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The President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano |
Like every year, on December 31 the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, has turned to the Italians the usual end message years, an opportunity to express good wishes for the new year and at the same time take stock of the political situation.
The text of the speech is available on the website of the Presidency of the Republic to this link. As usual, here the original version is used as input to the Wordle tag cloud of .
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Tag cloud Giorgio Napolitano's speech |
As can be seen from tag cloud, and as the President himself emphasizes repeatedly in his speech, the core message Napolitano young people. The words "young", "Generations" and "future" are in fact the very backbone of presidential words, the words revolve around which all other concepts.
The numerous references to growth, cut debt, development and research, and the economy at large are in fact commensurate with the challenge, the need to not leave a debt on the shoulders of young public able to nip in the bud their expectations and aspirations. Similarly, the challenge for a European Union increasingly united and cohesive in terms of political ties in with the desperate need for institutions that can talk as equals with the United States, Japan and the so-called BRIC countries, in the near future where the mere national borders will no longer allow European countries to the necessary safeguards against ' not only economic and intrusiveness of the powerful Asian neighbors and Americans.
Always on young people should be then read yet another appeal to a more measured and constructive domestic policy - the keyword here is "unity." The policy now is to find points of contact on both youth and young people must be having a new way of doing politics.
Just the accents on the issue of accountability dei giovani distinguono il discorso di Napolitano da un qualsiasi appello un po' paternalista. Il Presidente della Repubblica riesce infatti a coniugare un quantomai necessario monito a combattere il disinteresse alla politica e alla res publica con l'esortazione ai giovani a impegnarsi in prima persona nella vita politica e sociale nel Paese, ad assumersi la responsabilità di mettere in gioco le proprie idee con i mezzi ed i riti democratici previsti dalla Costituzione.
Lo slancio di Napolitano verso il futuro rispecchia in pieno il ruolo e la missione spettanti al Presidente della Repubblica: custode dei valori della Costituzione e al tempo stesso padre della patria, figura super partes in grado di distaccarsi dai problemi quotas to give Italy a broad vision. Critics Napolitano to a certain lack of attention to the difficulties of current policies do not take the opportunity - almost a need - a figure with the stature and authority to draw the country tomorrow.
and the country of tomorrow, in a speech that focused on young people, is a country that can provide opportunities for achievement to its inhabitants, a country that, far from filling in a paternalistic and tormenting the lives of citizens, it instead makes the means to find themselves their own future.
The President's speech, however, it is impossible not to notice gaps. Not specifically designed the road ahead, not expressly condemns the parties exchanging seats and support offices in exchange for more or less legitimate, burying meritocracy. Does not highlight cases of barony in health care or at school, does not indicate that what are the points where politics should intervene to cure a sick society as one in which we live, simple design, from hard data - the numbers unemployment, especially among the young - what should be the end point, a company designed on the dictates of the Constitution.
if any, in these silences, maybe see a bit of laziness, it is nevertheless impossible not to note that any attempt to dictate the political agenda would be was an interference in the prerogatives of Parliament and Government: President of the Republic is the guardian of the Constitution, and in this role is his right - and duty - to push towards the full realization of the values \u200b\u200bof the Charter of the method, timing and However, beyond the priorities of its task.
It is up to politicians to translate into reality the dream described by Napolitano in his New Year wishes. Our hope is that they know it.
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