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Mirko Tremaglia (FLI) |
After examining in detail the seniority policy senators XVI's term, the same study was repeated, again using data made available by Parliament Open updated on March 10, 2011, for members of the Chamber of Deputies.
The big difference between the number of deputies and senators, with the first double in number than the latter, it gives right away what should be the physiological differences between the two chambers. First
lose their importance the minimum and maximum values, related more to individual personalities and groups in the parliamentary complex, in concert, the increase in the number of elements increases the importance of the mean and standard deviation as an index to measure the degree of renewal of the ruling class that deals with the Chamber.
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The ten members with the highest number of days as a parliamentarian (as of 10/03/2011) |
Examining the table show the oldest Parliamentary in terms of activities, we see in reality are six members who have surpassed the ideology of 10,000 days, compared with - taking into account the 30 days of discrepancy between the detection of the House and the Senate - four in the Senate. The two values \u200b\u200bare thus in line.
From the perspective of the parliamentary groups there is a certain homogeneity, with three elements UDC, two PD and PDL. In addition there are two FLI - elected in the lists of the PDL - and two from Mixed - one elected from the ranks of the UDC and one in the PDL.
In the list there are many familiar faces, and two in particular - Fini and Casini - who occupy the role of leader party, reflecting the significant role that the generation yet she found the policy in the 80's in Parliament today.
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Ten Members with the lowest date first entry into Parliament (as of 03/10/2011) |
If instead it is estimated the date of first entry into Parliament, where the "top ten " expands to twelve elements Because of ex aequo , appear to be eight deputies entered here before 1980, compared to six in the Senate.
analyzing the data from the point of view of the parliamentary groups, is known as the PD component falls to a single element, while the remaining two UDC - more than one hour in the mixed - and now four members of the PDL, then passed to two more FLI and two on the Mixed.
In this second table are not many names that appear in the first, and indeed show values relatively low: These data show a phenomenon, in fact relatively common in the parliament, which goes far beyond the non-election for one or two terms of a particular Member, but instead has seen the comeback in the last two legislatures of several ladies out of Parliament since the First Republic.
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analysis of days of presence in Parliament (as at 03.10.2011) Parliamentary Group for Pooled |
If the average seniority of the House is about a years less than that of the Senate, there are many differences between the two rooms if you look at the split parliamentary groups. It is in this case, the mixed group to have the highest average, close to 4,000 days, followed by FLI, UDC, PdL, PD, League IdV and group composition with younger managers.
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Group Analysis parlamentre PDL (as of 10/03/2011) |
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FLI analysis of the parliamentary group (data to 10/03/2011) |
Compared to the Senate, the victory of 2008 has been used more profitably in the House, with 82 MPs to the first term of a total of 228, the real difference between the two classrooms, however, is located in the most senior MPs, and particularly among those who have had two legislatures.
completely different from the Senate instead of the split FLI: the House seem to be in fact the older members to have turned their backs to the formation of Berlusconi, a sign of the gradual separation of the right represented by the MSI and the historical policy of the PDL. The presence of veterans in this training policy as Fini and trammel nets, combined with limited size of the group, makes the average length of FLI very high, but the high variance is indicative of a discreet presence giovanile, anche se fondata più su coloro che sono alla seconda legislatura che sulle new entry , essenziale per dare un futuro alla formazione finiana.
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Analisi del gruppo parlamentare PD (dati al 10/03/2011) |
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Analisi del gruppo parlamentare Lega (dati al 10/03/2011) |
Il Partito Democratico porta in Aula il medesimo numero di new entry del PdL, ma su un totale di gruppo inferiore di 22 unità. Questo fattore, unito all'ampia delegation behind with two terms, is the reason for the improved performance of PD compared to PDL in terms of generation capacity for renewal.
is particularly interesting, however, the comparison between PD and the Northern League. The two parties have a very similar average time (just 50 days apart), but the graphs show a very different trend. The PD shows the development of a stable party, with a pyramidal structure rather sweet performance between the various steps represented by the legislatures. The league, as evidenced also by the increased standard deviation, show the characteristic signs of a booming party: a high number of young people in the first term, but quite a burden rilevante rispetto al totale delle figure storiche. Non si può parlare quindi di ricambio generazionale e rinnovamento della classe dirigente per questa formazione, quanto piuttosto di mantenimento dei vecchi volti unito all'aggiunta di un gran numero di nuovi ingressi.
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Analisi del gruppo parlamentare IdV (dati al 10/03/2011) |
L'Italia dei Valori mostra un andamento analogo a quello della Lega, anche se, essendo una formazione di per sé più giovane, non evidenzia al proprio interno elementi di particolare anzianità.
