Monday, December 28, 2009
How Long Serious Symptoms Of Chlamydia
'Ndrangheta and the Chinese together . To do what? Affairs. Sloppy. With drugs? Nah, too dangerous. Better to smuggle something that you should always go and hide under the eyes without arousing suspicion. What? Shoes, clothes, perfumes. Tarot. Stuff for kids? No, by professionals. Like those (27) that the police Reggio Calabria they caught in traffic in the port of Gioia Tauro. Hence the alliance between the families Mole, Piromalli and Chinese fruit very much money. Which was then cleared by buying real estate in Lazio. In fact, in Rome were seized € 50 million, a portion of the proceeds obtained by the traffic of containers full of counterfeit goods from the Far East arrived in Calabria.
At the port of Gioia Tauro , with the help of two customs officials, the container-fly "checks and invaded the peninsula. To act as intermediaries between the thigh and shippers in the East, there would be a pair of Chinese Wanli Lyn and Rong Rong Dai, who by their gift shop in Piazza Vittorio Roma organizzavano le spedizioni e già stavano pensando di spostare da Napoli a Gioia Tauro tutto il loro giro d'affari.
In Italia, l'organizzazione del traffico, secondo l'accusa, era affidata a Cosimo Virgiglio, amministratore di una società di import-export e considerato il principale referente imprenditoriale della cosca dei Molé . Era lui a favorire l'importazione fraudolenta, eludendo il sistema di controllo automatico dell'Agenzia delle dogane e, con il meccanismo della sottofatturazione, ad evadere quote rilevanti di dazi e Iva.
Virgiglio è stato arrestato dai carabinieri del Ros mentre si trovava a ''Villa Vecchia'', un lussuoso complesso alberghiero con due avviati ristoranti Monte Porzio Catone, thirty miles from Rome, which would end portion of the proceeds of trafficking in counterfeit goods. The property was seized along with capital of three companies belonging to Virgiglio. The hotel complex had been acquired by repeated intimidation by gangs against former managers and owner, forced to divest itself of the 'to offset the debts accrued by the criminal group.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Refurbished Dvd Recorders With Hdd

A ll'indomani No Berlusconi's Day, the youth movement of the PDL of Treviso will bring to an instance of the party that calls for a law passed abolitio "those political actors who have the sole purpose of celebrating violence and civil disobedience, which in Italy is the Italy of Values \u200b\u200band PRC. "
"Young people no longer wished to tolerate the PDL policy which sees the verbal and physical violence against his opponent only program." Young people say they are so convinced of the need for "a very strong institutional intervention" that will result in the law abolitio.
"We will bring to the political representatives of the PDL - is that still - that our application. We to a point of no return where you need the strongest stance against parties that have nothing to do with democracy: In the words of Peter bear this out. It is clear that the goal of these subversives is to unleash a veritable civil war. "
Nicola Di Maio, coordinator of youth in Treviso, explains that you want to remove parties who do not think as prime minister but "we want to ban, by law, those who slander and infamy Berlusconi creating a dangerous climate of hatred As we have seen, can lead to violence. "
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
What Have Female Scientists Contributed?

The brochure "Europe whole, free, strong" distributed to high school students on the initiative of the Regional Elena Donazzan the anniversary of the fall of the wall Berlin has many statements of principle, no reasons and exhortations historical judgments (such as "not to surrender to the false solution of multiculturalism") that clearly delineate a reactionary idea of \u200b\u200bEurope and the world.
The booklet does not contain a bibliography, and many doubts have been sollevati dagli insegnanti esperti della materia rispetto alla metodologia seguita dal punto di vista storico e didattico.
Era normale che tale iniziativa suscitasse una reazione da parte di coloro che intendono la scuola pubblica come luogo del confronto culturale e della costruzione del sapere e che rifiutano la pratica dell’indottrinamento ideologico.
A nostro avviso la vicenda segnala la necessità di mantenere alto il livello di vigilanza democratica e di opposizione sociale alle scelte operate in materia di istruzione dall’attuale Amministrazione regionale, anche attraverso prese di posizione pubblica da parte di insegnanti, studenti, collettivi ed associazioni.
Rifondazione Comunista ha presentato una interrogazione in Consiglio Regionale together with other political forces to respond to demand Alderman use that is made of citizens' money for public education.
continue to support initiatives that come from players in the world of education to uphold the quality and democracy.
Circle "Gramsci"
Refounded Communist Party of Vicenza
Friday, October 30, 2009
Brazilian Godmother Bridesmaid Translation

What remains to witness the death of Stephen Cucchi, a young 31 year old arrested Oct. 15 for possession of twenty grams of drugs and died seven days later in hospital bed Pertini, the photos are spread by the family ritraggono il cadavere del giovane. Immagini a dir poco agghiaccianti nel quale appare un corpo esile senza vita, di appena 37 chilogrammi, (quando è entrato pesava 43 ndr), martoriato dalle botte.
C'è poco da commentare perchè le foto parlano da sole. Altro che caduta dalle scale. Il referto medico redatto nel reparto penitenziario del Pertini di Roma parla di "presunta morte naturale", ma è chiaro che qualcosa non quadra. Come non quadra il fatto che ai genitori di Stefano, i quali chiedono verità e giustizia, sia stata negata la possibilità di visitare il loro figlio all'ospedale Pertini per un cavillo burocratico.
A dire il vero l'autorizzazione è arrivata , ma Stefano si era già "spento" nel suo letto d'ospedale, così è stato riferito ai familiari. Coincidenza? Non proprio. Come ha più volte ripetuto Angiolo Marroni , garante dei diritti dei detenuti del Lazio, "impedire ai genitori di far visita al figlio moribondo è un reato di una gravità estrema. Reato di occulatmento".
Chissà cosa avrebbe potuto raccontare la voce di Stefano su questa tragica storia che ha molte analogie alla vicenda di Federico Aldrovandi morto a Ferrara nel 2005 dopo una collutazione con alcuni poliziotti.
La Procura di Roma ha aperto un'inchiesta per omicidio preterintenzionale nel tentativo di ricostruire quanto è accaduto a Stefano Cucchi. Only then could shed light on the silences and the responsibilities of those who had custody of the young and give a face and name to those who have launched deadly blows that have left an indelible mark on the body of Cucchi.
This morning the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa interviewed on Radio Radical, has agreed that it is necessary to clarify the incident, even if this burden is not the duty of his ministry. But then he put his hands forward expressing an absolute certainty on the correct behavior by the Carabinieri. On what basis has been able to express this opinion is not given to know, since there is an investigation underway that will determine the causes and responsibilities. Among other things
Beneduci Leo, secretary general of the union of Osapp prison service has ensured that "Stephen would come directly from court in Regina Coeli already in that condition, and accompanied by a medical certificate which authorized the detention, as is usually done in these cases. "
Meanwhile, the reactions of outrage at the incident Stefano Cucchi have multiplied.a tough response from the lawyers Criminal Chamber of Rome, which have no half measures in a statement: "It can not 'be allowed, simply can not happen, that Stephen was able to suffer a horrible end so while he was under police protection before the court that he arrested, then the prosecutor, the judge, then again in the direction of Regina Coeli prison and its staff and physicians and, Finally, the hospital. We are outraged. "
" President Napolitano, the photos released yesterday by the family of Stephen Cucchi bravely deserve truth and justice. A democratic country can not tolerate that a young person can die in prison for simple possession of twenty grams of drugs and so barbaric and savage. A civilized country can not afford yet another case of 'suspension' of democracy. We ask for a Suo autorevole intervento al fine di fare piena luce su una vicenda che ha scosso tutti gli italiani, giovani in primis”. E’ quanto affermano in un comunicato i Giovani Comunisti (PRC) e FGCI(PdCI) che da oggi pomeriggio, insieme all' Unione degli Studenti , dalle ore 15 sono sotto Palazzo Chigi , sede del Governo, per un sit-in spontaneo di protesta, in un appello inviato al Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano .
Thursday, October 29, 2009
How To Delete User In Poptropica

