may also starve. Explodes across Italy to protest precarious, including hunger strikes and occupation of the administrator, the minister of the school, Mariastella Gelmini, refuses to meet with precarious. "I do not meet those who came to protest in front of Palazzo Chigi," he said during press conference on the opening of the new school year held yesterday morning in the seat of government. "Protest - he explained - without even knowing if they have been excluded. These are not people who were made redundant. Presumed not to have a job, but the ministry has not yet completed the steps. " For the head of the ministry of Viale Trastevere extensive national mobilization of these days would be a quite instrumental, "some of those protesting in the streets are not temporary but representatives of Italy of Values." Thus, the FLC CGIL, the Coordination of temporary school, Cobas and Representations of the base were well served. The minister, who for the qualifying examination to the profession Forensic came from Brescia in 2001 in Reggio Calabria (where the statistics say that nobody is rejected), not even distinguish the abysmal difference between labor unions, grassroots movements of workers and political forces that have a habit of claiming more handcuffs for everyone and knows nothing of social and working conditions. Unfortunately, we are in times of Onagrocrazia, as Benedetto Croce said, referring to the "power of braying donkeys." The school year starts with 50 000 of classes without teachers, without garrisons 1600, € 8 billion in less than three years and 170 000 teachers and employees left the road after years of work, but the minister did not exist. Things are going very well. During the conference press has pitted a long series of digits, he said, positive mark in the "turning point" introduced with the reform of secondary school. According to calculations by the Ministry cited by Gelmini, the reform of teacher recruitment would reduce the insecurity, cutting the "true" would be carried out by the government this year of 2000 only 10 000 of the chairs in front of last year, for a total dismantling of 87 thousand jobs in three years, of which 67 000 to date. The introduction of high school language and music have found some success as a full-time in elementary schools, which would grow by 3%. Even for people with disabilities, according to the minister, would increase the number of support while on temporary workers would be ready for a decree that would give priority in the allocation of substitutes for those who have lost their chair. Other temporary "cut" would be recovered through agreements with the regions and the use of EU funds. All in all a very rosy picture of the school where the only negative would come from the past: "Two hundred thousand temporary workers are the result of decades of policy which are distributed in places that the school was unable to absorb." Gelmini is an obsession for the past, particularly that Sessantotto who "touted a false egalitarianism and deeply damaging. It has become meaningless to the principles of merit and authority, "as explained in an interview the Messenger of Saint Anthony to conclude that "merit is the only truly democratic policy." And so to protect a teaching inspired more and more order and discipline, he ended the press conference announcing that "there can be more than fifty days of absence, on pain of rejection." Dura Presidium of the response came from the precarious position in the House, "Too easy to accuse us of being political activists. So it bypasses the problem where we ask for a comparison: the quality of teaching, the quality of work, the fallout of the cuts on the school staff and civil society. " The allegations of the minister workers who do not respond c’è bisogno di attendere le chiamate per sapere che non ci sarà un lavoro quest’anno, «basta guardare le disponibilità pubblicate dai provveditorati e i numeri dei convocati: chi è fuori sa già di esserlo, molti lo sono sin dallo scorso anno». Diecimila assunzioni sono irrisorie, - fanno sapere - a fronte di 67 mila posti a tempo indeterminato tagliati e delle 130 mila cattedre tuttora vacanti. Anche sul tempo pieno «diverse famiglie si sono viste rifiutare il tempo pieno per i loro figli; nel solo Lazio 2800 bambini non vi sono stati ammessi».