Sunday, October 26, 2008
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A bin almond-eyed friends of
Inside the Cinamercato of Naples. Fourteen thousand square meters. A hive of microbox a man smiling and almond eyes. The altar electric Mao. The karaoke on the TV tuned to Hong Kong. Shirts, pants, shirts, hats, socks, creams seen, toothpaste, soap, fake viagra, milk cans. Two million of stuff. Seized. She had entered the port of Naples in Italy. Contraband. And then, handbags, belts, jackets. Of skin. Seized. They had arrived in Italy with container ships. Contraband. Value: twelve million euro. Taxes and levies shipped: 2.5 million euro. Who invented the Cinamercato? Song Zichai. It comes from Manchuria, northern China. E 'arrived in Italy for over ten years ago. With an international arrest warrant on his head. Beijing wants it back for a million dollar scam. If the return from whence it came could not get out of jail. Threatens even the death penalty. Thus, Song did not make it go. And what does it do? Before becoming chief editor of a Chinese newspaper printed in Rome. Environments where he attended that count: those diplomats. Then she makes up her mind to sow shopping centers all over Italy: Cinamercato. Song takes a shed, it takes up the banner and then rent the space inside the Chinese: they pay, he collects. In Naples, all right. And so it also buys a football club: the Palmese. Too bad you do not pay salaries to the players and the team fails. Organize a party. He says, at the stadium with Maradona and Gigi D'Alesio. Who do not know anything. And the party does not. We try again with another Cinamercato. In Muggia, near Milan. Makes up her mind to turn a new multiplex cinema in a bazaar. Cares that there are no licenses and opened with a lot of papier-mache dragons and fireworks. The Chinese take out money for rent and Song microbox bank. Then the whole town closes for abuse. The Chinese who have paid s'incazzano and try to give him a reality check. Song flies. Nobody knows where he is. Seek him in so many now. Even those of the prosecution of Monza. The charge: Song of the money would be recycled 'Ndrangheta. [The story continues ... The Boss in Chinatown on ]

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Cheap Guesthouse In Seoul
Each Chinatown is full of associations. They are sort of circles, which bring together Chinese and expatriates from the same region or city. Among the goals of these clubs is to protect the villagers also against the Chinese diplomatic authorities. But, as stated in the reports of anti-Mafia prosecutor, "to improve relations with the authorities of the host country." These kinds of unions also provide cultural autonomy to the community and allow "exercise strict control over economic and social life." It can "to acquire the business activities of the districts and to expel the residents until the establishment of true enclave." And because over time some of these lobbies have proved quite effective in weaving relationships both with the Italian institutions with those of Beijing, have often been the object of mafia groups. On the other hand, one of the interests of the boss of Chinatown is to tighten interest with the political authorities. And not only diplomatic relations, even with the Italian ones. And 'this, after all, one of the most advanced strategies of criminal organizations. As the Cosa Nostra, even the Chinese mafia tries to obtain benefits (and return favors) to those in power. Have strong links with those sitting on the couch and just attended the control room is a source of pride and show of force. A few years ago, during a check at the airport of Rome, a Chinese than he was stopped by police before he took the flight to the East. Was found on him a photograph showing him in his restaurant on the side of the then Italian prime minister. When asked about why bring that investigators Photos in China, said: "So you can see what I have become important." When, in fact, return to their country, the representatives of various associations of overseas Chinese come together in a sort of conclave. A sort of parliament of Chinatown scattered across five continents, which then act decisions and claims to bring to the table of the Beijing government, which is rather sensitive to the needs of expatriate children. Proof? When in the spring of 2007 the Chinese revolt broke out in Milan, the Consul-General took a clear stand in defense of his countrymen. It took a similar position to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, who asked the Italian 'balance' to solve problems, that were protected, "the reasonable needs of overseas Chinese" and assured "full protection of their rights."