Read the full report in English or in French
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A List Of Shag Band Meanings

Si è conclusa la lunga marcia del popolo che oggi è sceso in piazza per manifestare contro il razzismo, il reato di clandestinità e gli altri provvedimenti contenuti nel pacchetto sicurezza. From Piazza della Repubblica to the Mouth of Truth, are 200 000 - say the organizers - the people who marched through the streets of Rome.
Opposition groups and immigrants in the square . United under the banner of anti-common, opposition forces and movements, both secular and Catholic. There are many acronyms that have promoted the initiative: CGIL, ARCI, Emergency, Blessed Peacemakers, Pax Christi. They marched the militants and the leaders of the Communist Refoundation, the Left and Liberty, some members of parliament and IDV, surprisingly, the secretary of the PD, Dario Franceschini. But the real stars were the immigrants who came to Rome from all over Italy, with special trains.
Slogan e striscioni . Un grande striscione che recita "No al razzismo, al reato di clandestinità, al pacchetto sicurezza" ha inaugurato la marcia. Moltissimi extracomunitari hanno esibito le immagini di "San Papier, protettore degli immigrati" e striscioni contro le mafie, le politiche per l'immigrazione dell'esecutivo definite "discriminatorie e razziste" e
striscioni con su scritto: "sì alle regolarizzazioni per tutti e tutte". Un cartellone recava scritto: ''E' meglio essere un cane che un immigrato qui in Italia'', mentre un gruppo di extracomunitari giunti da Casal di Principe, nel Casertano, hanno urlato slogan contro la camorra e il lavoro nero. A sorpresa, ha partecipato al corteo anche il Secretary of the PD Dario Franceschini, the opposition claimed that the presentation of many proposed laws on citizenship, the right to vote in local elections and the ius soli. "The incidents of racism and violence that took place in Rome in recent weeks - he said - are very disturbing. E 'concern that the right, having filled his mouth with so many words, blocks a law, such as homophobia, all' beginning of his career. " Then, on immigration, he added: "The government must stop to equate illegal immigration and crime.''Actor and writer jew Moni Ovadia, who was also in the square, points his finger at the government and the national ' municipal administration of the capital, guilty fomenting a climate of racism. "In Rome - he said - many right-wing groups feel entitled to take actions that make a right as that of the administration of Mayor Gianni Alemanno. Then the baton to the national policy: "In the culture of this government are xenophobic and intolerant components. It is no coincidence that it dismissed the bill against homophobia and enacted rules on who can also rejects the right of access' asylum.''The event was held in an absolutely peaceful.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Why Do I Plug In My Diesel
La linea politica che ha portato nel 2005 all’alleanza in Calabria con il centro sinistra, registra oggi, con le conseguenze disastrose delle politiche del governo Loiero, il più totale fallimento. Le giunte Loiero sono state, infatti, deludenti su tutti i terreni.
Prioritariamente va detto che non vi è stata in questi anni di governo di centro sinistra una netta rottura con le pratiche di potere del centro destra e degli uomini che quel potere incarnavano, anzi vi è stata semplicemente continuità; per cui i cosiddetti “poteri forti” contano come e più di prima. Le speranze e la fiducia riposte allora dai calabresi nel centro sinistra, le istanze di rinnovamento che provenivano dalla società sono state, nella reality, betrayed.
Because this is more than ever need a big break and a sharp break with the patronage and feudal practices perpetuated by this regional government and this majority, which can only occur with the twisting of this real system.
We believe that there can be no real fight lawlessness, the criminal powers of Freemasonry and mafias, the patronage, the modern transformation, the private use of institutions, public resources, public goods, if there is a radical change in the culture and practice of political action. Already
these reasons make it impossible to imagine a second application of Loiero, but if this were not enough, look at the socio-economic indicators that signal a sharp deterioration of social conditions and people's living in Calabria, a result not only of global economic recession but also of the environmental features of Calabria. The trend of current expenditure in recent years, an increase of the Regional, while the investment is reduced substantially. The inability of the expenditure on the ROP is thing now overt, while GDP per capita remains the lowest in Italy. In exchange, the GDP, which produces the 'Ndrangheta is 22,000 € per inhabitant per year. It is estimated that in 2007 the 'Ndrangheta has moved a turnover of € 44 billion, 2.9% of national GDP and seems to hold about 80% of the economy! The first report on SVIMEZ Calabria, shows, in addition to the primary responsibility of the government 's inability of the regional policy framework to address and resolve the real issues of backwardness of our historic region. With 320 000 people matches in 2007 and resumed the migration of the Calabrian Bible, mostly young graduates who complains about the biggest crime you can commit against Calabria spend resources, especially families, to make them professionals and then send them away. Three quarters of the unemployed are young people of Calabria (the highest percentage of Italy!), with a strong discrimination for women's work, a busy three works in black at work increase the dead (a figure that compared to the national trend against) and the average income per capita is one of the lowest in Italy, nearly 40% of the population lives below the poverty line; 254mila families are "disadvantaged". In this context it is clear that social policy is totally inadequate and almost non-existent policy for the job!
always Calabria in the weakness of the economic and social fabric, the limited presence of civil principals of public places to use for coexistence and a better quality of life, human and cultural growth, have focused the interest of all to politics as the only area able to absorb the needs and aspirations, ambitions, interests, desires for social advancement and personal enrichment.
The conquest of the consensus, the way of being in institutions, government action, even when not directly intertwined with criminal interests, it marked a clear dividing line since the objectives, practices and behaviors have not been finalized welfare collectively, to safeguard the rights of all, to overcome the poverty, backwardness, cultural and environmental degradation, and, finally, exploitation of natural resources and landscape. Degradation, social and civil insecurity due to the overall labor market, the destruction of the welfare state, misguided policies on waste, water and energy, has amplified the negativity of the government of Calabria.
In this context, in no way has helped to return to Calabria in the majority of our party and in addition, that, indeed, in the absence of real political change, was sucked into the logic of the system, losing the indoor unit and the external credibility.
Also with regard to programming of structural funds, our view can only be negative sia rispetto ai contenuti che al metodo: la cosiddetta nuova programmazione, pressoché identica a quella precedente, non disegna un nuovo modello economico e sociale, non introduce alcun meccanismo trasparente nella gestione e nell’erogazione della spesa.
L’agricoltura calabrese con la riforma della PAC e con la scellerata gestione da parte della Regione Calabria dei finanziamenti di Agenda 2000, è oramai al collasso e oggi non si vede nella nuova programmazione una inversione di tendenza.
Relativamente alla situazione scolastica, in assenza totale di una politica pensata per la “collettività”, provvedimenti indirizzati a pochi, quali i voucher individuali, le borse di studio per viaggi e campi scuola, non hanno minimamente alleviato i disastri provocati dai tagli e dal dimensionamento scolastico, che hanno aggravato ulteriormente il problema del precariato.
Sul versante della sanità, la cui terribile situazione è quotidianamente sotto gli occhi di tutti, vanificati di fatto gli effetti dell’inchiesta della Magistratura, denominata “Onorata Sanità”, che ci aveva fatto illudere sulla possibilità di cambiamento e di rottura con gli assetti di potere, si confermava che la sanità calabrese è stata sempre utilizzata come strumento per costruire fortune, elettorali e finanziarie, carriere personali e come crocevia per edificare quel “sistema Calabria” nel quale si incontrano e si intrecciano la politica, la 'Ndrangheta, masonry, parts of the institutions, the regional bureaucracy and the enterprise: in our region, "moral issue" and "criminal matter" merge and become a single issue that allows the sinking ship of poisons and distribution of toxic wastes in the territory of Crotone, in fact causing a real crisis of civilization.
exorbitant consolidated debt which amounts to over 2 billion €, is not matched by an improvement in the quality of public health services. Are long waiting lists and so-called voyages of hope. Hospitals continue to die. Of the proposals we put forward for the new regional health plan, and there 'no trace.
in 2007 were increased fees for private nursing homes and 15% in 2008 with the budget law and its budget were increased by a further 5%, even with the favorable vote of the representatives of the PRC. On July 18, 2008 was promulgated the law on permits and credits that greatly lowers the quality requirements.
Similarly, through nefarious political choices such as the introduction of the ticket, the redesign of a plan for dealing with individuals, is penalized by the offer of public health services and, consequently, the right to health. This would never accept it! We have always fought and we must continue to do so, against whom he considered and, consequently, used health as a place of enrichment, career and personal customers, political and professional.
For energy and environmental choices made show that Calabria is still seen as "no man's land", run by a political class unable to exploit their resources, which, indeed, defiles and degrades in the name of a pseudo- development, which in reality, leaves more and more. Last
shame, the regional law: "Regulations for the conduct of primary elections to select candidates for election as President of the Regional Council, whose request was unconstitutional even Government! Loiero-duo wanted by Bova, was a real attack on democracy, because it would have denied the right to secrecy of the vote.
We continue to support the center-left coalition, which already weighed the negative legacy of the previous center-right government, has failed because it failed to programs and has not scored any discontinuity. Who is responsible for the failure of the center-left must be overcome and we must turn the page to give a new hope for change in Calabria.
For this, the communists we appeal to women and men of the center-left to women and workers, organized or not, so, parties, in the unions, associations, movements, operate synergistically, to give a true perspective of Calabria economic and social development.
Monday, October 5, 2009
St. Dalfour Whitening Cream In Uae

