendono soprannumerario parte del personale di ruolo,
• le indicazioni nazionali (programmi) non ancora disponibili rendono impossibili la preparazione dei piani di lavoro e la scelta dei libri di testo,
• la mancata definizione delle corrispondenze delle classi di concorso alle nuove discipline crea conflittualità tra docenti,
• gli interventi obbligatori di recovery can not be implemented properly due to lack of funds.

The Collective Public School Students and the Young Communist League of Vicenza seek the implementation of real change:
• to consider education a priority for the welfare and development of society and the State School as the cornerstone,
• a serious reflection on the plant and didactic teaching, based on a true reform,
• a substantial allocation of resources that enhances the school and research in a climate of synergy and competition between institutions,
• recognition of equal dignity courses of study (high schools, technical and vocational schools) and overcoming the clear differentiation of curricula to ensure that possible steps,
• the enhancement of professionalism of teachers in a context of solidarity and cooperation,
• rapid adaptation of school buildings to safety standards,
• A number of students class that meets the standards on fire prevention, and provide quality education


• is a right enshrined

invite all students and students to join.

Monday, May 31, 2010

All Nighter Wood Stove Manual

Monday, June 14, 2010 Israel attacked the flotilla criminal act. At least 19 activists killed in the school canteen

The Israelis have attacked this night the Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara "one of the six ships of the" Freedom fottiglia "set sail yesterday to bring humanitarian aid to the population of the Gaza Strip while they were in international waters 75 miles from the coast of Israel. Special forces armed to the teeth broke into the vessel descending from helicopters and opened fire. A real assault that turned into carnage.
There is talk of at least 19 activists dall'incursione killed and 50 injured during this operation that the military has shaken the world public opinion. Ma il bilancio potrebbe essere molto più grave.

La coalizione formata dal Free Gaza Movement (FG), European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza (ECESG), Insani Yardim Vakfi (IHH), Perdana Global Peace Organisation , Ship to Gaza Greece, Ship to Gaza Sweden, e International Committee to Lift the Siege on Gaza ha lanciato un appello alla comunità internazionale per chiedere ad Israele di fermare questo brutale attacco contro civili. Il ministero degli Esteri turco ha protestato per quest'azione condotta dalla marina israeliana definendola "inaccettabile" ed ha subito convocato l'ambasciatore israeliano in Turchia. Il capo di Stato Maggiore delle Forze armate turche, generale Ilker Basbug, dopo aver appreso la notizia, ha interrotto who was making his official visit to Egypt to return home urgently. But not only. The Ankara government has in fact decided to cancel three joint military maneuvers with the Israeli military planned for today and canceled the football game scheduled between the national Under-18 Turkish and Israeli.

Naiboglu Hasan, undersecretary of the Department of the Ministry of Transport Maritime turkish, stated that the ship was intercettatata illegally by the Israeli navy since the boats were not entered in the territorial waters of the Jewish state, but rather were in international waters, about 70 nautical miles (130 km) from the mainland. Meanwhile, the vessels are reaching the port Ashdodscortate of the Israeli naval units. Meanwhile, Turkey has recalled its ambassador to Israel today.
In terms of diplomacy this serious incident has completely cracked the Israeli-Turkish relations after the cold gà Operation Lead Time. " Turkey meanwhile had thought to improve relations with Iran and this episode could really complicate a situation already at risk. The same UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said she was shocked by the attack against the Israeli-Palestinian flotilla of ships to Gaza. and requested an "immediate and totally independent" investigation and the withdrawal of the Israeli blockade on Gaza. A firm conviction was also expressed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, while the UN Security Council was convened in emergency session to 13 in New York, 19 in Italy.

on board the Turkish ship Mavi Marmaris there would also be a child of only 6 months. The news is Veisel Basar, a member of the Board of Directors of the Turkish Human Rights Humanitarian Foundation and Freedom.

"The attack on the flotilla of boats of direct activists in Gaza by the Israeli navy is an unjustified attack which is a clear and unacceptable violation of international law." This was the comment of the president of the European Jerzy Buzek, who now calls on Israel to explain his actions immediately cooperate with any investigation.

Gaza. It is feared escalation of violence

In Gaza City and the Strip are under protest. "The atmosphere we breathe is heavy and the risk of escalation of violence is real," said Father Jorge Hernandez, pastor of the Gaza Strip. A tragedy - the religious claims - occurred right in the middle of the 'Global Week of Peace in Palestine and Israel, an initiative of the World Council of Churches (WCC). I can not express our discomfort in front of a thing that could and should be avoided. "

Clashes at the University of Haifa University of
Haifa there were clashes between Arab and Jewish students. According to local sources the police would be involved in accidents and one officer was wounded by a stone-throwing launched by the university. The situation is particularly tense that you breathe, and many fear this is only the beginning of an escalation of violence between Jews and Israeli-Arab minority.

protests in front of Israeli embassies.