Each Chinatown is full of associations. They are sort of circles, which bring together Chinese and expatriates from the same region or city. Among the goals of these clubs is to protect the villagers also against the Chinese diplomatic authorities. But, as stated in the reports of anti-Mafia prosecutor, "to improve relations with the authorities of the host country." These kinds of unions also provide cultural autonomy to the community and allow "exercise strict control over economic and social life." It can "to acquire the business activities of the districts and to expel the residents until the establishment of true enclave." And because over time some of these lobbies have proved quite effective in weaving relationships both with the Italian institutions with those of Beijing, have often been the object of mafia groups. On the other hand, one of the interests of the boss of Chinatown is to tighten interest with the political authorities. And not only diplomatic relations, even with the Italian ones. And 'this, after all, one of the most advanced strategies of criminal organizations. As the Cosa Nostra, even the Chinese mafia tries to obtain benefits (and return favors) to those in power. Have strong links with those sitting on the couch and just attended the control room is a source of pride and show of force. A few years ago, during a check at the airport of Rome, a Chinese than he was stopped by police before he took the flight to the East. Was found on him a photograph showing him in his restaurant on the side of the then Italian prime minister. When asked about why bring that investigators Photos in China, said: "So you can see what I have become important." When, in fact, return to their country, the representatives of various associations of overseas Chinese come together in a sort of conclave. A sort of parliament of Chinatown scattered across five continents, which then act decisions and claims to bring to the table of the Beijing government, which is rather sensitive to the needs of expatriate children. Proof? When in the spring of 2007 the Chinese revolt broke out in Milan, the Consul-General took a clear stand in defense of his countrymen. It took a similar position to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, who asked the Italian 'balance' to solve problems, that were protected, "the reasonable needs of overseas Chinese" and assured "full protection of their rights."
Monday, September 8, 2008
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The heads of the dragon: The Chinese Triads
The Heung Chu, the master of ceremony, slicing cleanly through the head of a rooster still alive and collecting blood into a cup. Add wine, cinnabar, sugar and slowly shake the cup. Then he recorded with a blade and the finger of the initiate human blood mixed with the rest of the mixture. The novice resting his lips on the edge of the cup and drink. Then lift the parchment in his hand and reads: "If a member of the Company will suffer all rush to his aid. If I break the oath, swords and I will fall uccideranno". La pergamena brucia nell'incenso, l'iniziato passa sotto un arco di daghe e recita le trentasei promesse di fedeltà e fratellanza. II novizio assume il rango di sey kow jai, cioè di soldato dell'organizzazione. La triade è la sua nuova famiglia. [da i Boss di Chinatown]
The Heung Chu, the master of ceremony, slicing cleanly through the head of a rooster still alive and collecting blood into a cup. Add wine, cinnabar, sugar and slowly shake the cup. Then he recorded with a blade and the finger of the initiate human blood mixed with the rest of the mixture. The novice resting his lips on the edge of the cup and drink. Then lift the parchment in his hand and reads: "If a member of the Company will suffer all rush to his aid. If I break the oath, swords and I will fall uccideranno". La pergamena brucia nell'incenso, l'iniziato passa sotto un arco di daghe e recita le trentasei promesse di fedeltà e fratellanza. II novizio assume il rango di sey kow jai, cioè di soldato dell'organizzazione. La triade è la sua nuova famiglia. [da i Boss di Chinatown]
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
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Giancarlo Caselli, Gherardo Colombo, Nando dalla Chiesa : testimonianze eccezionali sul fenomeno della mafia cinese in Italia. Un incontro tra personalità che, nei diversi ambiti, hanno dato anni della loro vita per combattere una delle piaghe maggiori della società italiana, la mafia. [da WUZ]

Friday, July 25, 2008
Inflamed Tonsils Months
Camorra Chinese all'Esquilino
L'inchiesta "Grande Muraglia", guidata dai carabinieri, è arrivata a un primo traguardo: sette arresti e la certezza che il clan camorrista dei Giuliano era entrato in affari con la mafia cinese in Italia. Nel libro "I Boss di Chinatown" erano stati anticipati alcuni elementi dell'indagine; altri particolari erano stati taciuti proprio perché l'inchiesta era in corso.
In ogni caso, il quadro era già abbastanza chiaro: un grosso imprenditore cinese che da anni si trova nel nostro paese e che ha costruito un impero economico molto solido ha stretto un patto d'acciaio con i referents of the Roman historians of the Neapolitan Camorra clan. Asian business man, in relations with the Chinese diplomatic circles, is now under investigation.
To remove the veil on connubbio was the associate justice of Salvatore Giuliano, the Camorra family history of Fork. Thanks to his statements, it was discovered that Italian and Chinese had created a society in the district Esquilino Rome to reinvest the money from the sale of counterfeit goods imported from China. The money would then be used to buy apartments and shops in Chinatown in the capital.
