Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Yeast Infection Chronic Nothing Works

Money, money, money

Le mani della mafia dell’Estremo Oriente sul riciclaggio di denaro, attraverso una rete di agenzie di trasferimento di contanti che ha ripulito 2,7 miliardi di euro. Ventiquattro arrested, 17 are Chinese, the other Italians. A total of 134 suspects. And among them a number of related or connected with the characters ended up in the first investigations against the Chinese Mafia in Italy told in the book "The Boss in Chinatown." Here's the full press release on 28 June 2010 the Financial Police

the early hours of this morning more than 1,000 men of the Guardia di Finanza around the Tuscany Regional Command being executed arrests, searches and seizures of property searches and seizures of property, luxury car company shares and cash in 8 regions of Italy (Tuscany, Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Campania and Sicily) to an association a criminal organization composed of Chinese and Italian citizens, devoted to money laundering of illicit origin, through a network of agencies "money transfer". The orders of arrest (22 in jail and house 2) were issued by the GIP of the Ordinary Court of Florence - Dr. Michele Barillari - proposed by the PM - Dr. Peter Suchan. More than 100 companies involved, all related to operators of Chinese nationality and located between the provinces of Florence and Prato.

The alleged offenses are the mafia-style criminal conspiracy aimed at the laundering of proceeds derived from the following offenses:

- counterfeiting, fraud, marketing and sale of industrial products with misleading signs or in violation of laws protecting the "Made in Italy";

- evasion fiscal

- unauthorized entry and residence within the state of Chinese citizens for the next illegal exploitation in the use at work;

- exploitation of prostitution;

- stolen.

Among the 17 arrested are Chinese nationals and 7 are Italian citizens (for 2 of them were provided custody services).

In respect of 108 investigated subjects (almost all entrepreneurs) have been carried out for precautionary measures with the seizure of real property (real estate, luxury cars, shares corporate cash) profit of the subject of money laundering offenses.

Since 2006, they recycled over 2.7 billion euro.

The investigation began in 2008 when the Guardia di Finanza of Florence Core Tax Police have identified a criminal organization composed of:

- a Chinese family, originally from the province Hubei (located in the center of China): CAI Jianhan, father, 63 years living in Milan, and two sons, CAI Chun Cheng, 41 years resident in Padua, and CAI Cheng Here, 37 years living in Milan;

- an Italian family, consisting of 2 brothers in Bologna: Bolzonaro Fabrizio, who was born in Bologna, 43, resident of S. Lazzaro (BO), and Bolzonaro Andrea, born in Bologna, 43, lives in Pianoro (BO) and BL from the father, born in Malalbergo (BO), 66, resident of San Lazzaro (BO).

The criminal activity of the Chinese family started in 2006 when they acquired a company's "money transfer" - Money2Money Srl, headquartered in Bologna and sub-agencies scattered throughout the country. Entry into the company had been through a nominee, a young woman who carried out the cleaning in the approval of the Chinese family. The entry into the shareholding of Chinese citizens has produced a sudden and exponential growth of the collection of money to be transferred to China. Remittances were made by both employers and individuals.

The "Money2Money Ltd" was founded by the family Bolzonaro that, after entering the orbit of the Chinese people, have offered their knowledge of the criminal organization in the industry, controlling the function of each agency and sub solving any problems in transferring funds.

The illegal activity has been developed with the characteristics mafia. The top-down structure, which was headed by the family CAI, controlled, with forms of psychological intimidation and a volte violente, le attività illecite della comunità cinese su tutto il territorio ove la stessa è risultata più presente. Alcuni esponenti e soggetti collegati alla famiglia CAI risultano indagati e condannati nel contesto di differenti procedimenti penali seguiti dalla Procura di Firenze (Vgs. “Operazione Ramo d’Oriente” e “Operazione Gladioli Rossi”).

La società MONEY2MONEY, tramite le filiali di Prato, Sesto Fiorentino, Empoli, Milano, Roma, Napoli, è servita per operare il riciclaggio del denaro “sporco” proveniente by the various economic activities committed by illegal many Chinese enterprises in the Province of Florence and Prato.