On October 7, 1989 hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets in Rome for the first major demonstration against racism. On 24 August the same year at Villa Literno, in the province of Caserta, had been killed a South African refugee, Jerry Essan Masslo.
20 years later, racism has not been defeated, continues to cause fatalities and is powered by the policies of the Berlusconi government. The security package approved by the majority center-right meets a persecutory intent, introducing the crime of "illegal immigration" and a set of rules that worsen the living conditions of migrants, nor contrary to human dignity and fundamental rights.
This dramatic situation is dangerously encouraging and legitimizing the fear in society and violence against any diversity.
Meanwhile, the Strait of Sicily, has become a real marine cemetery, continue to die hundreds of human beings trying to reach our shores.
It 's time to react and build together a great response of struggle and solidarity to defend the rights of all people rejecting all forms of discrimination and to stop the spread of racism.
Therefore we appeal to all secular and religious associations, trade unions, social and political movements at all to any person to take to the streets October 17 to give life to a great popular demonstration in a position to give voice and visibility to Italy and migrants who do not accept racism on the basis of these slogans:
• No to racism
• Regularization generalized for all
• Repeal of the security package
• Welcome and rights for all
• No rejections and the bilateral agreements that will provide clear
• Breaking the link between the residence and the employment contract
• Right of asylum for refugees and displaced
• Final closure of the Identification and Expulsion Centres (CIE)
• No conflict between the Italians and foreigners in access to
• Right to employment, health, housing and education for all and all
• Maintenance of the residence permit for those who have lost their jobs
• Against All Forms of Discrimination against gay, lesbian, transgender.
• A side of all working men and women fighting to defend their jobs
Committee October 17
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Im 12 And I Want A Dirt Bike

Today we are in the streets to demand the freedom of information. We say and do not claim to defend freedom of information because there is no more time. It 'is clear that the offensive employment of RAI and Berlusconi of intimidation against journalists or journalists who do not bring into line, not the last act of a substantial questioning of press freedom in the country. Last note - you notice - heavy, to be contrasted with all our strength. Berlusconi is in fact the bearer of a totalitarian state and society. The Berlusconi to fund the extension of the logic control of enterprise - in which the owner is and should be a sovereign power - to the whole society and the state. The idea embodied by Berlusconi's government is that of Carl Schmitt - ideologist of Nazism - in which the government as an expression of a sovereign power must have limits: the Constitution, the judiciary, journalism, parliament, the opposition, are troublesome to remove obstacles per consegnare il paese al suo destino: il rapporto plebiscitario tra capo e masse. La pulsione berlusconiana è quindi intrinsecamente fascista e in quanto tale da combattere a fondo.
Siamo quindi in piazza oggi contro il totalitarismo berlusconiano ma anche contro la censura che il complesso del sistema informativo esercita sul conflitto sociale e sulla sinistra. Siamo in piazza contro chiunque ci voglia mettere il bavaglio: quelli che vogliono il regime berlusconiano e quelli che vogliono il regime bipolare.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Patty Cake Championship

Mentre il paese intero si raccoglieva nel lutto per i sei soldati morti in Afghanistan, mentre la Croce Rossa piangeva sulla vernice versata sulla facciata della sede di Roma, scoppiava una rivolta nel Cie di Gradisca di Isonzo, provincia di Gorizia. Quel che è certo è che in una sezione è stato appiccato un incendio, e che la polizia ha picchiato forte chiunque gli capitasse sotto tiro. Al momento, si contano almeno 15 feriti tra i reclusi, portati in infermeria sanguinanti.
Queste che mostriamo sono un po’ di immagini che testimoniano dei pestaggi nel Cie di Gradisca d'Isonzo di lunedì mattina. Tra i feriti c’è chi ha avuto 60 punti di sutura, e in tanti denunciano the complicity of the medical staff of the Centre with the police. But not only the inmates also denounced the disappearance of money and other objects (especially mp3 players) during the search that preceded the massacre. The police are trying to cover up the affair, blackmails the wounded to prevent them denounce the police and to break the resistance, this morning has transferred dozens of prisoners in Milan, in Via Corelli. As you can hear directly from which we publish below, however, the desire to be heard inside is still high. It is up to all of us help them.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Strongest Paper Towel

The victims, in fact, they were right: Chinese restaurant owners and bartenders who are forced to pay protection money to their fellow citizens and forced to source from wholesalers that the gangster's imposed. The band used the usual mafia methods: intimidation and violence. And to be persuasive was all a set of axes, knives and baseball bats.
The gang was organized in a top-down with a head, a few lieutenants and manpower composed of younger members. The police also found a round ring that operated in rented apartments and illegal gambling. Original (how cruel), the system of accommodation that the gang put rent four phone-center with easy chairs or chairs that after the closing of the shutters were shot in two by two and converted into beds for overnight stays at low cost.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Sims 2 University Nocd