In particular, Giuliano investigators described the mechanism by which the Camorra controlled the market for counterfeit brands. Thousands of clothing arrived at the port of Naples, and then was stored in large warehouses in the area and Martinafranca Vesuvius in southern Italy before being transferred to certain stores of Cassino. Only in a second stage, the goods arrived in Rome where it was imposed on the Esquiline merchants, both Chinese and Italian.
The activity of the clan then continued with the representatives Romans, who hold a real estate brokerage managing some companies and forcing the Chinese to the leasing or letting of shops and apartments. The proceeds were reinvested in bars, restaurants and car dealers: during the operation were seized three showrooms in Cassino, one in Naples and Bologna, and always a popular restaurant in Cassino.
In ogni caso, il quadro era già abbastanza chiaro: un grosso imprenditore cinese che da anni si trova nel nostro paese e che ha costruito un impero economico molto solido ha stretto un patto d'acciaio con i referents of the Roman historians of the Neapolitan Camorra clan. Asian business man, in relations with the Chinese diplomatic circles, is now under investigation.
To remove the veil on connubbio was the associate justice of Salvatore Giuliano, the Camorra family history of Fork. Thanks to his statements, it was discovered that Italian and Chinese had created a society in the district Esquilino Rome to reinvest the money from the sale of counterfeit goods imported from China. The money would then be used to buy apartments and shops in Chinatown in the capital.
In particular, Giuliano investigators described the mechanism by which the Camorra controlled the market for counterfeit brands. Thousands of clothing arrived at the port of Naples, and then was stored in large warehouses in the area and Martinafranca Vesuvius in southern Italy before being transferred to certain stores of Cassino. Only in a second stage, the goods arrived in Rome where it was imposed on the Esquiline merchants, both Chinese and Italian.
The activity of the clan then continued with the representatives Romans, who hold a real estate brokerage managing some companies and forcing the Chinese to the leasing or letting of shops and apartments. The proceeds were reinvested in bars, restaurants and car dealers: during the operation were seized three showrooms in Cassino, one in Naples and Bologna, and always a popular restaurant in Cassino.
Friday, July 18, 2008
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white head, black head: the Chinese in Italy
"All groups have black and white head," says Zhang, a penitent of the Chinese mafia magistrates in the 90s. With the first means the lawful and the second those criminals. In practice, each clan is involved in both clean and dirty business ("black things"), so for example, "Zhou Yi Ping as white head was the proprietor of a restaurant in Rome and, above all, played the role of chairman of the Chinese community of that city, so as to control both normal activities and even Mafia activity. " [From The Boss in Chinatown - The Chinese Mafia in Italy (Giampiero Rossi and Simone Spina - Melampus Editor)]
In the port of Naples in competing with China Shipping and the thigh. The owners of the two Chinese contanier are piled on the docks and have changed the landscape of the main port in China Made in Europe.
70 percent of all Chinese goods directly in our country comes here: a flow of 250,000 containers a year at the foot of Vesuvius. It is no coincidence that in Campania were born in a few years 1500 enterprises with red lanterns. There
angolo della penisola dove non s’incontri un’insegna ricamata di ideogrammi. Basta fare un giro nel quartiere Esquilino di Roma, dove su 500 botteghe 403 sono cinesi, o nei dintorni di via Paolo Sarpi a Milano, dove ci sono 1900 ditte cinesi che fatturano 560 milioni di euro all’anno, o – ancora - nella provincia di Prato, dove su una popolazione di 185.000 abitanti ci sono 2500 imprese asiatiche, molte delle quali riforniscono di prodotti tessili le griffe internazionali.
In totale sono quasi 30mila le imprese che parlano mandarino nel nostro paese. Un dato sorprendente, se si considera che i cinesi d’Italia – secondo l’Istat – sono soltanto 130 mila.
Un dato che spiega bene l’innata propensione di questo popolo per il business. Nel solo 2007 sono state quasi 7mila (6.929) le nuove imprese fondate da cinesi e, accanto ai piccoli imprenditori, avanzano i colossi. Il primo produttore di motociclette cinese, la Qianjiang Group, tre anni fa ha comprato lo storico marchio delle due ruote Benelli; mentre più di recente la Sergio Tacchini è passata nelle mani della Hembley di Hong Kong.
Nel 2006 gli investimenti cinesi in Italia sono stati 61,47 milioni di dollari e nel settore immobiliare il ritmo di crescita è del 2-3% all’anno. I quattrini, comunque, prendono soprattutto la strada dell’Asia: nel 2006 sono partiti dal nostro paese 700,5 milioni di euro, solo la comunità romena ha spedito in patria a higher amount of remittances (772).
