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Beppe Pisanu (PDL) |
One of the most common refrain Berlusconi's proposed policy is the contrast between "old" and "new", the old of professional politicians and their games and the new building consists of the entrepreneur worked in politics, and as such only interested in and serve the common good of the country.
If the comparison may be fine view, so dear to Berlusconi, the personalization of the political struggle, its application in a comparative analysis between the center and center-right, or better yet between the majority and opposition, but shows very different results.
If you look at the composition of the Chambers in fact, it is possible to determine with precision the length of parliamentary politics that compose them, and effectively estimate the extent of the renewal of the ruling class made by each deployment over the years. In this first article will be considered on the Senate, with composition and data updated to 11/02/2011.
With the data available on the Parliament Open was possible to identify, for each senator, the number of days on which he served as a Member of both Houses and the date of first entry. The two values \u200b\u200bare not necessarily related, as many senators were found holes, at the elections which have not been elected or where they are presented.
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Ten senators with the most of days as a Member of Parliament (as of 02/11/2011) |
Looking at the first table that lists the ten senators with the highest number of days spent as a parliamentarian, there is already something of a clear prevalence of members of the PDL: seven senators on the ten most experienced parliamentary fact belong to this camp, leaving each element in PD, FLI - still an MP elected in the lists of the PDL in 2008 - and UDC-SVP. The PDL is also the only party for senators who passed the ideology of the 10,000 days of stay in Parliament, and does so with four elements.
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Ten senators with the lowest date of first entry into Parliament (as of 11/02/2011) |
The situation changed, though not radically, but if the number of days Office Parliamentary you look at the date of first entry: in this case the presence of the PDL decreases five elements, the PD increased to three, while remaining at a UDC-SVP and Mixed - an MP elected in 2008, however, the ranks of the PD. There are six, equamentre distributed between PD and PDL, the senators entered for the first time in Parliament before 1980.
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Analysis of days present in Parliament (as at 02.11.2011) Parliamentary Group for Pooled |
Going into detail of the parliamentary groups, the presence of media time spent fully confirms that the PDL is training with the highest value, beyond 3500 days. Below UDC-SVP, FLI, Mixed, PD, and IDV League.
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Analysis of the parliamentary group PDL (as of 11/02/2011) |
Despite the PDL, thanks to the overwhelming election victory in 2008, was able to pursue in Parliament a more representatives than the XV Legislature, this was not tradotto in un vero ringiovanimento della sua classe politica: solo 39 senatori su un gruppo parlamentare di 134 elementi sono infatti entrati per la prima volta in parlamento nel 2008.
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Analisi del gruppo parlamentare FLI (dati al 11/02/2011) |
Il fatto che FLI abbia valori medi e massimi inferiori a quelli del PdL è un ulteriore indice della difficoltà di rinnovamento che incontra il partito berlusconiano: ribaltando il refrain dei professionisti della politica, FLI è la dimostrazione dell'irrequietezza che scuote, nel centrodestra, proprio quelle persone con esperienza parlamentare minor.
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Analysis of the parliamentary group PD (as of 02/11/2011) |
Despite the electoral defeat of the center in 2008, the simplification of the political landscape has led to the PD in an increase of seats. Compared to the PDL, however, this has translated into a real engagement of new recruits: a full 34 out of 110 senators were elected for the first time in 2008, a number not only explained by the increase in the number of seats, limited to ten.
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IdV Analysis of the parliamentary group (data at 2/11/2011) |
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Analysis of the parliamentary group League (as of 02/11/2011) |
Italy of Values \u200b\u200band the League Northern Ireland have lived between 2006 and 2008 a period of strong expansion. Evident from the graphs for both parties a ruling class generally very young, but, unlike the PD, in this case did not make sense to speak of renewal. If you look in detail the composition of the parliamentary groups is seen as the high prevalence of senators to the first term is in fact due to the increase of seats available for these configurations: the old folks are gone, left no room, just the high percentages obtained by the two parties have allowed that they were flanked by dense crowds of newly elected members.
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Analysis of the parliamentary group UDC-SVP (as of 02/11/2011) |
The group UDC-SVP looks like perhaps the most unusual: if the others see it a pyramidal structure more or less marked, with a broad base at the first election of senators and a thinning of the values \u200b\u200bas they switch to parliamentary office for more time, in this case, the limited size of the accomplices, This trend does not appear to climb in a evident, and the average time spent in Parliament is therefore thrown up.
