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thermal anomaly in the lower troposphere Period December 2010 |
From January 5 are available on-line data on satellite thermal anomalies, relative to the lower troposphere 1 (about 3,000 m above sea level), the middle troposphere (about 5,000 m above sea level) and lower stratosphere (approximately 10,000 m). Satellite measurements, although available only volumes between December 1978 and therefore not able to provide indications of the long term, are generally considered more reliable than ground surveys, for several reasons:
- the best global coverage: apart from the readings in the lower troposphere, which necessarily Things to exclude the Himalayan region, the Andean and almost all of Antarctica, satellite data cover uniformly the entire globe, where the surface weather stations have very uneven distributions - one thinks of virtually uninhabited and inaccessible areas such as Sahara, the Amazon or Antarctica - by requiring the use of mathematical models to reconstruct the evolution of the areas covered in a partial
- the best performance in terms of time: the environment around a station area to change with the passage of time, factors such as the erection of a building, or construction of a parking lot, cause changes in drastically the data collected: the separation of micro-environmental variables than macroambientali becomes again the subject of modeling
data in graphs and tables below represent the thermal anomalies at the three levels mentioned in relation to average temperature of the thirty-year series 1980 -2010.
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thermal anomalies in bassa troposfera (1979-2010) |
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Anomalie termiche in bassa troposfera (1979-2010) Dettaglio aree geografiche |
I dati della bassa troposfera lasciano poco adito a dubbi. Il 2010 è stato un anno bollente, posizionandosi in seconda posizione in termini assoluti dopo il torrido 1998 e a soli pochi centesimi di grado di distanza. Il poco nobile palmarès dell'anno appena concluso non si limita però a questa performance . Anno più caldo sulle terre emerse del pianeta. Secondo anno più caldo sugli oceani. Anno più caldo nell'emisfero boreale. Secondo warmest year in the southern hemisphere. Second warmest year in the tropics. Warmest year in the temperate northern hemisphere. Warmest year - tied with the 2002 - in southern Africa. Warmest year in the northern polar zone, with a value raised to a degree centigrade above the fault. Only the Antarctic ice band, as usual, does not seem to be affected by global warming, showing a value well below the average.
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thermal anomaly in the middle troposphere (1979-2010) |
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Anomalies Average temperature in the troposphere (1979-2010) Detail by geographical |
The data for the middle troposphere are generally considered the most reliable on the trend of temperatures, either because they really cover the entire globe, and because, by detecting anomalies at 5,000 meters above sea level, are less influenced by previous human activities at the local level.
Again, however, 2010 proved to be a very warm year, second behind again in 1998. This time, however, the difference with the 1998 stood at a tenth of a degree, a range quite large.
Even in the various geographical breakdown in 2010 si piazza sempre appena dietro il 1998, fatta eccezione per la zona temperata australe, dove i due valori sono pari, e quella artica, dove il 2010 si è dimostrato di gran lunga l'anno più caldo della serie.
Nuovamente, fa eccezione al trend di riscaldamento l'area antartica, dove l'anno si è anzi dimostrato piuttosto freddo.
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Anomalie termiche in bassa stratosfera (1979-2010) |
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Anomalie termiche in bassa stratosfera (1979-2010) Dettaglio per aree geografiche |
The stratosphere, as you can see from the charts, is shown in sharp contrast to the two previous graphs, showing a cooling trend. In fact, this trend is explained by the atmospheric composition, the profound differences between the troposphere and stratosphere. At the lower end of the latter, in fact, is the shell of ozone (O 3 ) that surrounds Earth and protects it from the violence of the sun by absorbing the frequencies most dangerous to life as we know it.
Just this absorption makes the lower stratosphere over a very hot bands just below and above. The cooling trend is indicative the gradual disintegration of the ozone layer: less ozone, less consumption, lower temperature.
As in the troposphere the warming trend is a cause for alarm here in the stratosphere is cooling. The peaks of 1983 and 1992 are referred to the violent eruptions of El Chicon and Pinatubo volcanoes, can project up to ashes and dust stratospheric odds.
The low activity of the Sun had in recent years had left hope to decrease the earth's temperature, but 2010 has categorically rejected these hopes, if it is because we need more time for these effects are felt, or because they really a negligible impact climate of the planet, only time will say.
The present situation, although the data of recent months show a decrease in ENS anomalies due to the negative phase shift, is that of a global warming in better shape than ever.
fault of man? There is a considerable amount of human responsibility for global warming?
The Italian government thinks not.
In the second warmest year in the last thirty-one, in the year for the first time local tropospheric temperature anomaly has broken the degree Celsius, the Parliament approved the April 14 motion 1-00248 for 137 to 112 , a motion that commits the Government to actually stand against the EU in terms of environmental policy, coming to deny the existence of global warming and its effects in general. The motion
D'wings attached to the results arrived at by the awkward international scientific panel, disputing the data and requesting the recalculation on the basis of institutions "truly independent" and the tactic is, as always, to pass as partisan results as inconvenient and honest and independent ones comfortable.
Based on this reasoning, then you come to demand the abolition of the agreement of 20-20-20, the redefinition of reducing emissions on a purely voluntary basis, and the suspension of international projects with a strong generic economic impact.
Once again Italy is shown perched on positions far from the truth, in defense of economic interests unsustainable and totally incapable of environmental foresight.
1: The page containing the satellite observations became part of the sources of the blog
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