Monday, September 8, 2008

Calcium Chloride Kilojoules

The heads of the dragon: The Chinese Triads

The Heung Chu, the master of ceremony, slicing cleanly through the head of a rooster still alive and collecting blood into a cup. Add wine, cinnabar, sugar and slowly shake the cup. Then he recorded with a blade and the finger of the initiate human blood mixed with the rest of the mixture. The novice resting his lips on the edge of the cup and drink. Then lift the parchment in his hand and reads: "If a member of the Company will suffer all rush to his aid. If I break the oath, swords and I will fall uccideranno". La pergamena brucia nell'incenso, l'iniziato passa sotto un arco di daghe e recita le trentasei promesse di fedeltà e fratellanza. II novizio assume il rango di sey kow jai, cioè di soldato dell'organizzazione. La triade è la sua nuova famiglia. [da i Boss di Chinatown]


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