The Northern League, known for tough positions and moralistic about prostitutes and safety, finds himself one of the perpetrators of this line of apparent intransigence on the territory meddled in affairs that are not quite consistent with the jacket, or rather hypocritical mask he wears.
hidden behind the guise of security to the League's commissioner, in the town of Vicenza Barbarano, operates two online sites with ads for sexual services. Redhead and trans paid € 150 per month to place their bids.
Alessandro Costa is then investigated by the Prosecutor of Padua for the hypothesis of exploitation of prostitution. The police in the company of Padova have searched his home and offices in an investigation Councillor on exploitation of prostitution, which sees some Internet sites at the center red light, active addresses "bestannunci ', already blocked by the flying squad of Verona in March last year.
Costa, who works as a traffic cop in another town of Vicenza, is suspected by investigators to be at the top of the organization that did business with the ads on these hot dating sites. According to the findings from surveys, coordinated by Vartan pm Giacomelli, Costa de facto owner of the web addresses 'bestannunci.us' and 'bestannunci.in', which refer to another similar connection, with two accomplices allegedly used with the task Vicenza Agents of canvassers clienti nell’ambiente della prostituzione - soprattutto lucciole dell’est europeo e trans sudamericani. Clienti, circa un centinaio, che pagavano un canone mensile di circa 150 euro per pubblicare le loro offerte di appuntamento sui siti.
Alessandro Costa era finito nei guai alcuni mesi fa per aver smarrito la pistola d’ordinanza, e per questo era stato cautelativamente sospeso dal suo incarico di agente della polizia municipale, in un altro comune del Vicentino. Nelle prossime ore, secondo quanto si è appreso, dovrebbe essere formalizzata anche la revoca nei suoi confronti di tutte le deleghe da assessore alla sicurezza nel Comune di Barbarano.
Nel pomeriggio è arrivata la sospensione dalla Lega decisa dal segretario Provincial Paolo Franco, "waiting for the activities of the investigators and the judiciary enters the appropriate investigations and whether or not there its responsibilities."