Stupisce che in un paese libero, un uomo politico fa causa alle domande che gli vengono rivolte. Stupisce even more undignified attack on the future of manager, the newspaper of the Italian Episcopal Conference, is also guilty of criticizing our Prime Minister. The intimidation comes from Il Giornale, the newspaper owned by Silvio Berlusconi and directed by new director, which he wanted, Victor Felts. Attack that follows closely the words of Bossi's Padania suggested that the Catholic Church does not insist that the criticism of the government on pain of revision of the concordat between church and state.
We are close to a tipping point for Italian democracy.
Mobilize for Saturday, September 19!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sick With Low Temperature

E ' started early this morning, the day the minister of public education, Mariastella Gelmini, who - already at nine - he was awake and ready to respond, from the microphones of "Radio Me too," listeners' questions on the new school year which begins every other day and the problems associated with reform Tremonti-Gelmini.
A veritable barrage of questions - the standard anti-insecure, the Vatican's letter on the time of religion, textbooks - which has forced the minister, during transmission, to dust off all the old propaganda arsenal anti-left to try to cover the clamor of protests from the square and come in Italian homes now more than 10 days. The precarious
an ancient problem
"With the decision to support the alternate year, thanks to an agreement with the INPS and the Ministry of Labour, we can guarantee these people the allowances' of unemployment and a preferential way for the completion of the short supply teachers or the possibility of staying in school. "
He made his debut as the minister trying to grab the merits (which did not) than a temporary problem that would not have (in addition to insecurity, in fact) if there was dancing in its reform.
The minister, however, is not happy he said "the discomfort is real, job insecurity is the biggest social problem which affects young people because it leads to lack confidence, not being able to choose and plan their future. The attempt of the left - said the Gelmini - to ascribe the responsibility of this government's precarious financial or above is a misguided attempt because insecurity is an issue that our country was born in the '70s and '80s when they made competition by failing to provide a defined number of places. "
"I do not want to be responsible for the increased number of temporary workers - said the minister - I feel like a responsibility to minister to answer and I think it was important to the operation verità che abbiamo fatto mettendo in evidenza le luci ma anche le ombre che esistono all'interno della scuola”.
La conferenza stampa a Palazzo Chigi
Un’operazione “verità” che è proseguita - per ovvi motivi di opportunità (sotto al ministero c’erano i precari incatenati a protestare) - nella conferenza stampa a palazzo Chigi, sede del Governo, in cui - riprendendo gli stessi argomenti e ampliando il ragionamento - la Gelmini ha dato prova di tutta la sua capacità nel dare i numeri o meglio, nel girarseli a suo comodo alla bisogna.
Rispetto all’ora di religione, la ministra ha ribadito il so concetto per cui “non è corretto trasformare religious instruction at school for a time when other faiths to be taught in an equal, "claiming, therefore," that the teaching of religion should be respected as is "because, he said, would not be" but it is an hour of catechism hour in-depth content and values \u200b\u200bof the Catholic religion. " Gelmini said it was therefore acceptable, the request came from the church to equate religious instruction in other subjects (with the same need for systematic and rigor).
not objectionable, except that the sentence no 76/09 of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court (to which the same minister should be fulfilled, as appropriate), allowing the application by 24 subjects, including the Evangelical Churches and the Union of Jewish communities, has already laid down - reversing the order of the then Education Minister Giuseppe Fioroni - that " teaching of ethical and religious, which is closely related to the individual faith, it can not be evaluated in terms of learning achievement "and, therefore, that the state can not" give a confession to a particular position "dominant" that violates ideological and religious pluralism. " The numbers of
Proceeding then the illustration of the data statistical office of the ministry, the minister said that "this year with the introduction of master prevalent in primary schools and the abolition of co-presence in more than 50 000 children will have the full-time: 35,000 in the first primary and the other from the second onwards. "
Already this is a starting a little strange in the mouth of a minister who had made a "reduction of school hours" his battle cry (this year will average 30 hours). But the real treat comes in the disarticulation of the data relative to the choices of parents.
"Thanks to data provided by the office Statistics of the Ministry of Education - said Gelmini - now the truth comes out: the disaster predicted by the left, following the reform of primary school approved by the Government, has not occurred. "
a way as any to change the tables, falsifying data and confounding (reminds us of someone?) What was said earlier.
"The 69.6 per cent of households - said Gelmini, surrounded by the leaders of the ministry - he preferred the single master reference.
do not know where you pull out those numbers, but the truth is otherwise. We know, and we have the evidence.
Mariastella Gelmini, In fact, it confuses the time that families could choose the school enrollment of children in early grades of primary school, with a single teacher. Then continue with the distortion in the communication: "The 58.6 per cent of households chose the 30 hours, 11 percent of 24 to 27 hours." It is at this point that leaps out at the flop. That of 11 per cent of families who have chosen the 24 and 27 are the only ones who have truly accepted the single teacher and are, in fact, nothing but the rejection of the government's policy of cuts on schools.
In fact, if we add to 58.6 percent of families who have chosen the extended hours (30 hours) il 30,4 per cento di famiglie che hanno scelto il tempo pieno (40 ore) arriviamo ben oltre l’80 per cento di ragazzi che potranno usufruire, in virtù dell’orario, del secondo maestro.
Altro che vittoria della politica governativa. Siamo in presenza di una sonora bocciatura da parte degli utenti dopo quella comminata dal corpo insegnante.
Sosteniamo tutte le lotte dei precari e degli studenti
Da mesi i precari della scuola, docenti e ATA, si stanno mobilitando per la difesa del diritto al lavoro e della qualità dela scuola della Repubblica. Sul Governo grava la responsabilità di tagli feroci che mirano a distruggere la scuola pubblica a tutto vantaggio delle scuole private.
A farne le spese are precarious, summarily dismissed after years of service, all teachers, forced to work in overcrowded classrooms and impossible conditions, the students, which in essence denied the constitutional right to education. The same government architect of the massacre at the expense of social and civil school these days is giving rise to the staging of so-called "contracts for availability.
A real scam that aims at peace in exchange for a little cash, that discriminates between precarious Series A and Series B, which produces different treatments of unstable regions, which does not give any response nor in employment or on the quality of the school. How Young
Communists and Communist Refoundation We therefore ask that the Regional Councillor for Education and Employment abandon this path and undertake specifically to support the demands for the withdrawal of the temporary cuts, restoring funding to public school and taking up permanent all vacancies.
the time being, we ask that the work is guaranteed to all teachers and ATA fired in schools through the establishment of a functional body, necessary to restore the quality standards affected by government intervention.
Friday, September 4, 2009
5 Month Baby With Dry Cough

