Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tattooed Female Genitials

eat and sleep in the same apartment where they are forced into prostitution, so they are available around the clock for customers. Maximum flexibility and dedication to work. The rhythms are those from slavery to which we have become accustomed to the Mafia in the East. And so in about sixty lodges operated by the Barcelona boss chinatown also apply different rates: if the almond-eyed girl ends up in the hands of a English pay fifty euro, his compatriot, however, is the discount .

The Catalan police estimated that there are about three hundred Chinese women exploited in Barcelona. And according to the newspaper El Periodico , the local red-light run from an evil Asian are mainly concentrated in the Eixample district, not to mention the "massage parlors" are often inclined to performance additional and brothels reserved for Chinese immigrants.

A system difficult to dismantle because the people who make ads for clients, those who rent the premises and "madame" that run the brothels are never the same people. But what worries most of the investigators is that behind the prostitution is well-structured organization . Which, of course, not limited to the round of ring.

The police have identified three large families that are also active in the field of extortion, counterfeiting and wear. But above all, in the trafficking of human beings. Thousands of euro paid to clan to get to Spain and then, once they arrive at their destination, finding a job. An illegal network that often hides scenarios enslavement that in some cases also involved English citizens. As in the case of an industrialist in Girona that employed Chinese men and women in his company for more than two months. The pay? Forty euro for twelve hours a day.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Erection In Public Shower

respective card "via crucis" of retired

Easter is yet to come but the "Via Crucis" for too many retirees in our province of Catanzaro began long before ... They do not carry the cross on his shoulders but the "social card" ... A indecency for hundreds of thousands of retirees (with the crisis also needs a dime seen the miserable pensions) that have undergone a real ordeal ... "Fourteen Stations": the way from retirement to lead the praetorian of Pilate to the tomb ... The first station starts a CAAF patronage or to be informed, which then return with the necessary documentation for the release of 'ISEE. If everything is in place and do not receive any nasty surprises, in many cases for a few cents is not for the card, with documentation in hand the unfortunate pensioners go to present it in a row, at the post office. After these first "station" is a period of "waiting" ... The first when INPS collects applications to ascertain the requirements (not always successful), the second wait after sending the card because it has to come from the Minister of Finance on Pin: the numeric code which allows the use of electronic devices only to those in the know. The days go by but the "famous" code does not reach many. At this point there is a way "forced" other three "stations" at the post office and asked the INPS to INPS (the ballet) to learn, in many cases, the pin because the card does not arrive, the findings not for ... Anger and mortification. But the "lucky" yet the "stations" are not over because, after receiving the Pin, finally go to the grocery store and fill a cart, but, with regret, shame and humiliation many are forced to put everything in place on the shelves because the popular social card, like a flag unfurled by Tremonti, is empty ...
Only a devilish mind could conceive of a tortuous and complicated process to receive alms from 40 Euro per month, in time of crisis, no one despises ...
But it was easier to send these "slices" through the board while avoiding, among other things, an enormous cost? The social card, in fact, is not at zero cost because people with their taxes should pay for the physical production of the card, the percentage for the operators, charging and letters, some 15 million euro ... a huge waste of resources and a clogging of the offices of INPS and Post Office, whose employees, to dispose of the files have been scrambling for answers at times, inconclusive ... The saddest part of this story is that they have been humiliated the most disadvantaged, the poor, the last of the social scale ... A Lenten obligation, fasting and penance, which the Catholic Church begins 40 days before Easter, but that for Italian pensioners, and for many Calabrian started nel mese di dicembre dell’anno scorso…

Piero Mascaro
Segretario Provinciale

Friday, March 27, 2009

What Does All The Colors On The Shag Band Mean??

Sarpi red blood

Chinese blood to flow back through the streets of Milan. A month dall'agguato blows of the ax in Parenthesis disco is back to hiss the blades. In front of the restaurant "Long Chang" in the heart of Italy's largest Chinatown, the body of a man of 34 years. On the sidewalk Via Paolo Sarpi, the corpse his throat cut by a knife. Not far away a woman's shoe. One detail that the second, the investigators could bring murder in a matter of honor for the sake of passion.