5 thousand people are marching in Istanbul between Israel and the consulate in central Taksim Square in protest against the assault. The crowd began to gather in front of the Israeli consulate a few minutes after that radio and TV gave news of the the humanitarian convoy. Many threw water bottles and other objects at the building entrance. Scenes of anger and protest to Ankara in front of the residence of the Israeli ambassador in Turkey Levi Gaby, where ever this morning by hundreds of people with Turkish flags and shouting Palestinians or pray under the watchful eyes of police protecting the building. The Union of Greek radical left, Syriza convened this afternoon for a demonstration outside the Israeli embassy to protest and asked the government to require 'the immediate release of the Greek people. The Communist Party (KKE) has asked the government of George Papandreou to cancel "any military cooperation with Israel."

In Egypt hundreds of Egyptians took to the streets to express their dissent front of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, calling for the expulsion of this in Cairo calling for the breaking of relations with Israel. This afternoon is also evident in Baghdad, where Iraqi Shiite radical leader Moqtada Sadr, definentdo the incident the result of "Zionist-Israeli terrorism," launched a mobilization of protest. Even in Sarajevo during a sit-in protest. Hundreds of demonstrators, including many Palestinian students and Turkey, have crossed the parade in the downtown streets of the Bosnian town, arriving at the parliament building, with Palestinian flags and Turkish, chanting anti-Israeli slogans in support of the Palestinian authorities. For the collegial presidency of the Bosnian presidency, to Silajdzic, the perpetrators of this crime have to shoulder their responsibilities under international humanitarian law.

reactions. Irreversible consequences in the diplomatic relations

Hamas in Gaza has denounced the boarding of the flotilla of humanitarian and pro-Palestinian activists by the Israeli navy, saying that it is "organized terrorism of state". The situation now is precipitated and the reaction of Israel against the ship of peace is creating a series of diplomatic incidents in the chain. The greek government has attivato l'unità di crisi ed ha chiesto al governo israeliano chiarimenti e spiegazioni sull'assalto alla 'Flottiglià. Il ministero degli Esteri ha inoltre contattato l'ambasciatore israeliano ad Atene per chiedergli informazioni dettagliate e assicurazioni sulla salute e la sicurezza dei cittadini greci che si trovavano a bordo della Flottiglia. Intanto Israele ha innalzato il livello di allerta in tutto il paese temendo scontri nel Nord. La situazione potrebbe farsi incandescente nei territori della striscia di Gaza dove la popolazione attendeva con partecipazione l'arrivo della Flottilla. Nel frattempo in tutta Italia i movimenti pacifisti stanno preparando una serie di manifestazioni di protesta per condannare l'attacco.
Il governo del Kuwait ha convocato a special session in the afternoon to discuss developments and consequences of the Israeli attack on the 'Freedom Flotilla, "in which they were traveling up to 16 people kuwaitani. Harsh sentence for the use of force by Israel against the peace flotilla arrived in Islamabad by the government, whose members have expressed a clear concern for the three Pakistanis involved in the humanitarian mission. "The killing of members of this humanitarian mission, which includes women, is brutal, inhumane and constitutes a flagrant violation of international law," said the government of Pakistan.

A chorus of condemnation
Sweden, like other countries are doing, he summoned the Israeli Foreign Ministry in Stockholm, calling the assault is totally unacceptable. A similar reaction on the part of Jordan, Belgium and Spain have called this morning the Israeli ambassador in Amman and Madrid, respectively, to demand an explanation on the tragic incident. The French Government claims, however, may shed light on this tragedy by opening a full investigation. Even President Sarkozy has condemned the disproportionate use of force by the Jewish state, while the French Foreign Ministry has summoned the Israeli ambassador this week in France, Daniel Shek, for explanations.

The German government said he was shocked by this unprecedented event. So he riferito il portavoce Ulrich Wilhelm. A bordo della nave c'erano sei cittadini tedeschi, tra cui due deputati del Bundestag.

Al momento il governo italiano non si è espresso sull'accaduto, nonostante il senatore Pietro Marcenaro, presidente della Commissione parlamentare per i Diritti Umani di Palazzo Madama, abbia chiesto formalmente all'Esecutivo di riferire immediatamente in Parlamento su quanto sta accadendo. "Il massacro compiuto al largo del porto di Ashdod è una follia. - ha detto Mercenaro -. Il governo israeliano dovrà risponderne. Non è solo un'evidente iniziativa contro la volontà di pace della comunità internazionale ma anche e in primo luogo contro la democrazia israeliana e contro tutti quelli and Israel reject the disastrous decisions of the executive. "The same request has gone from Italy of Values, which calls on the Government to intervene immediately in the House only a few minutes ago at 12.20 foreign minister, Franco Frattini, met journalists at the Foreign Ministry has espresso saying that "it is essential that an investigation to ascertain the truth of the facts: we call for an investigation into serious and detailed and I believe it is essential that the EU is bound to be directly informed of what will be found ".

