Editorial Dino Greek Liberation
06/18/2010 Close of June 22 - when the Fiat workers Pomigliano will be asked to sign their solemn act of submission and surrender to all that distinguishes an employee from a beast of burden, and for surcharge, to thank the company in exchange for slave labor will continue to award them a piece of bread - we have heard two statements that deserve some consideration.
The first is Walter Veltroni, who yesterday said, in a lengthy interview with Corriere della Sera, that Fiat has not made any blackmail. The ultimatum that it has paid to its employees and their unions is not that 'the result of objective conditions, daughter of uneven globalization. " In other words: if the global competitiveness between companies (elevated to the universal criterion of the civil governor) puts wages and rights at the lowest level required by the market, we can only inchinarvisi. Veltroni But there is something more and other than a sad resignation. There is the deep conviction that the solution should be just fine, that the philosophy of Lingotto speak the language of modernity and that what they are lacking the left-left and the piece of trade union which remains stubbornly class, is the "spirit of innovation '.
Needless to dig in this formula so dark. There would be nothing if not the conviction that the industrial bourgeoisie, enlightened and far-sighted, it embodies the quintessence of progress, as workers, lingered in the flue of the time it was ideological, should abandon the claim to express a collective point of view, subjectivity and political union, because the children of the practice of social conflict that Berlusconi had already scrapped the speech to the owner-Confartigianato. As you can see, a purely modern thought back to deal with the proletariat, mutatis mutandis <+Cors> <+Tondo> as mob dominated and begging. Then, Veltroni, perhaps touched by the doubt that the annihilation of the national contract and confiscation of the right to strike does not exactly represent a fact of civilization, is quick to recommend us not to consider the solution Pomigliano 'model', to spread and the root change in social relations in Italy. To people of all renunciations, we are only facing a "contingent necessity" ...
The second statement, a brief statement, in fact, is Guglielmo Epifani, who felt the need to advocate the victory of "yes" in the forthcoming referendum.
For example, the "prediction" that the workers will be effective blackmail disruptive and harmful barter, against labor rights, a pittance against the renunciation of freedom, will have free rein.
Now, there are bets that the drama of the situation advised to avoid, especially the secretary of the CGIL, especially when Marchionne strikes balance on his "sword of Brennus" and works to repel outside the factory gates that Constitution that impressive seasons of struggle and the Statute of the workers had to enter.
Fortunately there is, in this catastrophic scenario, another story that talks about, yes, of modernity and the future. And above all, dignity. A Melfi, the other major Fiat complex in the South, in the re-election of RSU, Fiom became the first mayor, who was third. It may be that workers in Pomigliano, close to the bite, ending up at the moment to lose. But each of them knows, at heart, who will defend them and help earn the ransom, when the time comes. And this time, you can be sure, sooner or later will come.
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