A dozen teachers from this morning are on the roof of the CSA to Rome via Pianciani. Teachers have made this peaceful demonstration, which has in no way impeded the normal functioning of the offices of the Superintendency, to draw attention to the goals of the protest of the school's precarious in the face of the nth heavy job cuts in public schools. The objectives of mobilization are:
• The withdrawal of the cuts to public school;
• The employment of temporary workers in all job openings and available;
• Compliance with safety regulations (626) in the formation of classes;
• The withdrawal of the circular on the staff that allows the chairs of 20, 22 and 24 hours;
• The withdrawal of the PDL Aprea;
• The institution a table must participate in regional negotiations also precarious;
Minichello The manager of CSA, even before listening to the demands of the precarious, immediately called for the intervention of the Carabinieri.
Teachers attending the event said they, too, that the measures planned by the Ronchi Decree, that the contracts available are grossly inadequate and represents yet another insult to them.
Teachers intend to stay on top of the temporary administrator to draw attention on the assembly / garrison set for 7 days of this month at 15.00 on a Pianciani under the CSA. A
Benevento on the sixth day of employment Provincial Educational Office of the roof remained in six (a teacher and get it taken ill due), while their colleagues continue outside the garrison. A Palermo 2 former deputies are continuing, now 10-day hunger strike, in extreme circumstances, a woman has been hospitalized for tests, while three others were added in these days of fasting to protest. In Genoa, where teachers have improvised windscreen at traffic lights and Rome, where a group of temporary workers in "underpants" continued supervision of the pilot schools (where, for comparison, the assignments are made), the protest any hint of sarcasm, but not the less dramatic. Over the last few days have been filled dai precari i Provveditorati di Salerno, Napoli, Catania, ed è stato caricato il corteo dei precari alla Mostra del Cinema di Venezia.
Perché protestano i precari
Insomma, dappertutto nel Paese, si accavallano e proseguono le proteste e le manifestazioni dei precari della scuola contro la “riformicchia” Tremonti-Gelmini. Azioni di lotta e, ancor più, azioni dimostrative che hanno lo scopo di ricordare all’opinione pubblica e ai media che i pesanti
tagli imposti dalla riforma cominciano a mietere un numero consistente di vittime. Stando a quanto si legge sul fascicolo informativo pubblicato dalla Federazione Lavoratori della Conoscenza CGIL infatti: “Circa 25 mila precari, tra docenti e personale tecnico amministrativo, non avranno più le supplenze annuali, tantissimi docenti sono stati dichiarati in esubero, le scuole sono in sofferenza finanziaria e non potranno garantire nemmeno le spese ordinarie e il pagamento delle supplenze brevi”. Cifra confermata dalla CISL e leggermente al ribasso per la UIL, che parla invece di 23.000 persone che rimarranno senza lavoro.
La ministra alle “strette”
Fatto sta che, messa alle strette dalle proteste di questi giorni, la ministra Gelmini ha deciso di rivolgersi al Consiglio dei Ministri per approntare una misura a salvaguardia dei precari.
E il CdM risponde positivamente (con mezza Italia in subbuglio e il rischio, sempre dietro l’angolo, che la scuola possa non farcela ad iniziare le lezioni e, soprattutto a continuarle, la pressione non deve essere stata leggera) anche se, come al solito, con i soliti metodi di sempre: quelli dell’elemosina e delle scelte emergenziali.
Si tratta - a spiegarlo è la stessa ministra - dei cosiddetti “contratti di disponibilità” (ovvero una via preferenziale per le supplenze brevi) e dell’istituzione di un’indennità di disoccupazione anticipata (pagata, cioè, a monte dell’evento di perdita del lavoro).
Entrambi gli “ammortizzatori”, validi solo per chi nel 2008/2009 ha avuto un contratto annuale ovvero, fino al 30 giugno, sarebbero destinati, According to the numbers drawn by the relevant ministries (Education and Labor), to an audience of between 10 thousand and 18 thousand units although, needless to say
, the data is defined as "uncertain." Just as it is still uncertain the way the proposals should become "normal". The same minister gropes
between the "decree ad hoc amendment to the so-called Ronchi Decree on the environment for the transposition of European legislation concerning the handling and disposal of hazardous wastes.
How does the proposed
Notwithstanding that, we talk about "hearsay" and assumptions, as the minister was careful from putting pen to paper before the "final placet Minister Tremonti, the measure - which should be finally approved in the cabinet next week (always willing to Tremonti) - provides a temporary aid to the rule would cost some 150 million € but without making the government pay a single euro in more than using the unemployment benefit that would be paid, however, funding for supply teachers already in schools
and regional funds.
The mechanism provides that to take advantage of the allowance would, in fact, no more than 18 000 temporary workers, who were substitutes last year in the school year, they are already entitled to unemployment benefits e siano inseriti nelle graduatorie.
Per quanto attiene ai contratti di disponibilità le istituzioni scolastiche potrebbero offrire le supplenze brevi innanzitutto agli insegnanti precari (abilitati, iscritti nelle graduatorie ad esaurimento e che hanno avuto solo supplenze annuali nello scorso anno scolastico 2008/2009) in modo che abbiano il maggior numero di rapporti di lavoro possibili. Chi dovesse accettare tutte le supplenze avrà diritto al punteggio per l’intero anno di servizio nelle graduatorie ad esaurimento.
Alla fine, solo per chi rimarrà senza lavoro è pronta l’indennità di disoccupazione statale con requisiti ordinari, che è di 886 euro lordi per 8 mesi o per 12 per chi ha superato i 50 anni di età.
The treatment is interrupted, however, if the employee has a new job, refuses to be launched to an individual project of reintegration into the labor market does not accept the offer of a work classified at a salary level not less than 20% that the operation of origin; not agree to be employed in the works and utilities.
reactions union
As always in these cases, the mayor's position is (to put it mildly) and articulate, even if everyone is unhappy state, for almost everyone - eccenzion made for the CGIL - Welcomes you to the first step . He does
the CISL, by its general secretary, Raffaele Bonanni, while affirming that his union is not happy when there are protests, but when you solve the problems causing the protests "and that if there are" situations that are not managed, the protests will remain standing
ultimately be satisfied. Raffaele Bonanni, in fact, said that "he appreciated the step forward that there was, as we had asked for solutions to those who lost income and we have obtained."
For School UIL needs to be done quickly and well. "We look forward to - says Massimo Di Menna, General Secretary, the approval of the measure in the Council of Ministers to give a concrete answer to thousands of temporary workers."
"We are following - Said of Menna - the way, some time we have indicated, intended to use all possible resources to ensure quality of training and work and pay teachers and
Ata lost their job. " "We take note - said the secretary of Uil Scuola - the decision of the Council of Ministers but it is necessary that the picture is clear and complete so that the measure is formally approved in the Council of Ministers of
next Wednesday."
The position of the CGIL
Luckily there is someone who still think in terms of comparison and trade union rights. On behalf of the FLC, in fact, Domenico Pantaleo said - As always from the pack - that "the ghost measure, politically shared by the Cabinet this morning (reported yesterday), but not examined or approved the substance, not really contribute any extra resource for the permanent staff: yes confined to ensuring the intermittent use of the unemployment that would be disbursed to its employees and provides a priority on supplying temporary allocated by schools, effectively nullifying the use of existing school rankings. " ready to enter into force with the new school year.
According to the secretary general of the FLC, in short, the minister break the contract availability as a panacea but, in fact, would even affect individual rights.
Moreover, according to assessments of the CGIL, this new type of contract should ensure the maturation of only score with the sole purpose of the list. All this while the school record financial suffering that made it difficult, last year, paying the salaries of temporary workers.
In short, the choice of the Gelmini continues on the path of the patch on the wound bed sores and, moreover, without the slightest comparison union, introduce new (and perhaps even illegal) procedures and modalities contrattali. All without any additional resource and continuing, however, in the absurd policy of cuts.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Two Week Old Baby Phlegm