Shortly before, according to some witnesses, had entered a Chinese restaurant assaulting two fellow countrymen. One - as mentioned - is dead and the other was injured in a serious way. The latter would be the former boyfriend of one of two women who were at the table with the victims.

difficult however to say whether we are facing a cavelleria rusticana Chinese or the last episode of war between gangs. Or, if it is a settling of scores , magari per un debito non saldato o una tangente non versata. E' certo, comunque, che se questo delitto è da ricollegare a un eccesso di gelosia, qualcosa si è rotto a chinatown.

Dissidi di questo tipo, in genere, vengono risolti attraverso la mediazione e la trattativa . Una donna che mette l'uno contro l'altro due cinesi spesso può essere una questione da risolvere con una semplice somma di denaro. Turbare la quiete della comunità asiatica con il sangue è una soluzione estrema che solo un boss può autorizzare.
Guarda il video di C6TV

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pathophysiology Of Myoma Uteri

press conference membership event

Sabato 28 marzo, alle ore 11.30, presso la sala del gruppo di Rifondazione Comunista del Comune di Catanzaro, si terrà una conferenza stampa per spiegare le ragioni dell’adesione alla grande manifestazione nazionale del 4 aprile indetta dalla CGIL che si terrà a Roma (Circo Massimo).

Ufficio Stampa

Baby Shower Chap Stick

The Boss in Chinatown in Sky TG24

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sound Tv To Receiver Hdmi

The match ended with a score of 16 to 28 for the Frogs

Inizia con il piede sbagliato il campionato dei Bobcats Parma. Domenica, infatti, le linci si sono arrese ai Frogs Legnano che li hanno scavalcati di due touch down. La partita era iniziata nel migliore dei modi per i ducali con un touchdown nel primo quarto di Palmer e una trasformazione di Urbano da due punti che non ostante una meta degli avversari (mattia Binda) e la trasformazione da uno ha tenuto i Bobcats in vantaggio per tutto il primo tempo. Non contento del primo touch down Palmer si ripete nel secondo quarto con una meta ancora più bella di quella precedente grazie ad una ricezione in tuffo direttamente in endzone cogliendo il passaggio di 36yds di Amadasi. Lo stesso Amadasi sigla l'extrapoint e sono altri due punti per i Bobcats. Appena prima della pausa però un intercetto distrugge il vantaggio parmigiano; infatti Gangale dei Frogs riporta l'intercetto fino and a touchdown in incredible transformation as a football game first stopped and then recovered on the fly from Thomas Magagnini that manages to reach the goal area, Mandanda teams to rest upon the score of 16-15 in favor of the Bobcats. In the second half those who take to the field are no longer the Bobcats who played the first half nellla game. Probably because of the large number of players forced the Bobcats to the dual role and sit for the entire second half of the game suffer Frogs both offense and defense. The attack Parma, in fact, does not react and just ends, many throwing almost all incomplete and some races, however, do not get huge profits. The defense giving you leave to go to opponents two touch down on travel (both runningback Rino fat) in one of 60yds.
The match ended with a score of 16 to 28 for the Frogs. At the end
statistics say that the Bobcats have launched and completed a large number of yards (Amadasi has completed 15 launches out of 30 attempts for a total of 190 yds, including Palmer, best receiver in camp, received a six launches total of 106 yards), ran almost as much as the Frogs (about 200 yds), \u200b\u200bbut statistics also confirm that the results of the Bobcats have been concentrated only in the first two quarters while the Forgs, more continuous, are "spread" throughout the game.
The next match sees the Bobcats committed against the Gladiators Rome. The trip promises very challenging, both because the lynx will be down the many hours of buses needed to get to Rome, and because the Gladiators are famous for being a team that does not give up easily and can maintain a high rate until the end. The risk is that the "shortness of breath" that has influenced the game against the Frogs can also damage the game against Roma. We'll see if the move failed to defeat the Bobcats, and if something is served to make it clear to young lynx how to finish a game because they have proved that they are able to start in the best way but it lacks the impetus to finish as they began.
See you in Rome,

