Monday, June 14, 2010 Israel attacked the flotilla criminal act. At least 19 activists killed in the school canteen
The Israelis have attacked this night the Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara "one of the six ships of the" Freedom fottiglia "set sail yesterday to bring humanitarian aid to the population of the Gaza Strip while they were in international waters 75 miles from the coast of Israel. Special forces armed to the teeth broke into the vessel descending from helicopters and opened fire. A real assault that turned into carnage.
There is talk of at least 19 activists dall'incursione killed and 50 injured during this operation that the military has shaken the world public opinion. Ma il bilancio potrebbe essere molto più grave.
La coalizione formata dal Free Gaza Movement (FG), European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza (ECESG), Insani Yardim Vakfi (IHH), Perdana Global Peace Organisation , Ship to Gaza Greece, Ship to Gaza Sweden, e International Committee to Lift the Siege on Gaza ha lanciato un appello alla comunità internazionale per chiedere ad Israele di fermare questo brutale attacco contro civili. Il ministero degli Esteri turco ha protestato per quest'azione condotta dalla marina israeliana definendola "inaccettabile" ed ha subito convocato l'ambasciatore israeliano in Turchia. Il capo di Stato Maggiore delle Forze armate turche, generale Ilker Basbug, dopo aver appreso la notizia, ha interrotto who was making his official visit to Egypt to return home urgently. But not only. The Ankara government has in fact decided to cancel three joint military maneuvers with the Israeli military planned for today and canceled the football game scheduled between the national Under-18 Turkish and Israeli.
Naiboglu Hasan, undersecretary of the Department of the Ministry of Transport Maritime turkish, stated that the ship was intercettatata illegally by the Israeli navy since the boats were not entered in the territorial waters of the Jewish state, but rather were in international waters, about 70 nautical miles (130 km) from the mainland. Meanwhile, the vessels are reaching the port Ashdodscortate of the Israeli naval units. Meanwhile, Turkey has recalled its ambassador to Israel today.
In terms of diplomacy this serious incident has completely cracked the Israeli-Turkish relations after the cold gà Operation Lead Time. " Turkey meanwhile had thought to improve relations with Iran and this episode could really complicate a situation already at risk. The same UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said she was shocked by the attack against the Israeli-Palestinian flotilla of ships to Gaza. and requested an "immediate and totally independent" investigation and the withdrawal of the Israeli blockade on Gaza. A firm conviction was also expressed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, while the UN Security Council was convened in emergency session to 13 in New York, 19 in Italy.
on board the Turkish ship Mavi Marmaris there would also be a child of only 6 months. The news is Veisel Basar, a member of the Board of Directors of the Turkish Human Rights Humanitarian Foundation and Freedom.
"The attack on the flotilla of boats of direct activists in Gaza by the Israeli navy is an unjustified attack which is a clear and unacceptable violation of international law." This was the comment of the president of the European Jerzy Buzek, who now calls on Israel to explain his actions immediately cooperate with any investigation.
Gaza. It is feared escalation of violence In Gaza City and the Strip are under protest. "The atmosphere we breathe is heavy and the risk of escalation of violence is real," said Father Jorge Hernandez, pastor of the Gaza Strip. A tragedy - the religious claims - occurred right in the middle of the 'Global Week of Peace in Palestine and Israel, an initiative of the World Council of Churches (WCC). I can not express our discomfort in front of a thing that could and should be avoided. "
Clashes at the University of Haifa University of Haifa there were clashes between Arab and Jewish students. According to local sources the police would be involved in accidents and one officer was wounded by a stone-throwing launched by the university. The situation is particularly tense that you breathe, and many fear this is only the beginning of an escalation of violence between Jews and Israeli-Arab minority.
protests in front of Israeli embassies. 5 thousand people are marching in Istanbul between Israel and the consulate in central Taksim Square in protest against the assault. The crowd began to gather in front of the Israeli consulate a few minutes after that radio and TV gave news of the the humanitarian convoy. Many threw water bottles and other objects at the building entrance. Scenes of anger and protest to Ankara in front of the residence of the Israeli ambassador in Turkey Levi Gaby, where ever this morning by hundreds of people with Turkish flags and shouting Palestinians or pray under the watchful eyes of police protecting the building. The Union of Greek radical left, Syriza convened this afternoon for a demonstration outside the Israeli embassy to protest and asked the government to require 'the immediate release of the Greek people.
