POLICY DOCUMENT ON REGIONAL ELECTIONS 2010 UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED 'BY POLITICAL COMMITTEE FEDERAL La linea politica che ha portato nel 2005 all’alleanza in Calabria con il centro sinistra, registra oggi, con le conseguenze disastrose delle politiche del governo Loiero, il più totale fallimento. Le giunte Loiero sono state, infatti, deludenti su tutti i terreni.
Prioritariamente va detto che non vi è stata in questi anni di governo di centro sinistra una netta rottura con le pratiche di potere del centro destra e degli uomini che quel potere incarnavano, anzi vi è stata semplicemente continuità; per cui i cosiddetti “poteri forti” contano come e più di prima. Le speranze e la fiducia riposte allora dai calabresi nel centro sinistra, le istanze di rinnovamento che provenivano dalla società sono state, nella reality, betrayed.
Because this is more than ever need a big break and a sharp break with the patronage and feudal practices perpetuated by this regional government and this majority, which can only occur with the twisting of this real system.
We believe that there can be no real fight lawlessness, the criminal powers of Freemasonry and mafias, the patronage, the modern transformation, the private use of institutions, public resources, public goods, if there is a radical change in the culture and practice of political action. Already
these reasons make it impossible to imagine a second application of Loiero, but if this were not enough, look at the socio-economic indicators that signal a sharp deterioration of social conditions and people's living in Calabria, a result not only of global economic recession but also of the environmental features of Calabria. The trend of current expenditure in recent years, an increase of the Regional, while the investment is reduced substantially. The inability of the expenditure on the ROP is thing now overt, while GDP per capita remains the lowest in Italy. In exchange, the GDP, which produces the 'Ndrangheta is 22,000 € per inhabitant per year. It is estimated that in 2007 the 'Ndrangheta has moved a turnover of € 44 billion, 2.9% of national GDP and seems to hold about 80% of the economy! The first report on SVIMEZ Calabria, shows, in addition to the primary responsibility of the government 's inability of the regional policy framework to address and resolve the real issues of backwardness of our historic region. With 320 000 people matches in 2007 and resumed the migration of the Calabrian Bible, mostly young graduates who complains about the biggest crime you can commit against Calabria spend resources, especially families, to make them professionals and then send them away. Three quarters of the unemployed are young people of Calabria (the highest percentage of Italy!), with a strong discrimination for women's work, a busy three works in black at work increase the dead (a figure that compared to the national trend against) and the average income per capita is one of the lowest in Italy, nearly 40% of the population lives below the poverty line; 254mila families are "disadvantaged". In this context it is clear that social policy is totally inadequate and almost non-existent policy for the job!
always Calabria in the weakness of the economic and social fabric, the limited presence of civil principals of public places to use for coexistence and a better quality of life, human and cultural growth, have focused the interest of all to politics as the only area able to absorb the needs and aspirations, ambitions, interests, desires for social advancement and personal enrichment.
The conquest of the consensus, the way of being in institutions, government action, even when not directly intertwined with criminal interests, it marked a clear dividing line since the objectives, practices and behaviors have not been finalized welfare collectively, to safeguard the rights of all, to overcome the poverty, backwardness, cultural and environmental degradation, and, finally, exploitation of natural resources and landscape. Degradation, social and civil insecurity due to the overall labor market, the destruction of the welfare state, misguided policies on waste, water and energy, has amplified the negativity of the government of Calabria.
In this context, in no way has helped to return to Calabria in the majority of our party and in addition, that, indeed, in the absence of real political change, was sucked into the logic of the system, losing the indoor unit and the external credibility.
Also with regard to programming of structural funds, our view can only be negative sia rispetto ai contenuti che al metodo: la cosiddetta nuova programmazione, pressoché identica a quella precedente, non disegna un nuovo modello economico e sociale, non introduce alcun meccanismo trasparente nella gestione e nell’erogazione della spesa.
L’agricoltura calabrese con la riforma della PAC e con la scellerata gestione da parte della Regione Calabria dei finanziamenti di Agenda 2000, è oramai al collasso e oggi non si vede nella nuova programmazione una inversione di tendenza.
Relativamente alla situazione scolastica, in assenza totale di una politica pensata per la “collettività”, provvedimenti indirizzati a pochi, quali i voucher individuali, le borse di studio per viaggi e campi scuola, non hanno minimamente alleviato i disastri provocati dai tagli e dal dimensionamento scolastico, che hanno aggravato ulteriormente il problema del precariato.
Sul versante della sanità, la cui terribile situazione è quotidianamente sotto gli occhi di tutti, vanificati di fatto gli effetti dell’inchiesta della Magistratura, denominata “Onorata Sanità”, che ci aveva fatto illudere sulla possibilità di cambiamento e di rottura con gli assetti di potere, si confermava che la sanità calabrese è stata sempre utilizzata come strumento per costruire fortune, elettorali e finanziarie, carriere personali e come crocevia per edificare quel “sistema Calabria” nel quale si incontrano e si intrecciano la politica, la 'Ndrangheta, masonry, parts of the institutions, the regional bureaucracy and the enterprise: in our region, "moral issue" and "criminal matter" merge and become a single issue that allows the sinking ship of poisons and distribution of toxic wastes in the territory of Crotone, in fact causing a real crisis of civilization.
exorbitant consolidated debt which amounts to over 2 billion €, is not matched by an improvement in the quality of public health services. Are long waiting lists and so-called voyages of hope. Hospitals continue to die. Of the proposals we put forward for the new regional health plan, and there 'no trace.
in 2007 were increased fees for private nursing homes and 15% in 2008 with the budget law and its budget were increased by a further 5%, even with the favorable vote of the representatives of the PRC. On July 18, 2008 was promulgated the law on permits and credits that greatly lowers the quality requirements.
Similarly, through nefarious political choices such as the introduction of the ticket, the redesign of a plan for dealing with individuals, is penalized by the offer of public health services and, consequently, the right to health. This would never accept it! We have always fought and we must continue to do so, against whom he considered and, consequently, used health as a place of enrichment, career and personal customers, political and professional.
For energy and environmental choices made show that Calabria is still seen as "no man's land", run by a political class unable to exploit their resources, which, indeed, defiles and degrades in the name of a pseudo- development, which in reality, leaves more and more. Last
shame, the regional law: "Regulations for the conduct of primary elections to select candidates for election as President of the Regional Council, whose request was unconstitutional even Government! Loiero-duo wanted by Bova, was a real attack on democracy, because it would have denied the right to secrecy of the vote.
We continue to support the center-left coalition, which already weighed the negative legacy of the previous center-right government, has failed because it failed to programs and has not scored any discontinuity. Who is responsible for the failure of the center-left must be overcome and we must turn the page to give a new hope for change in Calabria.
For this, the communists we appeal to women and men of the center-left to women and workers, organized or not, so, parties, in the unions, associations, movements, operate synergistically, to give a true perspective of Calabria economic and social development.