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Logo Promoters of Liberty |
On January 28, 2011 Berlusconi has sent a video message the Promoters of Liberty, the third in about two weeks.
This statement is placed at a level, however, very different than the previous. While in the past because the object of statements of the Prime Minister were mainly the magistrates in Milan to see the way investigations that involved the discussion out in the latter is more strongly oriented to the political, endorsing the hypothesis that see Berlusconi the dawn of a new, perhaps ultimately, the election campaign.
The choice of the medium is clear: the video message does not lend itself to questions, does not offer contradictory, and at the same time allows you to create an artificial scenario targeted, in which each element of the context becomes part of the message. The tool lets you enhance the charisma of the speaker more than his dialectic ability, and this is the ideal di comunicazione per Berlusconi.
Nel caso specifico, sono immediate le analogie sceniche con il messaggio di fine anno del Presidente della Repubblica, ancora fresco nella memoria di molti Italiani. La scrivania, la bandiera, la postura, e non ultimo il poco tempo passato dal comunicato di Napolitano contribuiscono a generare un senso di affinità tra i due personaggi. Naturalmente non si tratta di un caso, ma di uno studio ben preciso volto a costruire l'ennesima identità del personaggio Berlusconi, quella dello statista che rivendica i suoi successi politici. Già dall'immagine è possibile tentare di capire in che modo il Cavaliere potrebbe tentare di condurre le sue future battaglie elettorali: impossibilitato a presentarsi come "il new "into the political arena, but will try to appear as the" guaranteed used "as an experienced servant of the State whose past successes become the key to once again ask the public confidence.
At the same time remember that the recent scandals involving the so-called "Ruby-gate" has profoundly shaken the image of the knight, especially among Catholic voters, from this point of view, an aseptic preparation in art, in a speech declared a closed environment, not subject breaks and the excesses of the public, and especially a medium that allows infinite repetition until the packaging of a finished product, free from those gaffe that often characterize public appearances of the President of the Council and on other occasions might elicit sympathy, are all factors that militate in favor of renewal and restoration of contemporary art - to change everything to change nothing - the image and the figure of Berlusconi man like Berlusconi's political.
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Tag cloud the video message from Silvio Berlusconi |
The structure of the proceeds from tag cloud file revised text of the speech confirms and emphasizes what the presentation Formal video suggests: it is di un messaggio eminentemente politico. Le parole predominanti sono "politica" e "riforme", uniti a quel verbo "fare" che costituisce la base di uno dei principali leit-motiv della propaganda berlusconiana: il "governo del fare". Se (fare) politica e (fare) riforme costituiscono il messaggio, nel discorso di Berlusconi sono altrettanto evidenti il mittente ed il destinatario: le parole "stato", "italiani" e "paese", che compaiono a più riprese in tutto l'intervento, costituiscono l'inequivocabile ricevente della politica e delle riforme, mentre "governo" e "ministri" ne sono i fautori.
Le parole del Cavaliere, anche avulse dalle frasi a cui fanno riferimento, martellano quindi incessantemente the listener with a simple and effective concept: "we have done and make reforms to you." The new Berlusconi
modesty, the institutional sense that the President of Council is sending as a counterpoint to the idea that leaks out of him by tapping the "Ruby-gate", is also shown to predominate in the choice of the 'we' on ' I ". Berlusconi decide to use but not abuse its staff figure, aware of the fact that the latter figure is not marketable at this time and indeed is the subject of electoral restyling.
The flow of speech is actually relatively simple: a first phase which emphasizes the right to govern the and center-right wins parliamentary reaffirmed that right, followed by an overview of the main activities carried out by the government and a closed-dominated attacks on the judiciary and by the promise of judicial reform. The emotional impact is obvious. Citing
winning the election, consistent with the mandate given by voters at the same time accuse those who have left the majority - the Finian - serves not only as traitors to legitimize the position of Berlusconi, but to define who the "good" and who the bad guys. Berlusconi has power to govern, Fini has betrayed the mandate of the electorate, the opposition attempts to overthrow with the help of the politicized judiciary the government elected by the people: this series of concepts, and simple expression for this easy to fix in the mind of a friend, however, already public, arouse in the listener's perception of being in the right team, the team that's right.
The term team, which evokes the transformation of the political battle in typhus and in the early stages of the video message is just a product of intuition, it is much more explicit in the commemoration of the last parliamentary vote won by the majority. Berlusconi is about a seven to zero, a score from football - in football and think it is natural, given the popularity of this sport in Italy and since the speaker is the president of the team on top of the league attualmete - Heavy, the team of the winning team is also good. What appeal better? What better way to show up? The refrain love that always wins over hate here full application.
Another refrain , the policy of doing as opposed to games of the palace, is the introduction of the second part of the speech, in which Berlusconi claims the success of the executive: reform of universities, South Bank, support for small and medium-align the retirement age for men and women, extraordinary items and taxation of financial stability are the points that the Prime Minister claims as achievements of the government, of course with the project - in progress - of federalism. And these successes are, in the economy of discourse, to introduce the final attack on the judiciary and the causes that are involved. Berlusconi lashes out against the interference with his privacy and eavesdropping, and claims the right to be tried before the Court of Justice Ministers and reform.