The Communist Party (KKE) has asked the government of George Papandreou to cancel "any military cooperation with Israel." In Egypt hundreds of Egyptians took to the streets to express their dissent front of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, calling for the expulsion of this in Cairo calling for the breaking of relations with Israel. This afternoon is also evident in Baghdad, where Iraqi Shiite radical leader Moqtada Sadr, definentdo the incident the result of "Zionist-Israeli terrorism," launched a mobilization of protest. Even in Sarajevo during a sit-in protest. Hundreds of demonstrators, including many Palestinian students and Turkey, have crossed the parade in the downtown streets of the Bosnian town, arriving at the parliament building, with Palestinian flags and Turkish, chanting anti-Israeli slogans in support of the Palestinian authorities. For the collegial presidency of the Bosnian presidency, to Silajdzic, the perpetrators of this crime have to shoulder their responsibilities under international humanitarian law.
reactions. Irreversible consequences in the diplomatic relations Hamas in Gaza has denounced the boarding of the flotilla of humanitarian and pro-Palestinian activists by the Israeli navy, saying that it is "organized terrorism of state". The situation now is precipitated and the reaction of Israel against the ship of peace is creating a series of diplomatic incidents in the chain. The greek government has attivato l'unità di crisi ed ha chiesto al governo israeliano chiarimenti e spiegazioni sull'assalto alla 'Flottiglià. Il ministero degli Esteri ha inoltre contattato l'ambasciatore israeliano ad Atene per chiedergli informazioni dettagliate e assicurazioni sulla salute e la sicurezza dei cittadini greci che si trovavano a bordo della Flottiglia. Intanto Israele ha innalzato il livello di allerta in tutto il paese temendo scontri nel Nord. La situazione potrebbe farsi incandescente nei territori della striscia di Gaza dove la popolazione attendeva con partecipazione l'arrivo della Flottilla. Nel frattempo in tutta Italia i movimenti pacifisti stanno preparando una serie di manifestazioni di protesta per condannare l'attacco.
Il governo del Kuwait ha convocato a special session in the afternoon to discuss developments and consequences of the Israeli attack on the 'Freedom Flotilla, "in which they were traveling up to 16 people kuwaitani. Harsh sentence for the use of force by Israel against the peace flotilla arrived in Islamabad by the government, whose members have expressed a clear concern for the three Pakistanis involved in the humanitarian mission. "The killing of members of this humanitarian mission, which includes women, is brutal, inhumane and constitutes a flagrant violation of international law," said the government of Pakistan.
A chorus of condemnation Sweden, like other countries are doing, he summoned the Israeli Foreign Ministry in Stockholm, calling the assault is totally unacceptable. A similar reaction on the part of Jordan, Belgium and Spain have called this morning the Israeli ambassador in Amman and Madrid, respectively, to demand an explanation on the tragic incident. The French Government claims, however, may shed light on this tragedy by opening a full investigation. Even President Sarkozy has condemned the disproportionate use of force by the Jewish state, while the French Foreign Ministry has summoned the Israeli ambassador this week in France, Daniel Shek, for explanations.
The German government said he was shocked by this unprecedented event. So he riferito il portavoce Ulrich Wilhelm. A bordo della nave c'erano sei cittadini tedeschi, tra cui due deputati del Bundestag.
Al momento il governo italiano non si è espresso sull'accaduto, nonostante il senatore Pietro Marcenaro, presidente della Commissione parlamentare per i Diritti Umani di Palazzo Madama, abbia chiesto formalmente all'Esecutivo di riferire immediatamente in Parlamento su quanto sta accadendo. "Il massacro compiuto al largo del porto di Ashdod è una follia. - ha detto Mercenaro -. Il governo israeliano dovrà risponderne. Non è solo un'evidente iniziativa contro la volontà di pace della comunità internazionale ma anche e in primo luogo contro la democrazia israeliana e contro tutti quelli and Israel reject the disastrous decisions of the executive. "The same request has gone from Italy of Values, which calls on the Government to intervene immediately in the House only a few minutes ago at 12.20 foreign minister, Franco Frattini, met journalists at the Foreign Ministry has espresso saying that "it is essential that an investigation to ascertain the truth of the facts: we call for an investigation into serious and detailed and I believe it is essential that the EU is bound to be directly informed of what will be found ".
