As the fury unleashed blows to the head, torso and legs. Hu Libin, 22, dies in a pool of blood. Five others were injured with deep gashes all over his body.
It 's the law of gangster in Chinatown grass. Foreign countries like Italy, regulate band of twentysomethings with strokes of the blade (or the sound of bullets) their business: extortion, drugs, control of the territory. They are often used by labor bosses to exercise their power of intimidation. It is composed of young gangs, often less than 18 years. Each band member has ties to the geographical origin, ie from the city of birth, with the other components. And each group almost always has a distinctive mark: a tattoo, a tuft of hair colored or a red belt. Identity that leads to very strong internal feuds and violent clashes.
But it is not only an issue between the children: "At the head of each group - made it known the National Anti-Mafia Directorate - there is an adult, the coordination of their action and that holds links to bands other regions. " And "in moments of crisis of a gang (for example, due to crashes) converge in supporting elements of other groups from other cities. The links in Italy are therefore very strong - explains the relationship of DNA - and this, together with the fact that gangs are moving constantly and the individual components have no fixed abode while residing with his parents, and are used to exchange mobile phones and cards, makes the investigation of very high concern. "
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