But in this extraordinary business network, as often happens, unfortunately, there is also the hand of the crime. Clan Mafia almond-eyed collect protection money to the detriment of fellow traders, banks and flourish where the illegal money laundering, primarily the result of counterfeiting and illegal immigration, is cleaned and ready for new investments. There is a six-figure sum to which explains the rise of this illegal business empire and to provide it is the Anti-Mafia Investigation Department, in the first half of 2007 the Chinese mafia has seized assets for 20 million euro: only what Our experienced a cut of the profits equally.
"All groups have black and white head," says Zhang, a penitent of the Chinese mafia magistrates in the 90s. With the first means the lawful and the second those criminals. In practice, each clan is involved in both clean and dirty business ("black things"), so for example, "Zhou Yi Ping as white head was the proprietor of a restaurant in Rome and, above all, played the role of chairman of the Chinese community of that city, so as to control both normal activities and even Mafia activity. " [From The Boss in Chinatown - The Chinese Mafia in Italy (Giampiero Rossi and Simone Spina - Melampus Editor)]

70 percent of all Chinese goods directly in our country comes here: a flow of 250,000 containers a year at the foot of Vesuvius. It is no coincidence that in Campania were born in a few years 1500 enterprises with red lanterns. There
angolo della penisola dove non s’incontri un’insegna ricamata di ideogrammi. Basta fare un giro nel quartiere Esquilino di Roma, dove su 500 botteghe 403 sono cinesi, o nei dintorni di via Paolo Sarpi a Milano, dove ci sono 1900 ditte cinesi che fatturano 560 milioni di euro all’anno, o – ancora - nella provincia di Prato, dove su una popolazione di 185.000 abitanti ci sono 2500 imprese asiatiche, molte delle quali riforniscono di prodotti tessili le griffe internazionali.
In totale sono quasi 30mila le imprese che parlano mandarino nel nostro paese. Un dato sorprendente, se si considera che i cinesi d’Italia – secondo l’Istat – sono soltanto 130 mila.
Un dato che spiega bene l’innata propensione di questo popolo per il business. Nel solo 2007 sono state quasi 7mila (6.929) le nuove imprese fondate da cinesi e, accanto ai piccoli imprenditori, avanzano i colossi. Il primo produttore di motociclette cinese, la Qianjiang Group, tre anni fa ha comprato lo storico marchio delle due ruote Benelli; mentre più di recente la Sergio Tacchini è passata nelle mani della Hembley di Hong Kong.
Nel 2006 gli investimenti cinesi in Italia sono stati 61,47 milioni di dollari e nel settore immobiliare il ritmo di crescita è del 2-3% all’anno. I quattrini, comunque, prendono soprattutto la strada dell’Asia: nel 2006 sono partiti dal nostro paese 700,5 milioni di euro, solo la comunità romena ha spedito in patria a higher amount of remittances (772).

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Kate's Playground Partial
THE DAY 31/05/2008 The ALBERICIDA took the action of Magnolia FINAL OF MURDER.
this shows how people can be bad WITHOUT HEART SOUL AND MONSTERS total darkness. The
THE DAY 31/05/2008 The ALBERICIDA took the action of Magnolia FINAL OF MURDER.
this shows how people can be bad WITHOUT HEART SOUL AND MONSTERS total darkness. The
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
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Getting Rid Of Internal Hemorrhoids
The magnolias in question were placed in CUTTING CORELLI village of Alford via cuorbalestro No. 31.
now back in February 2006 I bought a house in the country where the south side of the yard I found three beautiful magnolias (see photo 2) with almost half a century of life.
After about 5 months from July 2006 and then in my next (no. 29) begins to accuse me of giving him trouble with the leaves produced by trees in question.
From here begins a relentless (in buoni rapporti) di cosa fare per questi alberi.
Io mi rendo disponibile economicamente per eventuali danni prodottio dalle piante ,raccogliere foglie ,ecc ma il mio vicino non ne vuole sapere fino ad un accordo ...
Avrei potatato gli alberi tempo permenttendo.
Cosi a gennaio 2008 ho provveduto a mie spese a potare in maniera drastica e ovviamente a mio malincuore le piante per accontentar le richieste dell'albericida (vedi foto 2), vorrei precisare che durante la potatura il vicino era assolutamente presente aiutandomi anche al trasporto dei rami caduti nella sua proprieta' all'interndo della mia e pausa caffe' offerta da lui.