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Analysis of the parliamentary group UDC (as of 03/10/2011) |
The centrist party of Casini, however, shows a strong inability to internal renewal, as shown by the small number of members entered in the last Parliament legislature. In addition to the considerable weight of historical figures, affects the weight of the relevant portion of those who have had two legislatures, as if the UDC still lived in the income of a generation change took place during the 2006 elections.
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Analysis of the Mixed Parliamentary Group (as of 03/10/2011) |
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Analysis of the Parliamentary Group Leaders (as of 03/10/2011) |
Particularly interesting are also charts on mixed group and that of managers, respectively, the formation oldest and youngest of the Chamber of Deputies. The Mixed
represents all those who, for ideology or calculation, are placed outside of the usual partisan alliances - together of course to the members of linguistic minorities. The analysis shows that to make this choice are mainly the elderly policy, historical names such as La Malfa Tabacci or leaked from the parties with which they were candidates.
In contrast to the group of managers was created recently to clot formation in one of the disappointed members of the Joint FLI and who wanted to support explicitly govenro and return in the majority but without adhering to the PDL or league. The group, as we see, is very young, and while questions arise about the real intentions of young parliamentarians, no packages of votes related to their personality and therefore no certain guarantees of re-election if they had to rely on their own resources, from 'another is a positive sign for Berlusconi managed to gather a group of young people, which may hide the leaders of tomorrow in its support.
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analysis of days of presence in Parliament (as of 03/10/2011) aggregate by region |
analysis by region is seen as there are only three - Abruzzo, Molise and Calabria - to overcome the psychological threshold of the average value of 3,000 days, but most of all affects how a region can produce as many as 99 deputies in Lombardy has a value very close to that threshold, even taking into account that two of the ten most senior MPs were elected in this county.
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Analysis of days of presence in Parliament (as of 10/03/2011) aggregate in a region |
If you examine the split of the parliamentary groups, it is possible to observe in detail the behavior of parties in the territory . As for the Senate, you can take for example a center-majority region, one in which it dominates the PDL League and one in traction. In Emilia Romagna
the three main parties - PD, PDL League and - values \u200b\u200bare relatively close, with the PD about 200 days under the PDL and the League about 200 under the PD. All three formations have increased the number of deputies (one PD and PDL, two of the league), showing a conti fatti un'analoga capacità di svecchiamento della classe dirigente.
In Sicilia la situazione è completamente differente. Sebbene il PdL sia in grado di contare su una delegazione di deputati doppia rispetto al PD, doppia è anche l'anzianità parlamentare dei suoi deputati. In una regione in cui è sempre storicamente stato debole, il centrosinistra ha quindi puntato su un rinnovamento sostanzioso della propria classe dirigente, in presenza per di più di un calo di tre unità della propria delegazione di parlamentari, laddove il PdL non ha saputo approfittare della propria posizione predominante e di un incremento di quattro parlamentari per eseguire un'adeguata operazione di inserimento di nuove leve tra i propri deputati dell'isola.
In Veneto, infine, la violenta espansione della Lega ha portato ad un incremento di ben undici unità, a scapito di PD (-3) e soprattutto PdL (-5). Eppure, in questa situazione, è stato ancora il PD a portare in Parlamento i deputati con la minore anzianità, segno di come nel PdL si sia cercato principalmente di conservare l'elezione di coloro che già erano stati eletti in passato, e nella Lega ci si sia limitati invece a fare spazio alle nuove leve sfruttando i maggiori posti a disposizione, senza un vero ricambio.
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Analisi dei giorni di presenza in Parlamento (dati al 10/03/2011) Aggregato per sesso |
finally using sex as a discriminating factor for Members in the analysis, emerges as women - about 21% of the total - have been serving about 700 days less than that of male colleagues.
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analysis of days of presence in Parliament (as of 03/10/2011) Aggregate for parliamentary group / sex |
From split for parliamentary group, simply by counting the number of women in each education stands the value of PD, can boast of the shares rose around 40% and to contain only 45% of women dell'intera Camera dei Deputati.
Analizzando per anzianità, e prendendo in esame per validità statistica solo i gruppi con una componente femminile di almeno dieci elementi (PD, PdL e Lega), emerge come sia ancora il PD a fare meglio della formazione berlusconiana, mentre il Carroccio riesce a fare meglio di entrambe sfruttando il maggior numero di posti a disposizione ottenuti nella XVI legislatura.
Alla Camera ancora più che al Senato si evidenziano quindi le differenze tra centrosinistra e centrodestra in termini di ricambio generazionale e capacità di presentazione e inserimento di nuovi parlamentari. L'unica notizia positiva per il futuro del berlusconismo come modello di destra è l'elevata anzianità dei componenti of FLI, which presents them as the most nostalgic of MSI and as a force of renewal for a new right, and contrary to the low average length of Managers, a group united for now only by the desire to support the government but that in the future could be, if it can find a political identity, a genuine third leg for the majority in support of Silvio Berlusconi.
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