But that joy that
'Ndrangheta and the Chinese together . To do what? Affairs. Sloppy. With drugs? Nah, too dangerous. Better to smuggle something that you should always go and hide under the eyes without arousing suspicion. What? Shoes, clothes, perfumes. Tarot. Stuff for kids? No, by professionals. Like those (27) that the police Reggio Calabria they caught in traffic in the port of Gioia Tauro. Hence the alliance between the families Mole, Piromalli and Chinese fruit very much money. Which was then cleared by buying real estate in Lazio. In fact, in Rome were seized € 50 million, a portion of the proceeds obtained by the traffic of containers full of counterfeit goods from the Far East arrived in Calabria.
At the port of Gioia Tauro , with the help of two customs officials, the container-fly "checks and invaded the peninsula. To act as intermediaries between the thigh and shippers in the East, there would be a pair of Chinese Wanli Lyn and Rong Rong Dai, who by their gift shop in Piazza Vittorio Roma organizzavano le spedizioni e già stavano pensando di spostare da Napoli a Gioia Tauro tutto il loro giro d'affari.
In Italia, l'organizzazione del traffico, secondo l'accusa, era affidata a Cosimo Virgiglio, amministratore di una società di import-export e considerato il principale referente imprenditoriale della cosca dei Molé . Era lui a favorire l'importazione fraudolenta, eludendo il sistema di controllo automatico dell'Agenzia delle dogane e, con il meccanismo della sottofatturazione, ad evadere quote rilevanti di dazi e Iva.
Virgiglio è stato arrestato dai carabinieri del Ros mentre si trovava a ''Villa Vecchia'', un lussuoso complesso alberghiero con due avviati ristoranti Monte Porzio Catone, thirty miles from Rome, which would end portion of the proceeds of trafficking in counterfeit goods. The property was seized along with capital of three companies belonging to Virgiglio. The hotel complex had been acquired by repeated intimidation by gangs against former managers and owner, forced to divest itself of the 'to offset the debts accrued by the criminal group.
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