After two months of hard work coordinated among the hundreds of Italy in all reality it's time to reap the rewards. Next week will be the ultimate collection procedures certified modules in all the provinces to enable the national office to monitor and prepare for filing in the Court of Cassation. From the province of Vicenza have already been sent and 10,450 signatures by next week it will be ready as well. The campaign to collect signatures in favor of ripubblicizzazione Water has produced results never before seen in Italy and in the province.
In recent months the referendum campaign have flooded the country with banquets everywhere. We shared hopes and desire for change with women and men of all ages, experiences and cultures. More than a million people have recognized in this way, over a million people are clamoring for a public and participatory water management. We all and all completed an exciting first step: many, different, together. Monday, July 19 will deliver hundreds of boxes containing our signatures. As always, we do not as a bureaucratic exercise, but as a water festival.
With the joy of those present but in this walk in the future to rebuild all at once "The Fourth Estate", in accompanying signatures to the Court of Cassation. The music and the confidence, intelligence and creativity. The Forum for Public Water want to participate in this celebration people from all the territories, because there is "the bedrock of our fertility."
We know that this is an important effort to ask many and many a new journey. We know that it would be nice to see the richness of this experience.
July 12 - we went back to some: the procession leaving at 20:00 from schools Via Prati, arrived at the Peace Park where Luca Paolini and Marco Bassano climbed on stage to give again ai vicentini musica e spettacolo. L’iniziativa è stata organizzata dal Forum Provinciale Acqua Bene Comune, al quale anche i Giovani Comunisti e Rifondazione Comunista partecipano. Ora si tratta, dopo l'approvazione ed il bando del referendum, di portare gli elettori alle urne, e vincere!
AAA CERCASI VOLONTARI. Mancano pochissimi giorni alla consegna delle firme in Cassazione (19 luglio) e ci sono ancora moltissime cose da fare. Per chi vive a ROMA e ha qualche ora da dedicare all'acqua bene comune venga a dare una mano a VIA DEL POLICLINICO 131, presso la sede di Rifondazione, è aperto tutti i giorni, tutto il giorno, fino a domenica.
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