In ogni caso, il quadro era già abbastanza chiaro: un grosso imprenditore cinese che da anni si trova nel nostro paese e che ha costruito un impero economico molto solido ha stretto un patto d'acciaio con i referents of the Roman historians of the Neapolitan Camorra clan. Asian business man, in relations with the Chinese diplomatic circles, is now under investigation.
To remove the veil on connubbio was the associate justice of Salvatore Giuliano, the Camorra family history of Fork. Thanks to his statements, it was discovered that Italian and Chinese had created a society in the district Esquilino Rome to reinvest the money from the sale of counterfeit goods imported from China. The money would then be used to buy apartments and shops in Chinatown in the capital.
In particular, Giuliano investigators described the mechanism by which the Camorra controlled the market for counterfeit brands. Thousands of clothing arrived at the port of Naples, and then was stored in large warehouses in the area and Martinafranca Vesuvius in southern Italy before being transferred to certain stores of Cassino. Only in a second stage, the goods arrived in Rome where it was imposed on the Esquiline merchants, both Chinese and Italian.
The activity of the clan then continued with the representatives Romans, who hold a real estate brokerage managing some companies and forcing the Chinese to the leasing or letting of shops and apartments. The proceeds were reinvested in bars, restaurants and car dealers: during the operation were seized three showrooms in Cassino, one in Naples and Bologna, and always a popular restaurant in Cassino.
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