BRIEF EXPLANATION OF THE FACTS FROM NEAR The magnolias in question were placed in
CUTTING CORELLI village of Alford
via cuorbalestro No. 31.
now back in February 2006 I bought a house in the country where the south side of the yard I found three beautiful magnolias (see photo 2) with almost half a century of life.
After about 5 months from July 2006 and then in my next (no. 29) begins to accuse me of giving him trouble with the leaves produced by trees in question.
From here begins a relentless (in buoni rapporti) di cosa fare per questi alberi.
Io mi rendo disponibile economicamente per eventuali danni prodottio dalle piante ,raccogliere foglie ,ecc ma il mio vicino non ne vuole sapere fino ad un accordo ...
Avrei potatato gli alberi tempo permenttendo.
Cosi a gennaio 2008 ho provveduto a mie spese a potare in maniera drastica e ovviamente a mio malincuore le piante per accontentar le richieste dell'albericida (vedi foto 2), vorrei precisare che durante la potatura il vicino era assolutamente presente aiutandomi anche al trasporto dei rami caduti nella sua proprieta' all'interndo della mia e pausa caffe' offerta da lui.
Da quell'atto tutto sembrava assolutamente risolto in buon e concordi rapporti... INVECE...
THE DAY 17/05/2008 Mr. albericida to my knowledge or of his own accord, 'I Hub complete denture branches remained on his property' (see photo 2) creating a situation abhorrent and anti-aesthetic, but what most 'has almost condemned me to a death plant CERT (see photo 3)
I remained astonished by hatred of those plants and I will dig further threatened that 'a foss0 feet deep near the trees to eradicate the roots with TOTAL DEATH OF POOR Magnolia. I'm just being
shelters I've called the police who advised me to sue the cicino but almost certainly without repercussions ...
I have a photo dating back to 1988 measured by the IGM
Who assured me the 'USOCAPIONE or the right of the poor live in trees. SOME MAY
Duno MI 'Help save these plants?
'm desperate.
please help me to save from the fury of two beautiful magnolia trees near which I SWEAR I do not understand why all this wickedness.