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Analysis of the Mixed Parliamentary Group (as of 02/11/2011) |
The mixed group, of course, not an actual party, but you trace the 'identikit of those who, after the general elections of 2008, turned out to be dissatisfied with all the partisan alliances. The composition of this group do not really see a prevalence at the first election of senators, leaving the impression that shine out from their starting lineup fosse dettata più da calcolo politico che da motivazioni ideologiche.
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Analisi dei giorni di presenza in Parlamento (dato al 11/02/2011) Aggregato per regione |
Esaminando lo spaccato per regioni, si notano alcuni casi particolari, in cui il tempo medio di permanenza in Parlamento supera i 3.000 giorni: Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Puglia, Sardegna (dove addirittura si superano i 4.000), Sicilia, Umbria e Veneto. In realtà solo in Calabria, dove la deviazione standard non raggiunge i 2.000 giorni, si può parlare di una classe dirigente veramente vecchia. Negli altri casi emerge invece a different situation, in which one or more parliamentary historians alongside shoots of renewal.
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analysis of days of presence in Parliament (as at 11.2.2011) aggregate by region / parliamentary group |
Particularly significant in this regard is the table for each region proposes the split of the parliamentary groups, and should be examined in detail in this sense some of the regions highlighted a little higher. In Emilia Romagna
outstanding values \u200b\u200bof the League and IDV, confirming the false situation of renovation - in fact political expansion - experienced from these two formations. It is striking that both the PDL and not the PD to have the average, minimum and maximum higher: the PDL did not bring any new service in this region, and indeed continues to rely on a system of power now minority aging . This factor is indicative of the formation of Berlusconi to build a real alternative to the center in this region historically red. For its part, the PD, with average time is about half that of the PDL, successfully exploited in a manner acceptable to the loyalty of the electorate Emilia alongside historical figures like Anna Finocchiaro a series of new entry .
The difference in behavior between PD and PDL emerge in an even more violent if you look at a region traditionally right as Sicily. Although there is the Democratic Party in not being able to drive in any new Parliamentary Senate, is seen as the average seniority of senators of this formation is much lower than what we read at the line of the PDL, which can also count in this region at almost twice the number of elected officials. Also dominated by the electoral point of view, therefore, the PDL did not appear to provide an appropriate renewal of its leadership.
instead examining the region with greater traction League, Veneto, eloquently shown the efficiency of the Carroccio. PD, PDL League and have been able to count on all seven senators elected, but tl'anzianità media di servizio passa dai 2.312,29 giorni della Lega ai 3.406,00 del PD ai 3.670,00 del PdL. Se per la Lega il basso valore può essere spiegato con la forte espansione elettorale (da tre a sette eletti), è evidente come sia il PD sia il PdL siano in forte difficoltà in questa regione, proponendo una classe dirigente con un'anzianità di servizio prossima (PD) o addirittura superiore (PdL) ai dieci anni.
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Analisi dei giorni di presenza in Parlamento (dato al 11/02/2011) Aggregato per sesso |
Un'ultima tipologia di analisi riguarda infine il sesso. Se desta preoccupazione il fact that women are only 58 out of 315 - about 18.5% - even more preoocupazione cause for the fact that the average length of service of senators is only five hundred days is lower than that of male colleagues.
The figure that emerges is that the last two elections, 2006 and 2008, have not been able to provide an adequate renewal in the female composition of the Senate, which is in the now historical figures such as Finocchiaro, Bonino or Poli Bortone yet its benchmarks.
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analysis of days of presence in Parliament (as at 02.11.2011) Parliamentary Group for Pooled / Sex |
Looking at the split by sex linked to individual groups is seen as the issue of the shares rose is the only one where the PDL is successful, albeit controversial, perhaps, to surpass the PD: If it is true that the female group of the PDL is composed of only 11 items out of 134, compared to 33 out of 110 of the team of Bersani, it is also true that the average length of service for senators Berlusconi is less than 2,000 days, compared to over 2,500 those of PD. The impression one gets is that the PDL has come to terms with the very latest women's issues but that running for cover, but has passed a Democratic Party too rest on our laurels, which somehow stopped positive trend of previous years.
waiting to perform the same analysis for the Chamber of Deputies, the results offered by the Senate and then flatly deny the building - now you can say only propaganda - Berlusconi on the clash between "old" and "new": the PDL is the party that collects the senators more time in Parliament, which has the average seniority and higher parliamentary and regional levels seems less able to introduce all of a renewal, the dissidents also Finian seem to belong to the band average "younger" PDL of the elect, by introducing a new obstacle to the future of Berlusconi's party, only at the level of female representation in the classroom seems to provide encouraging results.
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