To lose track of the illegal origin of money and hinder the identification of the owners of income, the total was divided into tranches of thousands of € 1,999.99 (maximum limit allowed for each transfer is € 2,000), whose title was given to subjects compliant or, more often than not, to unsuspecting people or non-existent. The cost to business depositors had di 15/17 euro per ogni singolo trasferimento. Il costo del documento di un soggetto a cui intestare il bonifico era di € 5. Naturalmente di più documenti si disponeva e più velocemente era fatto il trasferimento delle somme di denaro in Cina, poiché con un solo documento si dovevano aspettare 8 giorni prima di poterne fare un altro. I documenti migliori erano quelli di persone che ancora non erano uscite dalla Cina, in modo tale da sfuggire ad eventuali verifiche.

La principale attività illegale delle aziende cinesi in Italia è consistita nella produzione di merce contraffatta (principalmente capi ed accessori di pelletteria) e nell’evasione tax. Several interventions during the investigations have, in fact, to confirm how many people who pay money to the various agencies were involved in cases of counterfeiting were having declared income ridiculous. An entrepreneur, for example, at the end of 2008 was stopped in a routine check carried out for his car. On this occasion it was found that the Chinese citizen was carrying, concealed in a bag in the luggage compartment, € 548,000 in cash and checks. The aforementioned sub-contractor was directed to the money transfer agencies to send money to Prato in China. The same is stated that the money was the "black" in his textile company, located in Prato, which was administrator. The company, in the same year, he submitted a statement for the purposes of direct taxation of only € 41,000, covering up, in this way, over 93% of revenues.

The investigations have also led to the total seizure of more than 780,000 counterfeit goods, false or products in violation of standards for the protection of the Made in Italy or the safety of products manufactured in the Florence-Prato or there imported by ship from China. In the recycling operations were also affected importers of counterfeit goods that have used the same method to transfer revenues in China da reati di contrabbando.

Dalla Cina è giunta anche manodopera clandestina da sfruttare nelle aziende:

- giovani donne da impiegare nelle varie “case chiuse” camuffate da centri estetici e di massaggi orientali;

- uomini e donne da destinare ai laboratori ove lavoravano “in nero” in condizioni disumane.

During the investigation it was found, in fact, that many of these immigrants were the center of a veritable human trafficking with an organization that has studied every movement from the underground, from China up in Italy. The organization, in these cases, took care of Chinese citizens travel abroad, which are later arrival in Europe, were systematically withdrawn documents. The removal of the documents raises the underground in a constant state of awe as transplanted under conditions of illegality, in socio-cultural context quite different from that of origin.

Once you arrive at your destination, the illegal immigrants were used in conditions of total exploitation by companies of their countrymen. Forced to live at work in unhealthy and dirty environments, without the most basic precautions for a safe workplace and personal protection. Were not infrequent harassment, beatings and death threats for those not having paid the debt with the organization for entry into Italy (which amounts to about € 13,000 per person).

Another channel for laundering the money to China was the state of San Marino. Were established contatti di un cittadino cinese - Hu Shengwei - con una società finanziaria/fiduciaria - FININTERNATIONAL Spa - con sede centrale e legale in San Marino e sedi in Italia (Forlì, Bologna, Milano) ed Europa (Lugano, Montecarlo, Lussemburgo, Londra). La società, gestita da CARDELLI Luciano (61 anni nato a San Marino e residente a Rimini) e suo figlio Lorenzo (28 anni nato a Bologna e residente a Rimini), è stata utilizzata per l’invio in Cina del denaro che Hu Shengwei raccoglieva nella comunità cinese nella zona di Sesto Fiorentino. Lo stesso trasportava con la propria macchina, in ore notturne per ridurre i rischi di controlli da parte delle forze dell’ordine, il denaro presso la sede della società di San Marino. Each trip involved the transportation of capital not less than 50,000 €. The compensation to Hu was 40 € for every 10,000 € transported. On a trip it was found carrying € 200,000 in cash, locked inside an envelope.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dolls Hospital Glasgow

Pomigliano will be the time of redemption for the workers and for all students and employees

Editorial Dino Greek Liberation

06/18/2010 Close of June 22 - when the Fiat workers Pomigliano will be asked to sign their solemn act of submission and surrender to all that distinguishes an employee from a beast of burden, and for surcharge, to thank the company in exchange for slave labor will continue to award them a piece of bread - we have heard two statements that deserve some consideration.
The first is Walter Veltroni, who yesterday said, in a lengthy interview with Corriere della Sera, that Fiat has not made any blackmail. The ultimatum that it has paid to its employees and their unions is not that 'the result of objective conditions, daughter of uneven globalization. " In other words: if the global competitiveness between companies (elevated to the universal criterion of the civil governor) puts wages and rights at the lowest level required by the market, we can only inchinarvisi. Veltroni But there is something more and other than a sad resignation. There is the deep conviction that the solution should be just fine, that the philosophy of Lingotto speak the language of modernity and that what they are lacking the left-left and the piece of trade union which remains stubbornly class, is the "spirit of innovation '.

