Friday, February 19, 2010

Lightweight Small Tripod Dslr

AMARCORD / Little Pete, the dandy of the most ruthless Chinatown

"Wherever he went, Little Pete was accompanied by a trusted servant who was carrying a chest full of precious and a box of toiletries. The most powerful boss of the Tong of San Francisco was a real dandy, very concerned about her physical appearance. Jewelry changed several times a day and never wore the same outfit two days running. Spent two hours every morning to comb, brush and oil the long tail of hair that she always shines. And of which he was inordinately proud. "

So the journalist Herbert Asbury describes Fung Jing Toy , the boss of the Chinatown of San Francisco at the end of '800 best known as "Little Pete". The charms and the vanity of the leaders of Chinese mafia does not seem to be never changed. Even today, Asian crime boss loves to show off luxury clothes and cars travel on dark for several thousand euro. Not to mention the bodyguards who carry at least a couple, to ensure calm parades through the streets of dozens of Chinatown around the globe. Even Pete Little, founder of the most ruthless Tong (so called the Triads born on American soil), it was always accompanied by heavily armed thugs. But it was precisely because of inattention to this detail (or perhaps because of excessive bravado), the gangster came under the crossfire of a rival clan.

Little Pete was very quickly able to gain control of Chinatown. Using his personal army of thugs, when thirty years had not even control the traffic of prostitution, extortion, racketeering, gambling and opium trade in the Californian city. But it was also a negotiator, as evidenced by the alleged alliance with the powerful Christopher Augustine Buckley, a businessman and influential member of the Democratic Party. On the evening of January 23, 1897, however, the "King of Chinatown" commits a fatal mistake. During one of his frequent visits to the barber on the corner of Washington Street and Waverly Place, carries only one of his soldiers and, shortly after sitting on the chair with a hot towel over his face, sent him to buy a newspaper. A chinatown

(photo by Arnold Gentha) such an occasion can not pass unnoticed. And when you see two killers, the action moves to action. One of them remains on guard outside. The other comes with the gun in his hand, grabs Little Pete for the long tail and shoots five shots at close range. Empire of the Young Fung Jing Toy collapses to 33 years. The war between the underworld of Chinese gangs in San Francisco has just begun.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Best Budget Car Head Unit

School: comes the Counter-Reformation, to be envied by the minister fascist Giovanni Gentile

I provvedimenti di riordino della scuola superiore approvati yesterday by the Council of Ministers mark a return to the past heavy and reproduce a conception of education from class envy the minister fascist Giovanni Gentile. Beyond ad triumphalist government on corrections made to the regulations, which also was not released any written text, is a setting unacceptable separation of the different addresses, channeling early students, fewer hours, fewer laboratories, depletion content, technical and vocational education marginalization. The inspiration and education to fulfill the educational needs of students and of Foreign Students, the only parameters that should inspire a true reform, they are totally absent. The only concern of the government to cash in on the skin of public schools, by virtue of the vicious policy of cuts ordered by Tremonti. Proof of this is the crazy idea of \u200b\u200breducing class time in classes even after the first, which will continue to apply in the previous regulations. But this absurd
cut, further confirmation of the class and discriminatory character of the whole operation will be implemented only in technical and professional! The government wanted to proceed in haste without considering, if not in small part, the views of important advisory bodies (State Council, CNPI) and even the indications of, certainly the most acquiescent, most of the committees. The result is that students and students who must enroll in a few weeks the first year of high school will be forced to make a choice in the dark, in the absence of decrees that will define the layout of the lessons in terms of programs, objectives and content. Arrogance must not go unanswered. The opposition of the schools, which has already taken place many teachers' colleges, committees, unions and associations should be strengthened and extended to build a strong mobilization able to stop the destruction of the public school of this government.

