A dozen teachers from this morning are on the roof of the CSA to Rome via Pianciani. Teachers have made this peaceful demonstration, which has in no way impeded the normal functioning of the offices of the Superintendency, to draw attention to the goals of the protest of the school's precarious in the face of the nth heavy job cuts in public schools. The objectives of mobilization are:
• The withdrawal of the cuts to public school;
• The employment of temporary workers in all job openings and available;
• Compliance with safety regulations (626) in the formation of classes;
• The withdrawal of the circular on the staff that allows the chairs of 20, 22 and 24 hours;
• The withdrawal of the PDL Aprea;
• The institution a table must participate in regional negotiations also precarious;
Minichello The manager of CSA, even before listening to the demands of the precarious, immediately called for the intervention of the Carabinieri.
Teachers attending the event said they, too, that the measures planned by the Ronchi Decree, that the contracts available are grossly inadequate and represents yet another insult to them.
Teachers intend to stay on top of the temporary administrator to draw attention on the assembly / garrison set for 7 days of this month at 15.00 on a Pianciani under the CSA. A
Benevento on the sixth day of employment Provincial Educational Office of the roof remained in six (a teacher and get it taken ill due), while their colleagues continue outside the garrison. A Palermo 2 former deputies are continuing, now 10-day hunger strike, in extreme circumstances, a woman has been hospitalized for tests, while three others were added in these days of fasting to protest. In Genoa, where teachers have improvised windscreen at traffic lights and Rome, where a group of temporary workers in "underpants" continued supervision of the pilot schools (where, for comparison, the assignments are made), the protest any hint of sarcasm, but not the less dramatic. Over the last few days have been filled dai precari i Provveditorati di Salerno, Napoli, Catania, ed è stato caricato il corteo dei precari alla Mostra del Cinema di Venezia.
Perché protestano i precari
Insomma, dappertutto nel Paese, si accavallano e proseguono le proteste e le manifestazioni dei precari della scuola contro la “riformicchia” Tremonti-Gelmini. Azioni di lotta e, ancor più, azioni dimostrative che hanno lo scopo di ricordare all’opinione pubblica e ai media che i pesanti
tagli imposti dalla riforma cominciano a mietere un numero consistente di vittime. Stando a quanto si legge sul fascicolo informativo pubblicato dalla Federazione Lavoratori della Conoscenza CGIL infatti: “Circa 25 mila precari, tra docenti e personale tecnico amministrativo, non avranno più le supplenze annuali, tantissimi docenti sono stati dichiarati in esubero, le scuole sono in sofferenza finanziaria e non potranno garantire nemmeno le spese ordinarie e il pagamento delle supplenze brevi”. Cifra confermata dalla CISL e leggermente al ribasso per la UIL, che parla invece di 23.000 persone che rimarranno senza lavoro.
La ministra alle “strette”
Fatto sta che, messa alle strette dalle proteste di questi giorni, la ministra Gelmini ha deciso di rivolgersi al Consiglio dei Ministri per approntare una misura a salvaguardia dei precari.
E il CdM risponde positivamente (con mezza Italia in subbuglio e il rischio, sempre dietro l’angolo, che la scuola possa non farcela ad iniziare le lezioni e, soprattutto a continuarle, la pressione non deve essere stata leggera) anche se, come al solito, con i soliti metodi di sempre: quelli dell’elemosina e delle scelte emergenziali.
Si tratta - a spiegarlo è la stessa ministra - dei cosiddetti “contratti di disponibilità” (ovvero una via preferenziale per le supplenze brevi) e dell’istituzione di un’indennità di disoccupazione anticipata (pagata, cioè, a monte dell’evento di perdita del lavoro).
Entrambi gli “ammortizzatori”, validi solo per chi nel 2008/2009 ha avuto un contratto annuale ovvero, fino al 30 giugno, sarebbero destinati, According to the numbers drawn by the relevant ministries (Education and Labor), to an audience of between 10 thousand and 18 thousand units although, needless to say
, the data is defined as "uncertain." Just as it is still uncertain the way the proposals should become "normal". The same minister gropes
between the "decree ad hoc amendment to the so-called Ronchi Decree on the environment for the transposition of European legislation concerning the handling and disposal of hazardous wastes.
