Gelmini gives the numbers, in every sense
E ' started early this morning, the day the minister of public education, Mariastella Gelmini, who - already at nine - he was awake and ready to respond, from the microphones of "Radio Me too," listeners' questions on the new school year which begins every other day and the problems associated with reform Tremonti-Gelmini.
A veritable barrage of questions - the standard anti-insecure, the Vatican's letter on the time of religion, textbooks - which has forced the minister, during transmission, to dust off all the old propaganda arsenal anti-left to try to cover the clamor of protests from the square and come in Italian homes now more than 10 days. The precarious
an ancient problem "With the decision to support the alternate year, thanks to an agreement with the INPS and the Ministry of Labour, we can guarantee these people the allowances' of unemployment and a preferential way for the completion of the short supply teachers or the possibility of staying in school. "
He made his debut as the minister trying to grab the merits (which did not) than a temporary problem that would not have (in addition to insecurity, in fact) if there was dancing in its reform.
The minister, however, is not happy he said "the discomfort is real, job insecurity is the biggest social problem which affects young people because it leads to lack confidence, not being able to choose and plan their future. The attempt of the left - said the Gelmini - to ascribe the responsibility of this government's precarious financial or above is a misguided attempt because insecurity is an issue that our country was born in the '70s and '80s when they made competition by failing to provide a defined number of places. "
"I do not want to be responsible for the increased number of temporary workers - said the minister - I feel like a responsibility to minister to answer and I think it was important to the operation verità che abbiamo fatto mettendo in evidenza le luci ma anche le ombre che esistono all'interno della scuola”.
La conferenza stampa a Palazzo Chigi Un’operazione “verità” che è proseguita - per ovvi motivi di opportunità (sotto al ministero c’erano i precari incatenati a protestare) - nella conferenza stampa a palazzo Chigi, sede del Governo, in cui - riprendendo gli stessi argomenti e ampliando il ragionamento - la Gelmini ha dato prova di tutta la sua capacità nel dare i numeri o meglio, nel girarseli a suo comodo alla bisogna.
Rispetto all’ora di religione, la ministra ha ribadito il so concetto per cui “non è corretto trasformare religious instruction at school for a time when other faiths to be taught in an equal, "claiming, therefore," that the teaching of religion should be respected as is "because, he said, would not be" but it is an hour of catechism hour in-depth content and values \u200b\u200bof the Catholic religion. " Gelmini said it was therefore acceptable, the request came from the church to equate religious instruction in other subjects (with the same need for systematic and rigor).
not objectionable, except that the sentence no 76/09 of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court (to which the same minister should be fulfilled, as appropriate), allowing the application by 24 subjects, including the Evangelical Churches and the Union of Jewish communities, has already laid down - reversing the order of the then Education Minister Giuseppe Fioroni - that " teaching of ethical and religious, which is closely related to the individual faith, it can not be evaluated in terms of learning achievement "and, therefore, that the state can not" give a confession to a particular position "dominant" that violates ideological and religious pluralism. " The numbers of
Gelmini Proceeding then the illustration of the data statistical office of the ministry, the minister said that "this year with the introduction of master prevalent in primary schools and the abolition of co-presence in more than 50 000 children will have the full-time: 35,000 in the first primary and the other from the second onwards. "
Already this is a starting a little strange in the mouth of a minister who had made a "reduction of school hours" his battle cry (this year will average 30 hours). But the real treat comes in the disarticulation of the data relative to the choices of parents.
"Thanks to data provided by the office Statistics of the Ministry of Education - said Gelmini - now the truth comes out: the disaster predicted by the left, following the reform of primary school approved by the Government, has not occurred. "
a way as any to change the tables, falsifying data and confounding (reminds us of someone?) What was said earlier.
"The 69.6 per cent of households - said Gelmini, surrounded by the leaders of the ministry - he preferred the single master reference.
do not know where you pull out those numbers, but the truth is otherwise. We know, and we have the evidence. Mariastella Gelmini, In fact, it confuses the time that families could choose the school enrollment of children in early grades of primary school, with a single teacher. Then continue with the distortion in the communication: "The 58.6 per cent of households chose the 30 hours, 11 percent of 24 to 27 hours." It is at this point that leaps out at the flop. That of 11 per cent of families who have chosen the 24 and 27 are the only ones who have truly accepted the single teacher and are, in fact, nothing but the rejection of the government's policy of cuts on schools.
In fact, if we add to 58.6 percent of families who have chosen the extended hours (30 hours) il 30,4 per cento di famiglie che hanno scelto il tempo pieno (40 ore) arriviamo ben oltre l’80 per cento di ragazzi che potranno usufruire, in virtù dell’orario, del secondo maestro.
Altro che vittoria della politica governativa. Siamo in presenza di una sonora bocciatura da parte degli utenti dopo quella comminata dal corpo insegnante.
Sosteniamo tutte le lotte dei precari e degli studenti Da mesi i precari della scuola, docenti e ATA, si stanno mobilitando per la difesa del diritto al lavoro e della qualità dela scuola della Repubblica. Sul Governo grava la responsabilità di tagli feroci che mirano a distruggere la scuola pubblica a tutto vantaggio delle scuole private.
A farne le spese are precarious, summarily dismissed after years of service, all teachers, forced to work in overcrowded classrooms and impossible conditions, the students, which in essence denied the constitutional right to education. The same government architect of the massacre at the expense of social and civil school these days is giving rise to the staging of so-called "contracts for availability.
A real scam that aims at peace in exchange for a little cash, that discriminates between precarious Series A and Series B, which produces different treatments of unstable regions, which does not give any response nor in employment or on the quality of the school. How Young
Communists and Communist Refoundation We therefore ask that the Regional Councillor for Education and Employment abandon this path and undertake specifically to support the demands for the withdrawal of the temporary cuts, restoring funding to public school and taking up permanent all vacancies.
the time being, we ask that the work is guaranteed to all teachers and ATA fired in schools through the establishment of a functional body, necessary to restore the quality standards affected by government intervention.