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Logo of the Italian Nuclear Forum |
From December 19, 2010 is broadcast on RAI and Mediaset an institutional-looking spot aimed at publicizing the Italian Nuclear Forum as a place for discussion and debate on nuclear energy and the construction of nuclear power stations in Italy.
Developed by Saatchi & Saatchi U.S., is on television in two versions, one for 30 seconds and 45 seconds.
Black: I am opposed to nuclear energy because I care for my children - AF8-? (Second video may be e7)
White: I support because in fifty years will not be able to rely on fossil fuels - Cf3xd4 (eats a black pawn)
Black: There are doubts about the central - AC8-b7
White: But there are no safety - Ac1-g5
Black: Nuclear power is a gamble for the country - Ae7xf5 (eats a white ensign)
White: Or maybe it's a great move - Nc3-d5
Finale: And you Are you for or against nuclear power? Or you do not have a position?
Black: I am opposed to nuclear energy because I care for my children - AF8-e7
White: I support because in fifty years can not rely on fossil fuels - Cf3xd4 (eats a black pawn)
Black: In fact, there are renewable - AC8-b7
White: But alone will not suffice - A? Xb7 (eats a black bishop)
Black: Nuclear power plants produce waste - Qc8xb7 (eating a white ensign)
White: The amount is less than a pawn in a year head - move unknown, is supposed to eat a pedestrian
Black: Yes, but multiplied by all of us makes a nice number - CG8-f6
White: But once stored is secure and always under control - Ac1-g5
Black: Nuclear power is a gamble for the country - Ae7xf6 (eats a white ensign)
White: Or maybe it's a great move - Nc3-d5
Finale: And you're for or against nuclear power? Or you do not have a position?
From technical point of view the video in two versions, meant to represent the doubt on that dwells within the human soul, inviting them to dissolve in the Italian Nuclear Forum in itself without suggesting any position.
To achieve this goal, the Saatchi & Saatchi has set up the scene of a chess game, in confronting a nuclear and an anti-nuclear, every move on the chessboard is accompanied by a beat, respectively, for and against the 'use of nuclear energy. At
the end is revealed as the two challengers to the board are actually the same person in the throes of self-doubt.
laudable, the ad reaches the goal which nominally aims? It is really an invitation to debate on nuclear power, not to favor one or the other faction?
In fact, since the airing the video has attracted a veritable hornet's nest of controversy and was attacked by many as pro-nuclear.
The first argument has been made in the classic prodest . Who benefits from this spot? Who commissioned this spot, and what are the objectives of those who commissioned it? According to an article de The Daily Done - and as you can see the page members of the forum - one of the sponsors of the campaign are pubblicitiaria:
- Alstom, the French group of mechanical engineering involved, through the Power Division, in the energy
- Ansaldo Nucleare, Genoa company of the Finmeccanica Group, which deals with the construction of nuclear power stations of third generation
- Areva, French nuclear energy giant that handles the entire production chain from uranium storage waste and decommissioning of mines and power plants
- Confindustria, an association professional association of Italian Indistrial
- E. On, a German company in the energy
- EdF, the leading manufacturer and distributor of energy in France
- Edison, the utility Enel in Italy
- , the main Italian provider of energy
- Federprogetti branch of Confindustria dedicated to plant
- FLAEI -CISL, a division of CISL including workers in the electrical branch
- GdF Suez, the French energy company engaged in insurance and gas Renewable
- Politecnico di Milano
- Sapienza - Università di Roma
- Sogin, the Italian public company management of nuclear facilities
- StratinvestRu Energy, the Italian-Russian support to Italian companies in Russia
- Techint, holding Italian Argentina in the steel industry and energy
- Technip, the French group specialized in the petrochemical and gas
- Tecnimont, a company plant in the energy sector and infrastructure belonging to the group Montedison
- Terna, the company that controls the network electricity distribution high and very high voltage in Italy
- UILCEM , a division of UIL including workers in the electrical branch
- University of Genoa
- University of Palermo
- University of Pisa
- Westinghouse, a U.S. company specializing in the construction of nuclear reactors
leaders of the Forum shall, in addition to Chicco Testa, Bruno D'Onghia (Head of EDF in Italy, the French nuclear power giant), Karen Daifuku (known international industry lobbyist), and three executives Enel Aquilanti Giancarlo, Paolo and Federico Iammatteo Colosi.Again, the names involved do not leave thinking about the Forum for Nuclear Italian as an environment of self-reflection on the advisability of returning to the atom, but rather to a place of indoctrination and propaganda. Given the scenario outline, how to examine in detail the spot created by Saatchi & Saatchi, or that the forum opens the door to the homes of Italians?
examining texts, audio and video, in fact, it's impossible not to notice some elements that were examined alla luce della psicologia cognitiva, sono veri e propri messaggi a favore dell'impiego del nucleare.
