The Chinese mafia has its godfathers. Men of honor, fame, power and cruelty have nothing to envy Toto Riina and Bernardo Provenzano. Indeed. Seated at the head of the criminal organizations that cross oceans, the boss of the Triads can claim preferential links with the policy and intelligence services, and rely on endless crowds of loyal followers. Not otherwise explain why about three thousand people on November 7 of 2007 rushed to Taipei to pay their last respects to Chen Chi-Li, a number of United Bamboo, the sect's most powerful mafia in Taiwan.
As the funeral of Italian-American mobster John Gotti in the streets of New York s'affollarano the kiss of death, just as the capital of the Republic of China has run filled of devoted admirers of the man who in life was revered as "King Duck". A name that does not soften: Chen Chi-Li was not only the head of one of the most powerful Triads international for nearly forty years, but has been tipped as the most obvious clue of the union between the Mafia and the Asian Kuomintang , the nationalist party that governs in a dictatorial Taiwan.

Duck King is a man of success but would remain only a formidable and respected man of honor in the East if he had not dealt with Henry Liu. Who is Liu? It is a Chinese journalist and writer with U.S. citizenship who has published a critical biography on behalf of Chiang Ching-Kuo, the president of Taiwan. On 14 August 1984, the slain reporter was found dead at his home in California Chi-Li Chen and soon ends up in the list of suspects. The gangsters in the process confirm its involvement in the murder, explaining that his government would offer to Taipei to take out $ 20,000 Henry Liu but that he refused for his patriotism. Kill the dissident journalist, in fact, was a gratifying reward for silencing a spy.
Duck King Henry Liu said that he was an agent in the pay of Beijing, that China's People who always try to prevent Taiwanese independence. The boss adds that a vice-admiral of the navy and the head of Taiwan had asked him to assassinate Liu Herny as no more reliable: the journalist was their agent who was a double play on behalf of the Chinese Communists.
difficult to say how true the words of the godfather of the United Bamboo . What is certain is that Chen Chi-li was convicted and released after a few years. At home is hailed as a national hero but after a while 'decides to go live in Cambodia, where he lives in a villa of almost three thousand square meters with a garden in which they are parked a few guns that says to keep for personal defense.

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