sixties was not seen levels of the police to show
Venice Film Festival. This afternoon, when a group of temporary workers and activists linked to Global Beach has tried to enter the Hotel Des Bains, one of the symbolic places of the exhibition and the Lido itself, to hold a press conference, he was greeted by heavy loads.
Yesterday, the movement had opened with a meeting that involved bringing together diverse experiences of struggle of the precarious cultural, entertainment and students of the Wave. E 'in the context of a militarized Venice Film Festival like never before (even after 11settembre), the minister and the government officials Bondi parade at cost clubbed to the precarious workers of culture, the very ones that guarantee the opening of the Biennale, which are squeezed into the mechanism of the agencies. A government that cuts on the culture and the university, associated today, in a time when
struggles and disputes are increasing, the police violence that has hit the Lido today. The charges were violent, certainly not designed to disperse, but to do evil. For many bruised adding a student with cuts to his head and a young girl with an open wound in the shoulder. Nevertheless, a group of activists of Global Beach and actors of the show and precarious
Movem, was able to bring our voice from the Red Carpet, disturbing and challenging representatives del governo.Il comune di Venezia ha immediatamente preso posizione condannando le pesanti cariche della polizia.
Ecco una piccola cronologia. Ore 18.45 - Nonostante le cariche un gruppo di studenti, precari dello spettacolo e attivisti provenienti da tutta Italia è riuscito a raggiungere il tappeto rosso, a dispetto dello schieramento di forze di polizia in divisa e non che circondano l'area del Festival. Schierati in prima fila, hanno gettato riso nero e palloncini neri a simboleggiare la "morte della cultura" che, fuori dalla retorica dei grandi festival, è il prodotto più concreto delle politiche governative: l'attacco al FUS e la guerra all'università e al sapere sono state gli obiettivi degli slogan gridati dagli attivisti."Il precariato non è cool" , "Noi la crisi non la paghiamo" recitano alcuni degli striscioni e dei cartelli esposti.Alla manifestazione sono presenti attivisti, studenti e precari da tutta italia, insieme ai lavoratori di MTV in mobilitazione e al MOVem, il coordinamento nato alcuni mesi fa contro l'ennesima manovra contro il Fondo Unico per lo Spettacolo.
Ore 18.10 - Il testo che segue è stato diffuso alcuni minuti fa in una mailing list nazionale di movimento
« E' stato caricato pochi minuti fa il corteo composto da alcune centinaia di studenti dell'Onda e precari dello spettacolo in corso al Lido di Venezia, riunitisi alla spiaggia occupata di Global Beach, per protestare contro i tagli alla cultura e all'università. The procession was approaching in an absolutely peaceful and communicative Hotel Des Bains, near the red carpet in front of which the activists wanted to launch a protest against the colorful and symbolic presence at Bondi Beach of the Minister of Culture, a member of the government is lifting millions of euro funds to culture, and destroying the Italian public university system. The police charge against students and temporary workers was sudden and violent, and caused some injuries, so fortunately no serious .
Friday, August 28, 2009
Alpha Centauri Strategy

For two days the workers and the workers of Lamse Melfi - which is all our support and our solidarity - have occupied the factory against the 174 redundancies announced in early August. On Monday, the male and female workers occupied the headquarters of the Confederation of power and Tuesday, while they were occupying the factory, a guard has seen fit to fire several shots and pointing the gun at the workers. "Even with all due respect to the problems of workers involved, the drift of the spectacle of workers' struggles should be stopped as soon as possible", stated the Hon. Cazzola (PDL), because according to it, "the government can not waste his time chasing workers"-those small, insignificant things that keep our production system- "that climb the monuments and threatening to jump. The only solution is to switch off the cameras." In other words thereby lowering the dark hand of the censor to suppress groped for attention around the workers' struggles, which rightly claim the opportunity to continue to work and self-manage their production.
for weeks if not months, we said that autumn was warm, decisive test to build an effective social conflict against the capitalist crisis. We continued to maintain that needed to be done as INNSE, that we must learn from the French, to build the conflict and make it visible. Now here we are. With the autumn will share struggles even in schools and universities, we are already preparing the first meeting and the first meetings to restart the movement. As students and the Young Communist League we will be united with the teachers to stop and defend our school and the practicability of democratic spaces that the minister Gelmini going to break down, reducing our education element of pure knowledge, useful for anything but the realization of self , of us as students and human beings, by introducing a voting policy which is openly exploited to prevent us from fighting for our rights and take to the streets to demonstrate, and we must halt the offensive clerical fascist which has long been victim to this country, and always takes the form More in attitudes such as those of the Gelmini to ignore the judgments of the TAR on the subject of the teaching of Catholic religion, which should now assist in the evaluation, in spite of the fact that hundreds of thousands of students each year choose not to attend, disadvantages to the end of 'year for the media because they will have one vote less. In this context, so dark we have to connect the struggles of the school and students working with that, we must build committees against the crisis in each factory and also in all schools should take over the activities of the Collective student unit for the Defense of Public School together with the already re-started for the defense activities of the school public last year thanks to the foundation of this group of students as an area of \u200b\u200bconfrontation between the different components of the movement (in addition to the GC, and the REDS 'Disobedient' former Social Shed, many people without political experience) and organizing efforts of the student movement, as the exhibition from 5000 students in November and the lessons to the streets. This year, the fight will be even more heated last year: we will be at the forefront!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Chewbacca Mask Step Brothers

In the early years following the coming to power of Communists, the Chinese government had almost totally destroyed the mafia gang, but they have resurfaced in recent decades, while it weakens the economic and social controls. Despite the involvement of mafia in activities such as drug trafficking or human trafficking, movies and TV series filmed in Taiwan and Hong Kong and dealing with the exploits of the Triads are very popular in Asian countries. For the online gaming industry in China is expected to grow this year between 30% and 50%, with revenues of at least 3 and a half billion dollars. China has about 200 million online gamers, and over 300 million Internet users, the highest number in the world.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Pepper Spray Laws Columbus Ohio