Auto Cars Industry Bailout

Parma The match ended with a score of 16 to 28 for Parma Football Frogs

Start with the wrong foot of the league Bobcats Parma. Sunday, in fact, the lynx have surrendered to the Legnano Frogs who have passed over two touch down. The match had begun in the best way for the Dukes with a touchdown in the first quarter Palmer and a transformation of Urban by two points despite a goal of the opponents (Matthew Binda) and transformation by the Bobcats held the lead throughout the first half. Not happy with the first touch down Palmer is repeated in the second quarter with a goal even more beautiful than before thanks to a diving reception in the end zone directly taking the step of Amadasi 36yds. The same acronym Amadasi extrapoint and the other two points for the Bobcats. Just before the break but an interception Parmesan destroys the advantage, because of Gangale Frogs back up the interception and a touchdown in incredible transformation as a football game first stopped and then recovered on the fly from Thomas Magagnini that manages to get up in-goal area, Mandanda teams to rest upon the score of 16-15 in favor of the Bobcats. In the second half those who take to the field are no longer the Bobcats who played the first half nellla game. Probably because of the large number of players forced the Bobcats to the dual role and sit for the entire second half of the game suffer Frogs both offense and defense. The attack Parma, in fact, does not react and just ends, many throwing almost all incomplete and some races, however, do not get huge profits. The defense let go giving their opponents two touch down on travel (both runningback Rino fat) in one of 60yds.
The match ended with a score of 16 to 28 for Frogs. At the end
statistics say that the Bobcats have launched and completed a large number of yards (Amadasi has completed 15 launches out of 30 attempts for a total of 190 yds, including Palmer, best receiver in camp, received a six launches total of 106 yards), ran almost as much as the Frogs (about 200 yds), \u200b\u200bbut statistics also confirm that the results of the Bobcats have been concentrated only in the first two quarters while the Forgs, more continuous, are "spread" throughout the game.
The next match sees the Bobcats committed against the Roma Gladiators. The trip promises very challenging, both because the lynx will be down the many hours of buses needed to get to Rome, sia perchè i Gladiatori sono famosi per essere una squadra che non demorde facilmente e che riesce a mantenere un ritmo elevato fino alla fine. Il rischio è quindi che la "mancanza di fiato" che ha condizionato la partita contro i Frogs possa danneggiare anche la partita contro Roma. Staremo a vedere se la sconfitta è riuscita a muovere qualcosa nei Bobcats e se sarà servita per fare capire alle giovani linci come fare a concludere una partita visto che hanno dimostrato che sono in grado di iniziare nel migliore dei modi ma gli manca la spinta per finire come hanno iniziato.
Ci vediamo a Roma,

Monday, March 16, 2009

Simple Machines Clip Art


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nokia 7610 Supernova Firmware

American Football Bobcats vs Parma Frogs before

Inizia il campionato F.I.F. 2009 dei Bobcats Parma con una sfia impegnativa contro i Frogs Legnano. Il kick off, domenica l 13 marzo, è previsto alle 15,00 allo stadio Fratelli Mordacci di Baganzola.
Quest'anno, però, oltre al grande lavoro fatto dal coaching staff di Picelli vi sarà anche coach Arnette. Domenica infatti vi sarà l'esordio del nuovo coach d'oltreoceano che guiderà l'attacco e che potrà aiutare i Bobcats a superare i Frogs.
La giornata di domenica, però, non sarà solo la prima partita di campionato ma sarà anche una great festival of football for Parma. Will in fact set up a "SPONSR VILLAGE" which will be presented to sponsors, television and newspapers as well as all the fans and the team in early 2009. The program, in fact, provides for the opening of the gates at noon to allow those who wish it, pasare of the entire day with the Bobcats (lunch included). In addition, the game ends, the sponsor village "will consegati the" Fair Play Award "and the" Premio Bledar "during the third time (the custom features that, for some time, Bobcats games).
The program provides at: 12:00
opening Sponsor Village
12:30 13:00
buffet beginning of the presentation team in 2009
14: 00 prepatita (tasting sweet, bitter coffee)
15:00 kick-off 17:30
third time