Si è conclusa la lunga marcia del popolo che oggi è sceso in piazza per manifestare contro il razzismo, il reato di clandestinità e gli altri provvedimenti contenuti nel pacchetto sicurezza. From Piazza della Repubblica to the Mouth of Truth, are 200 000 - say the organizers - the people who marched through the streets of Rome.
Opposition groups and immigrants in the square . United under the banner of anti-common, opposition forces and movements, both secular and Catholic. There are many acronyms that have promoted the initiative: CGIL, ARCI, Emergency, Blessed Peacemakers, Pax Christi. They marched the militants and the leaders of the Communist Refoundation, the Left and Liberty, some members of parliament and IDV, surprisingly, the secretary of the PD, Dario Franceschini. But the real stars were the immigrants who came to Rome from all over Italy, with special trains.
Slogan e striscioni . Un grande striscione che recita "No al razzismo, al reato di clandestinità, al pacchetto sicurezza" ha inaugurato la marcia. Moltissimi extracomunitari hanno esibito le immagini di "San Papier, protettore degli immigrati" e striscioni contro le mafie, le politiche per l'immigrazione dell'esecutivo definite "discriminatorie e razziste" e
striscioni con su scritto: "sì alle regolarizzazioni per tutti e tutte". Un cartellone recava scritto: ''E' meglio essere un cane che un immigrato qui in Italia'', mentre un gruppo di extracomunitari giunti da Casal di Principe, nel Casertano, hanno urlato slogan contro la camorra e il lavoro nero. A sorpresa, ha partecipato al corteo anche il Secretary of the PD Dario Franceschini, the opposition claimed that the presentation of many proposed laws on citizenship, the right to vote in local elections and the ius soli. "The incidents of racism and violence that took place in Rome in recent weeks - he said - are very disturbing. E 'concern that the right, having filled his mouth with so many words, blocks a law, such as homophobia, all' beginning of his career. " Then, on immigration, he added: "The government must stop to equate illegal immigration and crime.''Actor and writer jew Moni Ovadia, who was also in the square, points his finger at the government and the national ' municipal administration of the capital, guilty fomenting a climate of racism. "In Rome - he said - many right-wing groups feel entitled to take actions that make a right as that of the administration of Mayor Gianni Alemanno. Then the baton to the national policy: "In the culture of this government are xenophobic and intolerant components. It is no coincidence that it dismissed the bill against homophobia and enacted rules on who can also rejects the right of access' asylum.''The event was held in an absolutely peaceful.
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