Il primo, banale, elemento è ovviamente la scelta dei colori. Il nuclearista ha il bianco, l'antinuclearista ha il nero. Nella cultura occidentale il significato simbolico dei due colori è evidente: il bianco è vita, purezza, innocenza, bene; il nero è morte, terrore, male. Il tema è molto forte sia nel mondo letterario (il primo esempio riguarda THE LORD OF THE RINGS, con la figura del mago Gandalf) che in quello cinematografico (evidente in questo senso la cupa figura di Darth Vader in STAR WARS), e contribuisce alla scelta di campo dello spettatore. Il fatto che l'ambiente sia a sua volta molto chiaro, quasi White, helps to bring out the black as a stranger, and therefore negative.
The second element of force far greater than the first, is the decision to assign the first move to black, and, consequently, the last white. This choice has affected the entire structure of the spot, which, not to violate the basic rules of the game show had already started a game of chess. The moves are structured in a binary counter-move of the black and white. Similarly, the characters are paired together. Talk to the black and white answers. This obviously puts the white in a position of superiority, because it allows him to refute the words of the black without being in turn covered criticism. The impression one gets is that of a white that gradually respond to any criticism of black, until the establishment of nuclear power as a "great move".
The text itself also contributes to the atmosphere of the lines pro-nuclear advertisements.
version of the spot 30 seconds there is no reference to renewable energy, leaving the viewer the impression that the only alternative is between fossil fuels and nuclear all'antinuclearista is also put into the mouth a joke on the very general questions about power stations, to which the answers nuclearists talking about safety with a double result: are defined ex post doubts dell'antinuclearista, as if they related only to security, and at the same time is the possibility that there may be other kinds of doubts about the power stations.
version instead of 45 seconds are considered the issues of renewable energy and the waste, though of course in a generally pro-nuclear energy: the need for nuclear energy as renewables will not be enough to suggest that there is no other way (and efficiency? and reduce fuel consumption?) and security on the storage of nuclear waste simply does not meet current scientific truth. For the viewer, however, are dormant while two of the main anti-nuclear concerns without a shot being fired.
A speech deserves the punch line. The anti-nuclear, in both spot and eat a piece of white, as if to punish the "gamble" previously performed by them. The answer, however nuclearists moving the horse to c3 d5 - a good chess move, because it occupies the center of the board taking the attack, but not necessarily a "big move" - \u200b\u200bwith the air of one who knows more, leaving in the viewer the idea that nuclear is not the end then a gamble, but rather a great move. Moreover, the power of the last word is well known to anyone involved in politics: how can we forget the promise made by the abolition of the ICI Berlusconi on the eve of the 2006 elections, which could promise him win the election by completing a sensational recovery?
Going into details related to audio and video, can not strike first, the difference of the entries. Despite, as we discover later, this is the same person, the voice is not the same. Aggressive, sharp, dell'antinuclearista voice, quiet and persuasive than that of nuclear. Again, that impression may give rise to these choices? Very simple: the vehemence of the criticism against nuclear power is put to rest the security and certainty of those things to know, and chose nuclear.
also made moves have their say: of course the public can not get the subtlety of a good move made in the field of chess - what however, very complex to assess because there are almost never complete views of the board and especially since the black-white pairs of moves can not be consecutive in any way - but there are other details, more media, worked in the spot. The antinuclear
moves the pieces make more hesitant, as if he was not sure of what he does, and, most importantly, make short moves, a few boxes. This unconsciously cultivate the idea that the anti-nuclear is a significant decision in the short term, no long-term. The
nuclear, however, long ago moved most: in addition to using mainly the horse, in fact, when it moves the bishop moves in both videos from c1 to g5, giving the idea of \u200b\u200bgreater control of the game, and then the argument.
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Still pictures of the spot by 45 seconds (37 seconds) |
Last but not least, the appearance of the two rivals is not exactly the same: as in audio even visually nuclear conceived as more appealing: as shown in the image above, created from a still image of the second version 37 of the 45 seconds of the spot, the highest of its nuclear counterpart, which was to turn also features a more aquiline nose and chin of a more elusive. Of course, probably just a matter of angle, but the immediate impression, a-logic comes to the viewer can only be this. Rounds the origin of light, which, as we see, the face lights up in the shadow of nuclearists leaving his opponent.
Summing up, the end is really very hard to believe that the spot can only be an invitation to reflection and the formation of an independent opinion on the issue of nuclear energy.
We're quite openly in the presence of a spot to promote the use of nuclear power, and tactics, is now customary in Italy, one of the parties to appear in the field as a sign of neutrality, so as to receive the call for a mass true neutrality in the same way as a protest.
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