Eleonora Forenza, a member of the National Secretariat PRC-SE
Gennaro Loffredo, National Manager School PRC-SE

Friday, February 5, 2010

Knex Big Ball Factory Instructions

To understand the risks and benefits of nuclear

Civaux Nuclear Power Plant (France)
using water from the Vienne and consists of two units of 1500 MW.
And 'one of the most modern in France and yet it is the subject of numerous complaints by local people due to frequent breakdowns.

To open a broad debate on Nuclear I invite you to the first reading of the old pamphlet (untraceable)
" Hundred Questions on Nuclear " expressively published in the June 86 ( reproduced here with kind permission of Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso)
con articoli di Regge,Mattioli, Maltoni, Scalia
e vi invito poi a leggere l'ottimo articolo di Ugo Leone sulla Republica del 6 Febbraio 2010

+ Sole e vento sono migliori del nucleare
Repubblica — 06 febbraio 2010

FI N A L M E N T E . L a campagna elettorale comincia con un dibattito che merita massima attenzione: è il tema del nucleare. È un argomento che andrebbe affrontato e discusso al di là delle posizioni ideologiche, ma, inevitabilmente, non sarà così. Allora, presuntuosamente propongo qualche elemento di riflessione obiettiva. Ricordo che un paio di anni fa il ministro Scajola, illustrando la strategia governativa in materia di fonti di energia, disse che entro cinque anni saranno state messe le prime pietre per le prime centrali nucleari.
Quelle pietre non sono state messe e se si cominciasse oggi a metterle significherebbe che entro il 2015 si cominceranno a costruire centrali che diventeranno operative intorno al 2025.
Proviamo a ragionare su questi dati e sull' affermazione di Scajola e a farlo per assurdo. L' assurdo è dare per certo che si tratterà di centrali dell' ultimissima generazione e che queste siano assolutamente e provatamente sicure. e un' ipotesi di questo tipo può consentire di dimostrare la sempre più Limited danger of nuclear is not, however, able to demonstrate its real utility. Let me explain. The risk, of any type of risk and we all know that there is zero risk, depends not only on probability, however remote, that takes place over an event that can do harm to people or things, but mainly depends, of course, the presence of things and people. So to minimize the danger of a plant at risk of an accident it is important to the choice of the site that is as far as possible from people and things. Not only that: it is also necessary that the 'system arises in a safe area, that is not seismic and landslide.
Good. We now ask whether and where there is a set of coincidences in Italy come queste. Se e dove esiste considerando che 1.037 comuni pari al 13% del totale sono complessivamente interessati dalle norme previste dalla Direttiva Seveso e, quindi, si trovano in situazioni di rischio. Di questi 707, con una popolazione di circa 11,5 milioni di persone rientrano nelle aree a rischio di crisi ambientale. Aggiungiamo che l' Italia è un paese fortemente esposto a rischi naturali, e ci accorgiamo che su 8.101 comuni, 4.610 sono a rischio sismico, una trentina a rischio vulcanico e 2.875 quelli interessati da frane e smottamenti. Tutte tipologie di rischio umano e naturale che in molti casi si sommano. Aggiungiamo ancora che quasi il 12% del territorio nazionale è sottoposto ai vincoli derivanti dalla istituzione di Parchi, nazionali, regionali, oasie altre forme di protezione della natura. Se confrontiamo e sommiamo tutte queste situazioni, è lecito chiedersi: ma dove esistono in Italia siti nei quali sia possibile localizzare in sicurezza impianti a rischio? Non esistono e, tanto meno, ne esistono in Campania che è regione sismica, vulcanica, idrogeologicamente dissestata e con il 30% del territorio ricadente in aree naturali protette. O, per lo meno, non esistono in quantità tali da giustificare l' impegno anche economicamente molto rilevante di un investimento nel nucleare. Ciò perché questa è una scelta la quale, o si abbraccia in toto, come ha fatto la Francia e come si tentò di fare in Italia con il Piano Energetico Nazionale nel 1974, o non ha senso. Voglio dire that makes no sense to propose to do some 'of nuclear power, namely to build a number of plants capable of making a contribution to' energy supply 10-15% of the total, around, or about 15 million tonnes of oil equivalent. It makes no sense because 15-20 million toe can be produced "without firing a shot" using a realistic alternative and renewable energy sources: first of all the wind and the sun, renewable, clean, mature, and more competitive. I remembered to 'start quoting Scajola that the first nuclear power stations could be deployed between not less than 15 years. Add to wanting to produce nuclear-20% 's electric power, according to the' objective of the government, should be an investment of at least 25 billion. With the same amount in much less time and could be equipped with 500 wind farms of 20 turbines each. And this would be a choice not only more "reassuring" in terms of risk reduction, but also consistent with the decisions of 'the European Union to focus more on renewable sources conviction. Then the sun (mainly PV) and wind. But not only. In addition should not be overlooked, or rather too carefully explored the neglected field consists of the savings. That does not mean restriction and sacrifices, but the rationalization of the customs and fight against waste in the interests also of the duration of energy are being exhausted for those purposes for which it is difficult to find immediate alternative, del minor impatto ambientale e del risparmio economico familiare. In concreto, risparmio significa drastico taglio dei consumi di energia per la climatizzazione artificiale degli ambienti costruiti nei quali oggi si brucia annualmente oltre 30milioni di tep. E, contemporaneamente, massiccia sostituzione dei combustibili fossili (olio combustibile, ma anche metano) con il fotovoltaico e con il ricorso ad una "bioedilizia" nella quale le integrazioni per climatizzare gli ambienti siano ridotte al minimo indispensabile: d' inverno come d' estate. Risparmio significa anche intervenire sui modi di produzione industriale perché, comeè tecnicamente possibile, diventino meno energivori. Risparmio significa, soprattutto, interventi nella politica urban and suburban transport in addition to being large consumers of energy from fossil fuels, thereby also are the main culprits of 'air pollution' s release of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In conclusion: sun, wind and sober lifestyle is a recipe for a future not only "sustainable", but cleaner and safer. - UGO LEONE

