I provvedimenti di riordino della scuola superiore approvati yesterday by the Council of Ministers mark a return to the past heavy and reproduce a conception of education from class envy the minister fascist Giovanni Gentile. Beyond ad triumphalist government on corrections made to the regulations, which also was not released any written text, is a setting unacceptable separation of the different addresses, channeling early students, fewer hours, fewer laboratories, depletion content, technical and vocational education marginalization. The inspiration and education to fulfill the educational needs of students and of Foreign Students, the only parameters that should inspire a true reform, they are totally absent. The only concern of the government to cash in on the skin of public schools, by virtue of the vicious policy of cuts ordered by Tremonti. Proof of this is the crazy idea of \u200b\u200breducing class time in classes even after the first, which will continue to apply in the previous regulations. But this absurd
cut, further confirmation of the class and discriminatory character of the whole operation will be implemented only in technical and professional! The government wanted to proceed in haste without considering, if not in small part, the views of important advisory bodies (State Council, CNPI) and even the indications of, certainly the most acquiescent, most of the committees. The result is that students and students who must enroll in a few weeks the first year of high school will be forced to make a choice in the dark, in the absence of decrees that will define the layout of the lessons in terms of programs, objectives and content. Arrogance must not go unanswered. The opposition of the schools, which has already taken place many teachers' colleges, committees, unions and associations should be strengthened and extended to build a strong mobilization able to stop the destruction of the public school of this government.
Gennaro Loffredo, National Manager School PRC-SE
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