Si vede il nervosismo dei finiani alla vigilia della Festa Tricolore, che si terrà a Mirabello, dove Sunday is expected to be the intervention of Gianfranco Fini. Speaker of the House is expected to breach by Berlusconi, Bossi, and in particular by former colonels of An, the fiercest against their former boss.
From what is apparent from the detailed reading of the main national newspapers, in Roman circles was circulated to the news that the PDL, the PDL or better associations, namely the one directed by Brambilla, draws up a demonstration to protest Fini . We circulate the rumor that the "traitor", even though the official announcement will not, will outline the characteristics of the new party likely to be born in November.
strong pressure sui finiani che rispondono nel modo peggiore possibile, una sorta di autorete che non giova certo a Fini, fra volgarità e stupidaggine. Anzi, lo danneggia e non poco.
I l sito di “Generazione Italia” paragona il Pdl che organizza la contestazione, ai comunisti. Copre il logo del berlusconiano “Popolo della Libertà” con una stella in cui campeggia una falce e un martello. Parla di “una deriva sinistrorsa/comunistoide del Pdl” confermata “da una telefonata di un nostro amico napoletano che ci informa che è stato contattato da un consigliere provinciale del Pdl che gli ha fatto una richiesta particolare: ‘Stiamo organizzando con la Brambilla una contestazione a Fini quando parlerà Mirabello. You can fill a coach? It 's all at the expense of the party'. "
"They will give even the sandwich - it is stated on the site - in style CGIL. And maybe a little red book with instructions on how to contest the enemy of the people. " Another stupid free.
There really need to call into question the largest Italian trade union? And who knows them, that the register pedigree, but renewed and purified, they have the MSI, the heir of fascism, how many sacrifices, the struggles have been working and retired Italian players to conquer and defend democracy, the fascists were put under your feet? They forget, it will be remembered, that Mussolini and the Fascist squads first hit vulnerable targets such as the Chamber of Labour, the offices of trade unions, locked in prisons many Communists, Socialists, Republicans, liberals, Catholics, Democrats, those who opposed the regime and as men who killed Matteotti. We are at the final comic - Generation concludes Italy taking the famous phrase that Gianfranco Fini spoke against Silvio Berlusconi - and this time for real. "These words are very clear, an indictment of the PDL. It is inexplicable that the policy-communist . A gaffe? One way to break free of the accusation that Berlusconi Fini if \u200b\u200byou mean by the Left? Even for respond to those who accuse the president of the Chamber to move in line with Giorgio Napolitano, the head of state, which is just the party of communists? Be that as it remains a stupid vulgar. The hammer and sickle are symbols of the historic workers' struggles, workers, their redemption. They are the best part of our history, the history of Italian and European democracy. It is of interest
Fini, we believe, detract from the content of the speech that will take. The tam tam
these hours announced that the Speaker of the House will confirm the confidence in the government, it will launch the new party, but will outline a program and a project for a European right. "It will not discount the themes of morality and legality ", read about the process by which the scribe Berlusconi by Ghedini to Alfano, through Gianni Letta, trying to finalize a text on which to get a vote in favor of Finian. As if he was talking about a virgin who until now, even today, continues to govern with Berlusconi and the end of the day, shots of confidence and retreated after each Battaglietta, vote ad personam "laws, laws against workers, endorses the destruction of the Public School of Health, a model of society constructed in the crucible of political struggle of workers and students.
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