Monday, March 29, 2010

Worcester Bosch 24i Red Reset Light Flashing

nine poor children left on bread and water

Montecchio Maggiore is a pity that leaps to the headlines like this baffling cases.

The municipal government has denied food to be guilty of nine children in economic conditions that have allowed their parents to pay for the mess.

La povertà è forse un crimine? Temiamo che nel degrado in cui sta sprofondando il nostro Paese questi bimbi abbiano, agli occhi dell’Amministrazione comunale, una seconda colpa: sette su nove sono figli di extracomunitari. Tutte le persone oneste devono ribellarsi. Noi comunisti lo facciamo, condannando con forza quanto accaduto, chiedendo al Sindaco se non abbia qualcosa da spiegare alla sua coscienza e non solo a questi bambini, alle loro famiglie e a tutti i cittadini .

L'assessore all'Istruzione della Lega Nord del comune di Montecchio Maggiore ha deciso di lasciare a pane e acqua i bambini i cui genitori risultano inadempienti con la straight meals.
The protection of children from violence and discrimination should be universal values, values \u200b\u200bwhich political forces like the Northern League and the PDL supported only talk.
Proof of this is this case of the town of Montecchio Maggiore, where nine children (seven foreigners and two Italian nursery and primary) are left on bread and water. With this action the League's commissioner, in addition to the Italian Constitution violates the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
As the PRC Communist Party and Young Communist League strongly condemns this case we can define a national disgrace, ask the intervention of the judiciary and delle più alte cariche della Stato per ridare a questi bambini i loro diritti ed a tutti i cittadini democratici di mobilitarsi.

Friday, March 19, 2010

What Can I Use To Help My Broken Hair

Death to the godfather of the bars ChongqingDietro Lady Mafia

Wen Qiang, the boss of Chongqing, was sentenced to mid-April. Rape, corruption and complicity with the Chinese mafia. Wen, 54, has grossed more than two million dollars in bribes, has protected the Mafia and gang raped an unknown number of rising stars of cinema. It was the benchmark of organized crime and ended up with him in the dock over three thousand people in a vast crackdown judiciary that has shocked the whole of China.

Wen - who was deputy police chief for 16 years - had plenty of apartments and villas, a stable of luxury cars and a real treasure in antiques and works of art worth hundreds of millions of yuan.

is in trouble over his wife: Xiaoya Zhou, who was sentenced to eight years in prison, because - by harnessing the power of her husband - pocketed bribes.

well in prison in-law of Wen: Caiping Xie, sentenced to 18 years because they ran illegal gambling dens and drug trafficking. The "godmother" or lady Mafia - so they called the Chinese media - turned into luxury Mercedes, lived in luxury villas and had to be a "harem" of 16 young men ready to satisfy every sexual whim.