The emotional impact, again, is assured before the government's list of works is not difficult to imagine the judges as obstacles to the realization of the reform carried out by the center. And while it is clear the image of a completely renovated Berlusconi, no more news on the political scene but a ruler who lists his successes to ask once again the confidence of the people.
The image built by the Knight is emotionally very effective because it certainly is easy to perceive it as true: the points listed by the premier as successes of the executive are verifiable, the right conferred by the people to the government coalition of center-right is indisputable, so as it is undeniable that Berluscconi did not have convictions against him and that his majority was able to withstand any attempt to shove this far put in place. Only
investigating with a certain depth you can see the cracks in the building Berlusconi.
The victories by the center in Parliament in recent key votes, a reflection it can be interpreted in a manner very different from the triumphalist vision proposed by Berlusconi. The settlement of the Chamber of Deputies, after the general elections of 2008, the center-right coalition in support of the government counted on 335 items between PDL and the League - as well as some elements of the Mixed Group - on an absolute majority of 316. The vote of confidence of 14 December 2010 ended with a tight 314 to 311, a victory by just three votes, and without an absolute majority. If you do not mind Berlusconi said it had received only win votes in the key to the survival of the executive, but the numbers have confirmed a gradual erosion of the majority that now is forced to play almost at par with the opposition in every vote. This makes it more interesting by the media every vote and therefore offers greater emphasis on the center-right parliamentary victories, but this is really the celebration of achievements that, with the numbers starting term, should have been more than discounted. Berlusconi brings wins narrow victory when they should be business as usual. They strike in the second round
phrases Berlusconi
be clear that I have no fear of me to judge.
front of the judges have never escaped, and the mountain of mud of the most grotesque and improbable allegations in 17 years of legal persecution has not even given birth to a mouse: the thousands of judges who have dealt with obsessively about me and my life have not found one shred of evidence that has governed the examination of the courts.
If one examines the judicial history of Berlusconi, however, is seen as more than twenty of the proceedings that have seen or not meant to see it all there has been an acquittal on the merits. In particular the process on
Lodo Mondadori, All Iberian 1 process and the process was completed in Lentini requirement, but the process for false testimony about P2 was affected by the amnesty granted by Decree of the President of the Republic 75/1990. The indictment for tax fraud per l'acquisto dei terreni di Macherio è stata amnistiata a seguito del condono fiscale sancito dalla Legge 413/1991 . Vi sono poi le imputazioni per frode fiscale dei processi All Iberian 2 e SME-Ariosto 2, terminate con assoluzioni poiché il fatto, a seguito della Legge Delega 366/2001 e del conseguente Decreto Legislativo 61/2002 , non costituisce più reato.
Questo campionario, unito a norme che limitano la condannabilità degli imputati varante durante i governi Berlusconi, tra cui spicca la Legge 251/2005 che accorcia i tempi di prescrizione, stride in maniera eclatante con le affermazioni del premier .
Risulta poi curiosa the availability of the Prime Minister to be judged by the Court of Ministers. As shown in Constitutional Law 1 / 1989 the Court of Ministers is the competent authority proceedings for acts committed by the Ministers of the Republic took place in the performance of their duties. Not only would be quite ridiculous to think that the parties Arcore and any aiding and abetting the prostitution of minors (the concussion might be another matter) are crimes committed by Berlusconi in his capacity as Chairman of the Board, but that phrase is revealed in a Berlusconi contradiction with itself. If the crimes must be tried by the Court of Ministers, and then were committed by a Minister of the Republic the exercise of its functions, it is meaningless to talk about invasion of privacy of a private citizen.
is therefore clear that Berlusconi's sentence is only a smokescreen, the evocation of an impossible situation to show a willingness does not exist.
Equally interesting are the statements that are outside the judicial level and relate to the political. The name "traitors" for Fini and his inseriesce is typical in a rut of thinking that Berlusconi sees the elections as a clash of candidates for the Presidency of the Council. In fact, the Italian people elect a Parliament, the majority of which will then be given a government formally appointed by the President of Republic. Furthermore, Article 67 of the Constitution states:
Each member of Parliament represents the Nation and carries out his duties without a binding mandate.
This means that each Member is free to act according to conscience: this is such a Mastella and Dini were free to leave the center in 2008 causing the fall of Prodi II Government, so the exponents of FLI did not have constraints Legal or with the center-right coalition with the figure of Berlusconi. The definition of traitors is therefore not applicable to the formal level, and it is not the electorate's center unless you summarize the program, values \u200b\u200band existence same coalition in thought and deed of Silvio Berlusconi and the desire not to send the government the left.
Berlusconi's speech and then mixes in a wise truth, exaggeration and pure fiction, announced them in every way like a campaign speech - a significant step on the charge sheet - but made a point of view diametrically opposed to the Berlusconi time.
The contrast between the "new" and "old politics" is losing ground in his speech to the inevitable age of certified and political premier , and are more and more claims of successive governments, real or alleged, obtained from Berlusconi's team. A complete turnaround from the past, but has the credentials to become yet another successful transformation of the character Berlusconi.
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