Wen Qiang, the boss of Chongqing, was sentenced to mid-April. Rape, corruption and complicity with the Chinese mafia.
Wen - who was deputy police chief for 16 years - had plenty of apartments and villas, a stable of luxury cars and a real treasure in antiques and works of art worth hundreds of millions of yuan.
is in trouble over his wife: Xiaoya Zhou, who was sentenced to eight years in prison, because - by harnessing the power of her husband - pocketed bribes.
well in prison in-law of Wen: Caiping Xie, sentenced to 18 years because they ran illegal gambling dens and drug trafficking. The "godmother" or lady Mafia - so they called the Chinese media - turned into luxury Mercedes, lived in luxury villas and had to be a "harem" of 16 young men ready to satisfy every sexual whim.
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