No advertising for the two bosses, brought to trial for having built an empire through the illegal casinos ranging from the cement industry, from transport to poultry farms. And since the prosecution is to have created a "black society", a mafia clan, the Chinese judges might even condemn the death penalty.
Who knew the two alleged mobsters, says that their game rooms where you throw away thousands of yuan at baccarat are well known in the city. "They are so powerful that police are not touched them for so long." And who has seen them, compared to Tony Soprano Hammerhead, and Spicy Qin remind Michael Corleone of the Godfather. Between the two there is an affinity not only film but also to business interests and that reach policy.
Lin Guoqin was part of the Municipal People's Congress Yangjiang during the 90s, when - according to investigators - had already been launched in the illegal business. He then chaired the local Federation of Industry and Commerce and from 2000 to 2007 he sat in the National Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the highest advisory body politics.
The Chronicles Spicy Qin remember the numerous sponsorships and events to which they have participated. This included the annual donation of almost 30 thousand dollars to needy students, and the alliance with Xu Jianqiang, close - apparently - to equip an army of killers and torturers on its economic empire.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Shag Band Colour Meaning
In the end, for Song Zichai, have gone off in handcuffs. The charge: fraud and extortion against 150 Chinese traders lured by the dream (nightmare later became) a colossal shopping mall in Muggia, in a former cinema, just steps from Milan.
The Manchu (also known as Song and Song Jiang Zhicai) was arrested in Naples, where years ago he built his Cinamercato Italy's most famous. And where it has been noted for a series of reckless financial operations. In those parts call O 'China. And they treat him with respect. In Brianza, instead of his country wanted him to skin because the hypermarket was unlicensed and was closed . And now, some of them said that Song's rented booth (up to 60 000 €), and those who did not pay he received serious threats.
yet to be ascertained, however, the alleged contacts with the Zichai 'Ndrangheta . Meanwhile, were arrested for fraudulent bankruptcy, three directors of the Tornado Gest, the company that had made the film then filled with shops and made in China in 2007, has sunk into a hole of 50 million €.
The Best 11meter Antenne
The last took him to the Netherlands, a thousand miles away from the place of the attack. The tenth member of the Chinese gang that February 24 2009 è piombato all’interno della discoteca Parenthesis di Milano per regolare i conti con una banda rivale è stato arrestato il 19 maggio.
La polizia olandese l’ha trovato in compagnia di un coltello e di un bel po’ di droga. E secondo gli inquirenti sarebbe stato lui a sferrare la pugnalata che ha ucciso Hu Libin , il 22enne morto nell’assalto causato, probabilmente, da dissidi sulla gestione dello spaccio della ketamina .
Gli altri nove del commando nei mesi precedenti erano stati presi tra Milano, Albenga e Alba Adriatica. Ma la cattura del presunto assassino in Olanda è la conferma della formidabile rete di amicizie e coperture that crime has managed to Asian cards.
It is not uncommon, in fact, that the boss killer assoldino Chinese compatriots outside the Italian borders, or at least away from the city where the execution must take place. There close links between underworld families who live in Rome or Milan with others who are in Paris or Amsterdam. The boundaries for the Asian mafia, they are just pencil marks drawn on a sheet of paper.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Free Danlod Age Of Empires 2 Ful Version
Parma, May 17, 2009. We have just concluded the fourth round, which follows that of Brescia with the intent to see the players of the championships FIF to create a selection of fifty athletes in view of the friendly on 19 July in Desenzano against a British representative. The camp was held at the shooting range, "F. Bella "in Parma and has involved a number of athletes who have trained for two days along with some of the most talented coaches in Italy, including Fabrizio Cupellini (Free safety and defensive coach Gladiators), Jaime Suarez Olivares (Head coach Bengals ), Andrew Rolling Arnette (Bobcats offense coordinator), Israel Alejandro Trejo (offensive coordinator Bengals), Gerardo García Vera Gomez (Bengals defensive coordinator).
On Saturday, were held in technique training and drill as well as a theoretical exercise patterns on both offensive and defensive. After the afternoon training coaches and players participated in a small aperitif offered by the Bobcats that allowed students to meet and mingle more to achieve the harmony. The training on Sunday but has been split into two sessions screammage Skeletor and where they were put into practice the theoretical lessons of the previous day. Obviously the two training sessions were interspersed with lunch and watching the movie recorded during exercise Saturday.
At the end of camp the coaches were satisfied with both the days that followed were intense and well the boys who have been working to get noticed by recruiters and learn the techniques and patterns explained. Despite the small number of players expected, the budget completely positive that confirms the importance of days like these that help not only the players but also coaches to improve themselves and contribute to the growth of constructive football in Italy.
For the Bobcats part ten players who have impressed the selectors who have distinguished themselves and others. Excellent performance especially the Vanni Belli (LB), Alex Salvarani (FB), Mirko Chiari (RB) and Massimiliano Blandino (C) who entered the first time in the first group and then in the pink of the owners. Too bad for Amadasi that last camp after distinguishing himself by winning the award for best quarterback had to skip most of the training on Saturday and all Sunday for a shoulder problem.
The event was held thanks to the help of some key sponsors: a thank
Monday, April 6, 2009
Can You Train With An Inner Ear Infection
Communist Refoundation is organizing brigades of active solidarity with those affected by the earthquake. The Federation of Pescara
Prc (via F. German, 8) act as collection center materials and shelter for evacuees.
Individuals or facilities that are able to accommodate the displaced are then asked to call the number 085.66788
Anyone wishing to participate in organizing assistance can call:
Federation Prc Pescara: 085.66788 (welcome evacuees)
Richi: 339.3255805 (basic necessities such as water, pasta, UHT milk, biscuits)
Marco Fars: 334.6976120
Francis Piobbico:
334.6883166 or send an email to:
We need basic necessities (water , pasta, UHT milk, biscuits), blankets, tents, gazebos and useful material for the removal of debris
WARNING! We call upon all those who are starting to carry their rescue: do not leave home without first having called the numbers provided, you come equipped and be self-sufficient especially with regard to the board that the accommodation.
If you prefer to send a monetary contribution you can send To:
bank account
recast ABRUZZO
IBAN: IT32J0312703201CC0340001497
The priority at this time is to donate blood.
You can do this at the Department of Transfusion Medicine PO "Holy Spirit"
Via Fonte Romana, 8 - Pescara
tel: 085/4252687
or in Lazio:
AVIS: Phone: 06/491340 - 45437075-44230134
for updates or information:
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tattooed Female Genitials