How does the proposed
Notwithstanding that, we talk about "hearsay" and assumptions, as the minister was careful from putting pen to paper before the "final placet Minister Tremonti, the measure - which should be finally approved in the cabinet next week (always willing to Tremonti) - provides a temporary aid to the rule would cost some 150 million € but without making the government pay a single euro in more than using the unemployment benefit that would be paid, however, funding for supply teachers already in schools
and regional funds.
The mechanism provides that to take advantage of the allowance would, in fact, no more than 18 000 temporary workers, who were substitutes last year in the school year, they are already entitled to unemployment benefits e siano inseriti nelle graduatorie.
Per quanto attiene ai contratti di disponibilità le istituzioni scolastiche potrebbero offrire le supplenze brevi innanzitutto agli insegnanti precari (abilitati, iscritti nelle graduatorie ad esaurimento e che hanno avuto solo supplenze annuali nello scorso anno scolastico 2008/2009) in modo che abbiano il maggior numero di rapporti di lavoro possibili. Chi dovesse accettare tutte le supplenze avrà diritto al punteggio per l’intero anno di servizio nelle graduatorie ad esaurimento.
Alla fine, solo per chi rimarrà senza lavoro è pronta l’indennità di disoccupazione statale con requisiti ordinari, che è di 886 euro lordi per 8 mesi o per 12 per chi ha superato i 50 anni di età.
The treatment is interrupted, however, if the employee has a new job, refuses to be launched to an individual project of reintegration into the labor market does not accept the offer of a work classified at a salary level not less than 20% that the operation of origin; not agree to be employed in the works and utilities.
reactions union
As always in these cases, the mayor's position is (to put it mildly) and articulate, even if everyone is unhappy state, for almost everyone - eccenzion made for the CGIL - Welcomes you to the first step . He does
the CISL, by its general secretary, Raffaele Bonanni, while affirming that his union is not happy when there are protests, but when you solve the problems causing the protests "and that if there are" situations that are not managed, the protests will remain standing
ultimately be satisfied. Raffaele Bonanni, in fact, said that "he appreciated the step forward that there was, as we had asked for solutions to those who lost income and we have obtained."
For School UIL needs to be done quickly and well. "We look forward to - says Massimo Di Menna, General Secretary, the approval of the measure in the Council of Ministers to give a concrete answer to thousands of temporary workers."
"We are following - Said of Menna - the way, some time we have indicated, intended to use all possible resources to ensure quality of training and work and pay teachers and
Ata lost their job. " "We take note - said the secretary of Uil Scuola - the decision of the Council of Ministers but it is necessary that the picture is clear and complete so that the measure is formally approved in the Council of Ministers of
next Wednesday."
The position of the CGIL
Luckily there is someone who still think in terms of comparison and trade union rights. On behalf of the FLC, in fact, Domenico Pantaleo said - As always from the pack - that "the ghost measure, politically shared by the Cabinet this morning (reported yesterday), but not examined or approved the substance, not really contribute any extra resource for the permanent staff: yes confined to ensuring the intermittent use of the unemployment that would be disbursed to its employees and provides a priority on supplying temporary allocated by schools, effectively nullifying the use of existing school rankings. " ready to enter into force with the new school year.
According to the secretary general of the FLC, in short, the minister break the contract availability as a panacea but, in fact, would even affect individual rights.
Moreover, according to assessments of the CGIL, this new type of contract should ensure the maturation of only score with the sole purpose of the list. All this while the school record financial suffering that made it difficult, last year, paying the salaries of temporary workers.
In short, the choice of the Gelmini continues on the path of the patch on the wound bed sores and, moreover, without the slightest comparison union, introduce new (and perhaps even illegal) procedures and modalities contrattali. All without any additional resource and continuing, however, in the absurd policy of cuts.
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