Great concern over the incident has also been expressed by the Holy See." This is a very painful, - said Federico Lombardi, director of Sala Stampa vaticana - in particolare per la inutile perdita di vite umane. La situazione viene seguita in Vaticano con grande attenzione e preoccupazione. Come è noto - ha sottolineato Lombardi - la Santa Sede è sempre contraria all'impiego della violenza, da qualsiasi parte essa venga, perchè rende sempre più difficile la ricerca delle soluzioni pacifiche, che sono le sole lungimiranti".

Critiche arrivano anche dalle forze politiche della sinistra e dell'opposione. Paolo Ferrero, segretario della Federazione della sinistra , condannando l'aggressione invoca il boicottaggio dei prodotti israeliana parlando della più grave "strage compiuta contro chi, da volontario, ha il compito di essere operatore di pace". For

26 Italians on board. Here are some names
recall that on board ships carrying a total of 26 650 people are our compatriots who seem to have been coivvolti in the attack. Among them is journalist Turin Angela Lano, 47, director of online quoridiano Infopal Luppichini and Manolo, a freelance director and Roman, among other things, worked with the program of direct socket Rai3, Manuel Zani, another freelance, and Joe Fallisi, a tenor from Milan, and Monsignor Hilarion Capucci
, Palestinian greek-catholic archbishop (Melkite), a Florentine by adoption.

The CGIL, which has expressed its deep condolences the victims' families, asked the Italian Government, the European Union and international community the strongest condemnation of Israel's behavior. "You can no longer stand idly by in the face of continued deterioration of the drama of the population of Gaza, said in a statement released by the union -. Italy and the EU, in line with this position, must be far more incisive than all'insostenibilità the current humanitarian situation in Gaza and must call into question the direct responsibility of Israel, which continues in its refusal to respect of the resolutions and treaties, as demonstrated by the failure to adhere to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. "

Israel defends himself: "The ships were intended to provoke"
According to Israel, the aim of the organizers of the flotilla of pro-Palestinian activists was not to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza, but to implement a deliberate provocation against the Jewish state. He said Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon in a press conference in Jerusalem, stating that "in Gaza a humanitarian problem does not exist" . It says at least two guns, as well as edged weapons and blunt, were found in possession of passengers of vessels detained by the Israeli navy. Ayalon has justified the Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip stated that the free opening of a corridor would ship with Gaza l'afflusso di armi e terroristi nella Striscia con l'intento di colpire Israele. Ayalon ha esortato gli stati i cui cittadini si trovano tra i passeggeri della flottiglia a collaborare assieme a Israele per calmare gli animi infuriati delle rispettive opinioni pubbliche e arrivare alla chiusura rapida e per quanto possibile pacifica dell'incidente, nel quale almeno una decina di attivisti filopalestinesi sono stati uccisi.

Mobilitazioni oggi a Roma e in tutta Italia
Alle ore 17.00 a piazza San Marco numerose organizzazioni aderiranno ad un sit-in di protesta contro i fatti accaduti e a sostegno della missione umanitaria.Ed è davvero lunga la lista delle città dove sono state organizzati sit-in di protesta per dissentire dall'attacco Israeli military forces. Here are the most important events: *

Bergamo Piazza Vittorio Veneto
at 18.00 at 17.00 in * Bologna * Florence
square Neptune at 17.00 in front of the prefecture
* Genoa: 18.00 * Piazza De Ferrari
Grosseto: 18 hours before prefecture
* L'Aquila at 18.00 Round Guardia di Finanza
* Livorno Piazza Grande at 18.00
* Milan: 18.00 in Piazza San Babila
* Modena 17 hours under the Ghirlandina
* Naples: at 17 square Plebiscite
* Padova: 17 hours: 30 in front of the prefecture
* Parma at 18.00 in Piazzale della Pace
* Pesaro - 18.30 in front of the City
* Treviso - 18.00 in front of the Prefecture
* Rome, 17.00 * Torino Piazza San Marco
: 17.00 before building new
Varese * 17 hours in front of the prefecture
17.00 * Venice - Rialto Bridge *
Viareggio 17 hours before the municipality
* Vicenza - 18.30 in front of the Prefecture

Monday, March 29, 2010

Worcester Bosch 24i Red Reset Light Flashing

nine poor children left on bread and water

Montecchio Maggiore is a pity that leaps to the headlines like this baffling cases.