Needless to dig in this formula so dark. There would be nothing if not the conviction that the industrial bourgeoisie, enlightened and far-sighted, it embodies the quintessence of progress, as workers, lingered in the flue of the time it was ideological, should abandon the claim to express a collective point of view, subjectivity and political union, because the children of the practice of social conflict that Berlusconi had already scrapped the speech to the owner-Confartigianato. As you can see, a purely modern thought back to deal with the proletariat, mutatis mutandis <+Cors> <+Tondo> as mob dominated and begging. Then, Veltroni, perhaps touched by the doubt that the annihilation of the national contract and confiscation of the right to strike does not exactly represent a fact of civilization, is quick to recommend us not to consider the solution Pomigliano 'model', to spread and the root change in social relations in Italy. To people of all renunciations, we are only facing a "contingent necessity" ...
The second statement, a brief statement, in fact, is Guglielmo Epifani, who felt the need to advocate the victory of "yes" in the forthcoming referendum.
For example, the "prediction" that the workers will be effective blackmail disruptive and harmful barter, against labor rights, a pittance against the renunciation of freedom, will have free rein.
Now, there are bets that the drama of the situation advised to avoid, especially the secretary of the CGIL, especially when Marchionne strikes balance on his "sword of Brennus" and works to repel outside the factory gates that Constitution that impressive seasons of struggle and the Statute of the workers had to enter.
Fortunately there is, in this catastrophic scenario, another story that talks about, yes, of modernity and the future. And above all, dignity. A Melfi, the other major Fiat complex in the South, in the re-election of RSU, Fiom became the first mayor, who was third. It may be that workers in Pomigliano, close to the bite, ending up at the moment to lose. But each of them knows, at heart, who will defend them and help earn the ransom, when the time comes. And this time, you can be sure, sooner or later will come.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Join Indian Army As A Psychologist

peaceful occupation of the Local Vicenza studies

On June 14, 2010 from 12.00 till 16.00 and all together students, teachers employed the Superintendency of Vicenza (Vicenza Provincial Education Office).

Against the economic measure of the Berlusconi government - Bossi and cuts to public school, which heavily affects the workers and employees of the school, so all students, as unions CGIL, USB and CUB School have decided (as an alternative form of struggle to strike) the symbolic occupation of the Superintendency of Vicenza, WE WILL BE STUDENTS TO FILL THE Superintendent THE SIDE OF OUR TEACHERS.

U.S. Public School Students and the Collective of the Communist Youth, examining the educational policies of the last two years and the changes taking place in the secondary school level, we note here the main negative aspects:
• The Reform , "which comes from 'art. Finance Act No. 64 of 133, responds only to the economic needs e non ad un chiaro e approfondito disegno pedagogico,
• le buone pratiche che in passato la scuola ha posto in essere vengono ignorate e cancellate,
• le risorse e le ore di lezione sono tagliate con conseguente impoverimento dei curricoli,
• i tagli agli organici determinano la mancata riconferma di numerosi precari e rendono soprannumerario parte del personale di ruolo,
• le indicazioni nazionali (programmi) non ancora disponibili rendono impossibili la preparazione dei piani di lavoro e la scelta dei libri di testo,
• la mancata definizione delle corrispondenze delle classi di concorso alle nuove discipline crea conflittualità tra docenti,
• gli interventi obbligatori di recovery can not be implemented properly due to lack of funds.

The Collective Public School Students and the Young Communist League of Vicenza seek the implementation of real change:
• to consider education a priority for the welfare and development of society and the State School as the cornerstone,
• a serious reflection on the plant and didactic teaching, based on a true reform,
• a substantial allocation of resources that enhances the school and research in a climate of synergy and competition between institutions,
• recognition of equal dignity courses of study (high schools, technical and vocational schools) and overcoming the clear differentiation of curricula to ensure that possible steps,
• the enhancement of professionalism of teachers in a context of solidarity and cooperation,
• rapid adaptation of school buildings to safety standards,
• A number of students class that meets the standards on fire prevention, and provide quality education


• is a right enshrined

invite all students and students to join.