The Catalan police estimated that there are about three hundred Chinese women exploited in Barcelona. And according to the newspaper El Periodico , the local red-light run from an evil Asian are mainly concentrated in the Eixample district, not to mention the "massage parlors" are often inclined to performance additional and brothels reserved for Chinese immigrants.
A system difficult to dismantle because the people who make ads for clients, those who rent the premises and "madame" that run the brothels are never the same people. But what worries most of the investigators is that behind the prostitution is well-structured organization . Which, of course, not limited to the round of ring.
The police have identified three large families that are also active in the field of extortion, counterfeiting and wear. But above all, in the trafficking of human beings. Thousands of euro paid to clan to get to Spain and then, once they arrive at their destination, finding a job. An illegal network that often hides scenarios enslavement that in some cases also involved English citizens. As in the case of an industrialist in Girona that employed Chinese men and women in his company for more than two months. The pay? Forty euro for twelve hours a day.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Erection In Public Shower
Easter is yet to come but the "Via Crucis" for too many retirees in our province of Catanzaro began long before ... They do not carry the cross on his shoulders but the "social card" ... A indecency for hundreds of thousands of retirees (with the crisis also needs a dime seen the miserable pensions) that have undergone a real ordeal ... "Fourteen Stations": the way from retirement to lead the praetorian of Pilate to the tomb ... The first station starts a CAAF patronage or to be informed, which then return with the necessary documentation for the release of 'ISEE. If everything is in place and do not receive any nasty surprises, in many cases for a few cents is not for the card, with documentation in hand the unfortunate pensioners go to present it in a row, at the post office. After these first "station" is a period of "waiting" ... The first when INPS collects applications to ascertain the requirements (not always successful), the second wait after sending the card because it has to come from the Minister of Finance on Pin: the numeric code which allows the use of electronic devices only to those in the know. The days go by but the "famous" code does not reach many. At this point there is a way "forced" other three "stations" at the post office and asked the INPS to INPS (the ballet) to learn, in many cases, the pin because the card does not arrive, the findings not for ... Anger and mortification. But the "lucky" yet the "stations" are not over because, after receiving the Pin, finally go to the grocery store and fill a cart, but, with regret, shame and humiliation many are forced to put everything in place on the shelves because the popular social card, like a flag unfurled by Tremonti, is empty ...
Only a devilish mind could conceive of a tortuous and complicated process to receive alms from 40 Euro per month, in time of crisis, no one despises ...
But it was easier to send these "slices" through the board while avoiding, among other things, an enormous cost? The social card, in fact, is not at zero cost because people with their taxes should pay for the physical production of the card, the percentage for the operators, charging and letters, some 15 million euro ... a huge waste of resources and a clogging of the offices of INPS and Post Office, whose employees, to dispose of the files have been scrambling for answers at times, inconclusive ... The saddest part of this story is that they have been humiliated the most disadvantaged, the poor, the last of the social scale ... A Lenten obligation, fasting and penance, which the Catholic Church begins 40 days before Easter, but that for Italian pensioners, and for many Calabrian started nel mese di dicembre dell’anno scorso…
Piero Mascaro
Segretario Provinciale
Friday, March 27, 2009
What Does All The Colors On The Shag Band Mean??
Chinese blood to flow back through the streets of Milan. A month dall'agguato blows of the ax in Parenthesis disco is back to hiss the blades. In front of the restaurant "Long Chang" in the heart of Italy's largest Chinatown, the body of a man of 34 years. On the sidewalk Via Paolo Sarpi, the corpse his throat cut by a knife. Not far away a woman's shoe. One detail that the second, the investigators could bring murder in a matter of honor for the sake of passion.
Shortly before, according to some witnesses, had entered a Chinese restaurant assaulting two fellow countrymen. One - as mentioned - is dead and the other was injured in a serious way. The latter would be the former boyfriend of one of two women who were at the table with the victims.
difficult however to say whether we are facing a cavelleria rusticana Chinese or the last episode of war between gangs. Or, if it is a settling of scores , magari per un debito non saldato o una tangente non versata. E' certo, comunque, che se questo delitto è da ricollegare a un eccesso di gelosia, qualcosa si è rotto a chinatown.
Dissidi di questo tipo, in genere, vengono risolti attraverso la mediazione e la trattativa . Una donna che mette l'uno contro l'altro due cinesi spesso può essere una questione da risolvere con una semplice somma di denaro. Turbare la quiete della comunità asiatica con il sangue è una soluzione estrema che solo un boss può autorizzare.
Guarda il video di C6TV
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Pathophysiology Of Myoma Uteri
Sabato 28 marzo, alle ore 11.30, presso la sala del gruppo di Rifondazione Comunista del Comune di Catanzaro, si terrà una conferenza stampa per spiegare le ragioni dell’adesione alla grande manifestazione nazionale del 4 aprile indetta dalla CGIL che si terrà a Roma (Circo Massimo).
Ufficio Stampa
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sound Tv To Receiver Hdmi
Inizia con il piede sbagliato il campionato dei Bobcats Parma. Domenica, infatti, le linci si sono arrese ai Frogs Legnano che li hanno scavalcati di due touch down. La partita era iniziata nel migliore dei modi per i ducali con un touchdown nel primo quarto di Palmer e una trasformazione di Urbano da due punti che non ostante una meta degli avversari (mattia Binda) e la trasformazione da uno ha tenuto i Bobcats in vantaggio per tutto il primo tempo. Non contento del primo touch down Palmer si ripete nel secondo quarto con una meta ancora più bella di quella precedente grazie ad una ricezione in tuffo direttamente in endzone cogliendo il passaggio di 36yds di Amadasi. Lo stesso Amadasi sigla l'extrapoint e sono altri due punti per i Bobcats. Appena prima della pausa però un intercetto distrugge il vantaggio parmigiano; infatti Gangale dei Frogs riporta l'intercetto fino and a touchdown in incredible transformation as a football game first stopped and then recovered on the fly from Thomas Magagnini that manages to reach the goal area, Mandanda teams to rest upon the score of 16-15 in favor of the Bobcats. In the second half those who take to the field are no longer the Bobcats who played the first half nellla game. Probably because of the large number of players forced the Bobcats to the dual role and sit for the entire second half of the game suffer Frogs both offense and defense. The attack Parma, in fact, does not react and just ends, many throwing almost all incomplete and some races, however, do not get huge profits. The defense giving you leave to go to opponents two touch down on travel (both runningback Rino fat) in one of 60yds.
The match ended with a score of 16 to 28 for the Frogs. At the end
statistics say that the Bobcats have launched and completed a large number of yards (Amadasi has completed 15 launches out of 30 attempts for a total of 190 yds, including Palmer, best receiver in camp, received a six launches total of 106 yards), ran almost as much as the Frogs (about 200 yds), \u200b\u200bbut statistics also confirm that the results of the Bobcats have been concentrated only in the first two quarters while the Forgs, more continuous, are "spread" throughout the game.
The next match sees the Bobcats committed against the Gladiators Rome. The trip promises very challenging, both because the lynx will be down the many hours of buses needed to get to Rome, and because the Gladiators are famous for being a team that does not give up easily and can maintain a high rate until the end. The risk is that the "shortness of breath" that has influenced the game against the Frogs can also damage the game against Roma. We'll see if the move failed to defeat the Bobcats, and if something is served to make it clear to young lynx how to finish a game because they have proved that they are able to start in the best way but it lacks the impetus to finish as they began.
See you in Rome,
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Start with the wrong foot of the league Bobcats Parma. Sunday, in fact, the lynx have surrendered to the Legnano Frogs who have passed over two touch down. The match had begun in the best way for the Dukes with a touchdown in the first quarter Palmer and a transformation of Urban by two points despite a goal of the opponents (Matthew Binda) and transformation by the Bobcats held the lead throughout the first half. Not happy with the first touch down Palmer is repeated in the second quarter with a goal even more beautiful than before thanks to a diving reception in the end zone directly taking the step of Amadasi 36yds. The same acronym Amadasi extrapoint and the other two points for the Bobcats. Just before the break but an interception Parmesan destroys the advantage, because of Gangale Frogs back up the interception and a touchdown in incredible transformation as a football game first stopped and then recovered on the fly from Thomas Magagnini that manages to get up in-goal area, Mandanda teams to rest upon the score of 16-15 in favor of the Bobcats. In the second half those who take to the field are no longer the Bobcats who played the first half nellla game. Probably because of the large number of players forced the Bobcats to the dual role and sit for the entire second half of the game suffer Frogs both offense and defense. The attack Parma, in fact, does not react and just ends, many throwing almost all incomplete and some races, however, do not get huge profits. The defense let go giving their opponents two touch down on travel (both runningback Rino fat) in one of 60yds.
The match ended with a score of 16 to 28 for Frogs. At the end
statistics say that the Bobcats have launched and completed a large number of yards (Amadasi has completed 15 launches out of 30 attempts for a total of 190 yds, including Palmer, best receiver in camp, received a six launches total of 106 yards), ran almost as much as the Frogs (about 200 yds), \u200b\u200bbut statistics also confirm that the results of the Bobcats have been concentrated only in the first two quarters while the Forgs, more continuous, are "spread" throughout the game.
The next match sees the Bobcats committed against the Roma Gladiators. The trip promises very challenging, both because the lynx will be down the many hours of buses needed to get to Rome, sia perchè i Gladiatori sono famosi per essere una squadra che non demorde facilmente e che riesce a mantenere un ritmo elevato fino alla fine. Il rischio è quindi che la "mancanza di fiato" che ha condizionato la partita contro i Frogs possa danneggiare anche la partita contro Roma. Staremo a vedere se la sconfitta è riuscita a muovere qualcosa nei Bobcats e se sarà servita per fare capire alle giovani linci come fare a concludere una partita visto che hanno dimostrato che sono in grado di iniziare nel migliore dei modi ma gli manca la spinta per finire come hanno iniziato.
Ci vediamo a Roma,