The municipal government has denied food to be guilty of nine children in economic conditions that have allowed their parents to pay for the mess.

La povertà è forse un crimine? Temiamo che nel degrado in cui sta sprofondando il nostro Paese questi bimbi abbiano, agli occhi dell’Amministrazione comunale, una seconda colpa: sette su nove sono figli di extracomunitari. Tutte le persone oneste devono ribellarsi. Noi comunisti lo facciamo, condannando con forza quanto accaduto, chiedendo al Sindaco se non abbia qualcosa da spiegare alla sua coscienza e non solo a questi bambini, alle loro famiglie e a tutti i cittadini .

L'assessore all'Istruzione della Lega Nord del comune di Montecchio Maggiore ha deciso di lasciare a pane e acqua i bambini i cui genitori risultano inadempienti con la straight meals.
The protection of children from violence and discrimination should be universal values, values \u200b\u200bwhich political forces like the Northern League and the PDL supported only talk.
Proof of this is this case of the town of Montecchio Maggiore, where nine children (seven foreigners and two Italian nursery and primary) are left on bread and water. With this action the League's commissioner, in addition to the Italian Constitution violates the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
As the PRC Communist Party and Young Communist League strongly condemns this case we can define a national disgrace, ask the intervention of the judiciary and delle più alte cariche della Stato per ridare a questi bambini i loro diritti ed a tutti i cittadini democratici di mobilitarsi.

Friday, March 19, 2010

What Can I Use To Help My Broken Hair

Death to the godfather of the bars ChongqingDietro Lady Mafia

Wen Qiang, the boss of Chongqing, was sentenced to mid-April. Rape, corruption and complicity with the Chinese mafia. Wen, 54, has grossed more than two million dollars in bribes, has protected the Mafia and gang raped an unknown number of rising stars of cinema. It was the benchmark of organized crime and ended up with him in the dock over three thousand people in a vast crackdown judiciary that has shocked the whole of China.

Wen - who was deputy police chief for 16 years - had plenty of apartments and villas, a stable of luxury cars and a real treasure in antiques and works of art worth hundreds of millions of yuan.

is in trouble over his wife: Xiaoya Zhou, who was sentenced to eight years in prison, because - by harnessing the power of her husband - pocketed bribes.

well in prison in-law of Wen: Caiping Xie, sentenced to 18 years because they ran illegal gambling dens and drug trafficking. The "godmother" or lady Mafia - so they called the Chinese media - turned into luxury Mercedes, lived in luxury villas and had to be a "harem" of 16 young men ready to satisfy every sexual whim.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Lightweight Small Tripod Dslr

AMARCORD / Little Pete, the dandy of the most ruthless Chinatown

"Wherever he went, Little Pete was accompanied by a trusted servant who was carrying a chest full of precious and a box of toiletries. The most powerful boss of the Tong of San Francisco was a real dandy, very concerned about her physical appearance. Jewelry changed several times a day and never wore the same outfit two days running. Spent two hours every morning to comb, brush and oil the long tail of hair that she always shines. And of which he was inordinately proud. "

So the journalist Herbert Asbury describes Fung Jing Toy , the boss of the Chinatown of San Francisco at the end of '800 best known as "Little Pete". The charms and the vanity of the leaders of Chinese mafia does not seem to be never changed. Even today, Asian crime boss loves to show off luxury clothes and cars travel on dark for several thousand euro. Not to mention the bodyguards who carry at least a couple, to ensure calm parades through the streets of dozens of Chinatown around the globe. Even Pete Little, founder of the most ruthless Tong (so called the Triads born on American soil), it was always accompanied by heavily armed thugs. But it was precisely because of inattention to this detail (or perhaps because of excessive bravado), the gangster came under the crossfire of a rival clan.

Little Pete was very quickly able to gain control of Chinatown. Using his personal army of thugs, when thirty years had not even control the traffic of prostitution, extortion, racketeering, gambling and opium trade in the Californian city. But it was also a negotiator, as evidenced by the alleged alliance with the powerful Christopher Augustine Buckley, a businessman and influential member of the Democratic Party. On the evening of January 23, 1897, however, the "King of Chinatown" commits a fatal mistake. During one of his frequent visits to the barber on the corner of Washington Street and Waverly Place, carries only one of his soldiers and, shortly after sitting on the chair with a hot towel over his face, sent him to buy a newspaper. A chinatown

(photo by Arnold Gentha) such an occasion can not pass unnoticed. And when you see two killers, the action moves to action. One of them remains on guard outside. The other comes with the gun in his hand, grabs Little Pete for the long tail and shoots five shots at close range. Empire of the Young Fung Jing Toy collapses to 33 years. The war between the underworld of Chinese gangs in San Francisco has just begun.