Great concern over the incident has also been expressed by the Holy See." This is a very painful, - said Federico Lombardi, director of Sala Stampa vaticana - in particolare per la inutile perdita di vite umane. La situazione viene seguita in Vaticano con grande attenzione e preoccupazione. Come è noto - ha sottolineato Lombardi - la Santa Sede è sempre contraria all'impiego della violenza, da qualsiasi parte essa venga, perchè rende sempre più difficile la ricerca delle soluzioni pacifiche, che sono le sole lungimiranti".
Critiche arrivano anche dalle forze politiche della sinistra e dell'opposione. Paolo Ferrero, segretario della Federazione della sinistra , condannando l'aggressione invoca il boicottaggio dei prodotti israeliana parlando della più grave "strage compiuta contro chi, da volontario, ha il compito di essere operatore di pace". For
26 Italians on board. Here are some names recall that on board ships carrying a total of 26 650 people are our compatriots who seem to have been coivvolti in the attack. Among them is journalist
Turin Angela Lano, 47, director of online quoridiano Infopal Luppichini and Manolo, a freelance director and Roman, among other things, worked with the program of direct socket Rai3, Manuel Zani, another freelance, and Joe Fallisi, a tenor from Milan, and Monsignor Hilarion Capucci
, Palestinian greek-catholic archbishop (Melkite), a Florentine by adoption. The CGIL, which has expressed its deep condolences the victims' families, asked the Italian Government, the European Union and international community the strongest condemnation of Israel's behavior. "You can no longer stand idly by in the face of continued deterioration of the drama of the population of Gaza, said in a statement released by the union -. Italy and the EU, in line with this position, must be far more incisive than all'insostenibilità the current humanitarian situation in Gaza and must call into question the direct responsibility of Israel, which continues in its refusal to respect of the resolutions and treaties, as demonstrated by the failure to adhere to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. "
Israel defends himself: "The ships were intended to provoke" According to Israel, the aim of the organizers of the flotilla of pro-Palestinian activists was not to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza, but to implement a deliberate provocation against the Jewish state.
He said Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon in a press conference in Jerusalem, stating that "in Gaza a humanitarian problem does not exist" . It says at least two guns, as well as edged weapons and blunt, were found in possession of passengers of vessels detained by the Israeli navy. Ayalon has justified the Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip stated that the free opening of a corridor would ship with Gaza l'afflusso di armi e terroristi nella Striscia con l'intento di colpire Israele. Ayalon ha esortato gli stati i cui cittadini si trovano tra i passeggeri della flottiglia a collaborare assieme a Israele per calmare gli animi infuriati delle rispettive opinioni pubbliche e arrivare alla chiusura rapida e per quanto possibile pacifica dell'incidente, nel quale almeno una decina di attivisti filopalestinesi sono stati uccisi.
Mobilitazioni oggi a Roma e in tutta Italia Alle ore 17.00 a piazza San Marco numerose organizzazioni aderiranno ad un sit-in di protesta contro i fatti accaduti e a sostegno della missione umanitaria.Ed è davvero lunga la lista delle città dove sono state organizzati sit-in di protesta per dissentire dall'attacco Israeli military forces. Here are the most important events: *
Bergamo Piazza Vittorio Veneto
at 18.00 at 17.00 in * Bologna * Florence
square Neptune at 17.00 in front of the prefecture
* Genoa: 18.00 * Piazza De Ferrari
Grosseto: 18 hours before prefecture
* L'Aquila at 18.00 Round Guardia di Finanza
* Livorno Piazza Grande at 18.00
* Milan: 18.00 in Piazza San Babila
* Modena 17 hours under the Ghirlandina
* Naples: at 17 square Plebiscite
* Padova: 17 hours: 30 in front of the prefecture
* Parma at 18.00 in Piazzale della Pace
* Pesaro - 18.30 in front of the City
* Treviso - 18.00 in front of the Prefecture
* Rome, 17.00 * Torino Piazza San Marco
: 17.00 before building new
Varese * 17 hours in front of the prefecture
17.00 * Venice - Rialto Bridge *
Viareggio 17 hours before the municipality
* Vicenza - 18.30 in front of the Prefecture