Franc Liberto February 8, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

Waxing For Men By Female Singapore

The struggle continues: Manifestation anti-Gelmini February 5 in Vicenza! Somar

The Young Communist League of Vicenza support and animate the collective struggle of Public School Students, which now includes a multitude of students who recognize themselves in it, who are fighting alongside us for the withdrawal of the drawings Aprea law and Gelmini, as well as the withdrawal of the cuts of 8 billion euro imposed by the school's financial Tremonti. Originally the design and construction of this grassroots movement of students has gone from us, in the name of the student struggles to counter the counter-school settings, groped to overcome the age-old, useless and self-contradictions that have always opposed the UDS-REDS and so-called 'Disobbedienti' del Coordinamento Studentesco; per fortuna la risposta degli studenti rispetto alla costruzione di questo soggetto non si è fatta attendere, ed è straordinario vedere come decine di studenti che non hanno mai fatto alcuna esperienza di politica attiva sul territorio e nelle scuole ora si impegnano nel Collettivo. La cosa più bella di questa manifestazione, è che per la prima volta in tanti anni il movimento sfida il "generale Inverno", senza fermarsi dopo appena 3 mesi di autunno caldo, e per questo i compagni di lotta del Collettivo hanno saggiamente voluto invitare la presenza di altre organizzazioni provenienti dalle altre città del Veneto, visto che non c'erano altre iniziative simili; inoltre saranno presenti anche un certo number of teachers given support for the main event of the coordination of school workers in struggle, the Assembly Defence Public School. The event will start from the railway station at 8.30 am and as usual, we will be there with flyers, a banner and flags. Let's all be done for the success of this event, it is essential to demonstrate that among this sea of \u200b\u200bignorance and indifference, there are still those who resist, to build a real opposition to this Government of mobsters, fascists piduisti and recycled!