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Bianca Berlinguer, direttore del TG3 |
Dicembre 2010 è stato il mese della tentata spallata al Governo Berlusconi IV, spallata respinta con la votazione di fiducia del giorno 14 che ha visto prevalere la maggioranza di centrodestra for 314 to 311 against the united opposition of left and right.
This event, combined with previous media battle and considerations following the vote, has heavily influenced the news of the month, as shown by the data AGCom , giving rise to one protagonist: the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. A this link data are collected in. Xls.
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December 2010 aggregated data AGCom institutions - the majority - Opposition |
From the first chart, which compares the time spent by a majority, opposition and istituzioni, si nota una netta preponderanza di queste ultime rispetto a quanto previsto dalle regole della par condicio , che vorrebbero il tempo politico dei telegiornali ripartito equamente tra le macrocategorie. In particolare, la media di tempo dedicata alle istituzioni è stata intorno al 50%, compresa tra il 40% di MTV ed il 78% del TGCom.
Non è tuttavia l'opposizione a fare le spese dell'eccessivo tempo dedicato alle istituzioni: i partiti che si oppongono al governo ottengono infatti il 34% circa del tempo televisivo (spaziando dal 16% del TGCom al 41% del TG3).
Si tratta invece della maggioranza parlamentare ad essere sacrificata ad un misero 15% medio, disegnando perfettamente la situazione politica del December and a split in general quite adequate to the Second Republic: the parliamentary team's center, when the majority ceases to be a legislative body, to be reduced to a mere executor of the will of the government, then drawing a contrast not between teams and gentlemen, but rather between the executive and the opposition to the Chambers.
successive political events in December and then have seen the constant media dominance of these institutions, and among these was the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, to have the greater role. Of all the TG examined Berlusconi has had access to more than 36 hours of speaking time and time news, compared to the rest of the 22 prerogative of the executive, the 20 Democratic Party and almost 17 of the People of Freedom.
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Data AGCom December 2010 compared Prime Minister, Government major parties |
The Chairman of the largest media space around the political world, an area more than twice that of the party in which the entire military and far greater majority that supports him. An area of \u200b\u200bnine percentage points higher than the sum of all other Government Ministers, ten percentage points higher than the largest opposition party, five percentage points more than the entire center.
in this issue lies in fact the political strategy of the Knight, the personalization of politics that has seen in the December 14 vote of confidence in a referendum on him and not the government in general, to fight in person, and after the victory, to be celebrated as a person. The climb in the polls had the PDL after December 14 is essentially, therefore, had a lift from the figure of Berlusconi.
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AGCom December 2010 aggregated data for socio-cultural area |
Observing finally graphical division into macro policies, we can see once again the impact of the shift in the media center of the conflict to the Berlusconi-center-center.
The center falls to its lowest since June 2010, while the center is positioned to the highest since August 2010. However, it should be noted that, due to the interchangeability between Berlusconi and center-right, the standard deviation related to the center will be substantially higher than that reported to the counterparty.
Contrary to what one would have thought then, the phenomenon FLI has not yet been fully absorbed by the television, and reduced all'alveo of the center of governo o di opposizione: il calo a livello di coalizione ha impattato infatti solo il PdL, lasciando invece la formazione di Fini su valori sì bassi, ma in ogni caso all'interno della forchetta di rappresentanza mediatica dei mesi scorsi.
Valutando infine la qualità dei telegiornali, emerge in realtà come la riduzione dello spazio dedicato al centrodestra abbia equilibrato la suddivisione dell'informazione rispetto alle macroaree politiche (deviazione standard inferiore al punto percentuale), mentre la preponderanza televisiva di Berlusconi abbia invece pesantemente degradato la valutazione nella classificazione tra istituzioni, maggioranza e opposizioni. Il telegiornale che meglio di tutti ha saputo equilibrare l'informazione nel mese December proved to be the Bianca Berlinguer TG3, followed by MTVFlash and TG2. The worst performance, as usual, are the prerogative of TgCom, Studio Aperto and TG4. Finally stands out from the bad result of TG1 Minzolini, for too many months, the most unbalanced of the titles RAI.
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