Da quell'atto tutto sembrava assolutamente risolto in buon e concordi rapporti... INVECE...
THE DAY 17/05/2008 Mr. albericida to my knowledge or of his own accord, 'I Hub complete denture branches remained on his property' (see photo 2) creating a situation abhorrent and anti-aesthetic, but what most 'has almost condemned me to a death plant CERT (see photo 3)
I remained astonished by hatred of those plants and I will dig further threatened that 'a foss0 feet deep near the trees to eradicate the roots with TOTAL DEATH OF POOR Magnolia. I'm just being
shelters I've called the police who advised me to sue the cicino but almost certainly without repercussions ...
I have a photo dating back to 1988 measured by the IGM
Who assured me the 'USOCAPIONE or the right of the poor live in trees. SOME MAY
Duno MI 'Help save these plants?
'm desperate.
please help me to save from the fury of two beautiful magnolia trees near which I SWEAR I do not understand why all this wickedness.
The magnolias in question were placed in CUTTING CORELLI village of Alford via cuorbalestro No. 31.
now back in February 2006 I bought a house in the country where the south side of the yard I found three beautiful magnolias (see photo 2) with almost half a century of life.
After about 5 months from July 2006 and then in my next (no. 29) begins to accuse me of giving him trouble with the leaves produced by trees in question.
From here begins a relentless (in buoni rapporti) di cosa fare per questi alberi.
Io mi rendo disponibile economicamente per eventuali danni prodottio dalle piante ,raccogliere foglie ,ecc ma il mio vicino non ne vuole sapere fino ad un accordo ...
Avrei potatato gli alberi tempo permenttendo.
Cosi a gennaio 2008 ho provveduto a mie spese a potare in maniera drastica e ovviamente a mio malincuore le piante per accontentar le richieste dell'albericida (vedi foto 2), vorrei precisare che durante la potatura il vicino era assolutamente presente aiutandomi anche al trasporto dei rami caduti nella sua proprieta' all'interndo della mia e pausa caffe' offerta da lui.
Da quell'atto tutto sembrava assolutamente risolto in buon e concordi rapporti... INVECE...
THE DAY 17/05/2008 Mr. albericida to my knowledge or of his own accord, 'I Hub complete denture branches remained on his property' (see photo 2) creating a situation abhorrent and anti-aesthetic, but what most 'has almost condemned me to a death plant CERT (see photo 3)
I remained astonished by hatred of those plants and I will dig further threatened that 'a foss0 feet deep near the trees to eradicate the roots with TOTAL DEATH OF POOR Magnolia. I'm just being
shelters I've called the police who advised me to sue the cicino but almost certainly without repercussions ...
I have a photo dating back to 1988 measured by the IGM
Who assured me the 'USOCAPIONE or the right of the poor live in trees. SOME MAY
Duno MI 'Help save these plants?
'm desperate.
please help me to save from the fury of two beautiful magnolia trees near which I SWEAR I do not understand why all this wickedness.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Pityriasis Rosea Meningitis
Monday, 28/01 hour meeting 16 members of Naples and Aif Calitri-Setttimana initiatives for the 18th Scientific Culture and the Permanent Exhibition
Yours sincerely

dear colleagues
so forgive this hasty summons.
the following sites
find information on the 18th Settimama for Culture, science and technology.
See you Monday 28 hours 16 2G26 Hall of the Department of Fisicheper discuss
1) Initiatives in the 18th Week for Scientific Culture
2) Initiatives and location of the permanent exhibition venues for Science Education
3) Initiatives for the 50 years of PSSC
4) Contributions to the sites dellAIF (Library Blog Department --- --- Naples 2)
5) various
Yours sincerely
Franc Liberto
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Jcpenney Hair Salon Price List
E 'can read the "Starry Messenger" by Galileo in 1610!

Enzo DeLuise us that Pina Tuttocuore found this site where you see the title pages of scientific works from the sixteenth century. on http://digital.libraries.ou.edu/histsci/
is part of the Digital Library of the University of Oklahoma. For more 'at the bottom shows an e-book with the whole "Starry Messenger" from 1610
(the scanned copy on the title page shows a handwritten dedication to Galileo).
PS I'm still waiting for contributions to be made in page referred to in previous post.
Franc Liberto
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